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Re: ML's log

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 12:26 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 1
Squat: 180x3x5
Bench press: 110x3x5
Pull up: BWx3x5 (last 2 sets rest-pause style)

Last two days were rest days and I didn't do anything except yard work. I was feeling a bit stiff this morning, so I'll do extra mobility work this week-end.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:04 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 2
Down to 6 rounds in 23:56; 7-6rth rounds: push-ups; 6th round: chin up

I overestimated my capacity to finish this workout. Overall, it's only 55 reps of each exercise, but the pull-ups and the plyo push ups really exhausted me. I still completed 40 reps, but I had to use chin ups instead of pull ups and regular push ups instead of plyo push ups. I'll try it again in my next block (after BB) and I hope I'll do better next time. I'm not looking forward to yard work this afternoon.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:29 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 3
Front squat: 150x3x5
Military press: 65x3x5
Chin up: BWx3x5
Sit up: BWx3x15

I am suprisingly not too sore from yesterday's session. Today, everything felt light and crisp. I've been doing some modifications to my eating habits and I think it's already paying off. Will report back in another week or two.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 2:46 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 4
60 mins LSS run
4.72 miles in 1:00:14 (12:45 min/mile) @ 148 bpm

It was hot and humid this morning and I ran only about an hour after breakfast, so I felt kind of slow and sluggish. I also tried to breathe only through my nose. I'm not sure if it will make any difference but I will report back after BB phase.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:13 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 5
Squat: 180x3x5
Bench press: 110x3x5
Deadlift: 185x3x5

Re: ML's log

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 2:47 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 4, day 6
Meat eater 2
6 rounds (24kg KB)

I think I'll keep this HIC workout in my rotation, as it's the only one where I swing KBs (most others are running based). The goal will be to keep adding a round every time until I reach 10 rounds, then I'll start over at 5 rounds with a heavier KB. Currently, I only have 16, 24 and 32 kg KBs at home, but it's more than enough for now. The hard part right now is the burpees :cry: Rest day tomorrow, but my body is holding up just fine. 15-30 minutes of mobility work every day and keeping my workout time under 1 hour is making a huge difference.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 3:41 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 5, day 1
Squat: 205x3x3
Bench press: 125x5x3
Pull up: BWx5x3

I'll up the volume on upper body movements. Since my squat is ok and I'm looking at increasing my mileage and improving my running, I'll keep the minimum volume for squat/deadlift.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:35 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 5, day 2
Oxygen debt 101
2 rounds

This sucked more than the Anaerobic capacity that I did earlier in my cycle, so it's a keeper. After my last sprint, gasping for air, someone came out of his house to give me a water bottle. Those sprints with relatively short rest periods were so hard on my lungs. It's probably because I'm not a good runner, but even in BJJ I'm not hurting this much. I'm in desperate need of sucking less, so I'm thinking of doing a specific 5K running plan after BB.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:12 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 5, day 3
Front squat: 170x3x3
Military press: 75x5x3
Chin up: BWx5x3

I've been drinking more coffee than usual lately and I felt tired this morning as I didn't drink any before my workout. Went through the motions, but I skipped the sit ups at the end.

Re: ML's log

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:33 pm
by ml1985
Operator + black, week 5, day 4
6 rounds and 1 pull up, then 5x100m sprints (walk back)

I've been feeling more tired than usual these past few days. Hopefully, I'll be fine when baby #2 shows up.