Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Back squat x5 70 kg
BW Dips x6
BW pull-ups x6
X 3 rounds

30 min LSS
3.35 km
Avg pace 8:58 min/km
Avg Hr 142 bpm

First run back after my plantar fascia issues. I can feel a bit of tightness but no pain in my foot. Ill take things easy and build back up.

I will be keeping the weights light as I transition back to bjj. I am done chasing big weights. I am looking to work on my endurance and work towards building a high level base for specialist groups for work. Endurance and durability have always been my weakness and I am looking to change that.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

1:10 min LSS walk with boots and the little dude in his baby carrier.

Distance:5.56 km
Avg pace12:36 min/km
Avg Hr 99 bpm

Just getting some easy kms in under a little bit of load. Eventually I’ll add a proper weight vest as well as my human one haha.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Back squat x5 70kg
BW dips x5
BW pull-ups x5
X 3 rounds

30 min LSS walk with the little dude in his carrier.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Warmup 10 mins walk 0.91km

LSS run
30 min
Distance:3.42 km
Avg pace:8:47 per km
Avg HR:153bpm

20 min cooldown walk

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Walk, general warmup

Back squat/ benchpress warmup
40,60 x5 alternating sets

Back squat

5 min rest


5 min rest

X10 (strict)

Decided to test my lifts today as my current cycle has been all over the place. I decided to go for rep maxes in my lifts. I weigh around 76kg and decided to go for reps with 80 kg. I was reasonably happy and stopped both sets before true failure.

I am still having issues with my plantar fasciitis but my back is definitely much better.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

500m run
Side lunge x8
Hamstring march x10
Gluten bridge x10

5rm testing

Front squat 70kg
Rack deadlift 100kg
Strict OHP 40kg

Cooldown walk and lower leg calf rolling

I am doing my usual trip outside TB programming. I like to do this every now and then to mix things up. I will still log here, but won’t post all details as I am paying for an online programming service and respect there intellectual property.
I stuck with conservative maxes as the program is very high volume compared to what I usually do with TB conditioning wise.

TB is still my main and most recommended program. I just like to occasionally go outside of it and see what other stuff is out there. I need the occasional mix up to stay motivated after years of training.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

3 rounds
Skipping x30
Lateral step up x10 ea side
Horizontal row x10
1 leg hamstring stretch x10 ea side

30 min
15 sec sprint/2 min recovery

20 min
High pull x10
60 sec handstand
V up x 20

Calf smash,stretch and upper back stretch

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Warmup 3 rounds
250m run
30x lunges
10x reverse shrugs
10x inchworm

5 rounds
10x ring row
10x pushpress (bar)
10x bw squat
10x superman

Cool down walk

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Warmup x3 rounds

1 min stationary bike
Inch worm x5
Squat x15
Dead bug x10

7 rounds
40 sec hill sprint/2 min rest

10 rounds
Ring dips x5
Skipping 40 reps
High pullsx10
Plank x30secs

Shoulder/calf mobility

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today’s training

Skipping x100
Lat stretch 15 secs ea side
Wall walk x3
Wall squat x5

10 rounds for time

Snatch deadlift 40kgx5
Mountain climbers x12
Good morning 20kgx 5
Bent knee leg raise x7


Couch stretch x2 min ea side

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