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Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:52 pm
by Nick
26 NOV19

Mass 6.2

WPU (BW + 35lbs) 4 sets x 3 reps
OHP (145lbs) 4 x 3
Squat (270lbs) 4 x 3

27 NOV19

Lunchbreak run,
3 miles on the treadmill, 27:00 flat.

28 NOV19

Mass 6.3

WPU (BW + 35lbs) 3 sets x 3 reps, only got 2 reps on the 4th set
OHP (145lbs) 4 x 3
Squat (270lbs) 4 x 3

That finishes up this 6 week cycle of Mass. Felt pretty good. I can see that my shoulders/traps/neck are larger than they were 6 weeks ago. The 145 on the overhead and 270 on the squat are big numbers for me, so I'm excited at how easy they went up. I'm going to force progress on all three exercises in the cluster, even though those WPU felt pretty nasty this week.

I'm going back to Zulu now that I have a little more time on my hands. I've really missed doing bench and deads, and I'm pumped to put them back in the mix again. My cluster will be the following;

Chins (BW)
Hand-release Pushups (to prep for the new ACFT)

Weighted PU
Leg Tuck (also added to prep for the ACFT)

For conditioning, I'm going to be trying to hit some run-specific goals. This will entail building my aerobic base and just getting back in the habit of longer runs, and then adding in a few speedwork sessions. On the mental side, I want to shift from "cardio" (i.e., the broccoli on the plate next to the steak of "lifting") to "running", a sport/hobby/activity with goals and personal records that have equal weight in my mind as gym PRs.

I find that while I really like knowing exactly what to do when I walk into a weight room, I find that overly prescriptive conditioning plans bring out my inner rebellious toddler, causing me go off script and torpedo my progress. As such, I'm going with a much looser plan than I have in the past. Running for next week is 5-6 easy runs of 30-45 min.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:04 pm
by Nick
30 NOV19

3 mile run, 28:24. I worked on Thursday, so I did Thanksgiving on Friday. This run definately felt like the day after Thanksgiving. Ugh.

1 DEC19

3.5 miles, 32:35. Felt pretty good.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:47 am
by Nick
2 DEC19

3.51 miles, 32:51. Felt pretty good.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:01 pm
by Nick
2 DEC19

Zulu 1.1

Chinups (BW) 5x5
OHP (115) 5x5
Deads (265) 5x5
Pushups (Hand Release) 5 sets of 11 reps

Felt good to be doing deads again. The pushups added about 10-15 min to my workout, which I didn't like. But, I felt a good pump afterword, which I did like.

I've been super-setting my chins and OHP since the start of my last cycle. So, it goes chin-ups, quickly catch my breath, OHP, two minute rest (using timer), repeat. Its been saving me a ton of time. Don't tell KB.

I'd like to get some abs in there somehow, but I'm "crunched" (haha) for time already.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:08 am
by Nick
4 DEC19

Zulu 1.2

Chins (BW) 5x5
Bench (185) 5x5
Squat (215) 5x5
Leg Tucks 3 reps x 5 sets

Good workout. Leg Tucks feel weird and awkward, but this is maybe the 3rd time I've ever tried them.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:46 am
by Nick
5 DEC19

3.5 mile run, 32:10. Didn't wanna go, but I'm glad I did.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 6:04 pm
by Nick
5 DEC19

Zulu 1.3

Chinups (BW) 5x5
OHP (115) 5x5
Deads (265) 5x5
Pushups (Hand Release) 5 sets of 11 reps

Felt good.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:43 am
by Nick
6 DEC19

Ran 3.5 miles. 32:17. Felt good.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:12 pm
by Nick
6 DEC19

Zulu 1.4

Chins (BW) 5x5
Bench (185) 5x5
Squat (215) 5x5
Leg Tucks 3 reps x 5 sets

Week 1 in the books.

Re: Nick's Log

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:17 pm
by Nick
7 DEC19

Ran 3.5 miles, 32:07. Feeling good today.