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Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 7:15 pm
by malander93
Have had a pretty crazy end to my week with family and personal stuff. Got my pull ups done throughout and did my SE day at 90%, only 2 rounds though. Moving on.

12/10/18 Week 3, Day 1. FBG + FPP
Hex DL 3x5@265#
Bench 3x5@150#
Pull Ups 8,7,6,5,4

Run 6.2 miles, 60 minutes

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 7:29 pm
by malander93
12/11/18 FBG, Week 3, Day 2 E + FPP

Swam 3700 yards total. Can't remember the entire workout specifically but we did a mixture of warmed up with 900 yards (500 free, 4x100 free/stroke) 200/50s, 100/50s alternating freestyle and choice stroke and ended with some 50s kicking with fins. Beginning to feel like I remember what swimming is like, and holding a 1:15 pace for 100yds isn't the worst thing in the world.

Pull ups are pretty difficulty after a good swim. Got em in though. 8,7,6,5,5

The end of this week is going to be hectic. My girlfriend graduates from grad school and my sister is getting married. Planning ahead so I can workout around those things.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:18 pm
by malander93
Been on the road for the last couple of weeks for work and for family stuff. I was able to finish week 5 of my plan with all of the pull ups and only a few corners cut on my SE. I also managed about 15 miles of running for the last two weeks. I decided to take a week off this week per the suggestion of my aching back, knees and shoulders. I thought pretty hard about whether I should finish week 6, my higher intensity week before starting SE, but given the fact that my maxes jumped considerably from my last block (100# DL, 50ish# Bench) and my body is beginning to groan a bit I don't think it is a good idea. Might have needed to use even more conservative training maxes and will keep that in mind in the future. I plan on starting my 3 weeks of SE and found this article very helpful

I want to do

Push Up/Squat
Pull Up/KB OH Press

for my main circuit. I also want to play around with adding facepulls/deadbugs at the end with just half the prescribed reps to make sure my back and shoulders are getting the "prehab" they need without overdoing it - focusing on rotator cuff, periscapular, and transverse abdominis strength-endurance. I plan on continuing my LISS E work. On one of my runs I was able to go 5 miles at ~8 min pace and sprint the last .5 at 6:42 pace. That is something I have not done before and is giving me some confidence in the aerobic capacity dept.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:48 pm
by malander93
12/31/18, FBG, Week "7" Day 1, SE

Push Up/Squat x30
Press/Pull Up x15(2x15#)/x4
KB RDL/Sit Up x30(2x35#)/x30


1/1/19 FBG, Week "7" Day 2, E

Run 5.6 miles, 55 minutes

1/2/19 FBG, Week "7" Day 3, SE

Push Up/Squat x35
Press/Pull Up x15(30# ruck plate)/x5
KB RDL/Sit Up x35(2x35#)/x35


1/3/19 FBG, Week "7" Day 4, E

Ruck w/ 35# load, 3.2 miles, 67 minutes.