Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Awesome! I can't see any cheating or jerkin up to the bar. Good technique and great achievement! Congrats mate :D[/quote]

Thanks very much. I am absolutely stoked. That last rep was a struggle, but I Know with a couple of rest days I would of had it pretty easily.

I am keen to get back into black in the coming weeks. I will be interested to see how my weighted pullup has progressed from all the pullup work.

I did a little write up in the strength forum, but long story short I recommend the S&S + fighter Pullup program for your next base build. These are easily the best overall results I have had from a 5 week block in several years of training. If the LSD runs weren't beating my knees up so much, I would nearly keep going for another month. Plus I am missing the barbell haha :D .

Now for a few days off and then time to test some maxes.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Today I went through and tested my maxes following my recent base build. I am planning on doing Operator I/A and black style conditioning for the next cycle or two.

This is my cluster and my maxes from todays testing. I have included videos for comparison for my next retest.
Current bodyweight post base build-77kg

Backsquat 140kg
I could probably push this to 150kg, but this is good enough. I have a history of back issues and I am much stronger at singles than sets of 5.
Benchpress 100kg
Was a little disappointed in this, but I have maintained through the base build. I will use this as my training max as I am usually ok with benchpress in higher reps.
Weighted Pullup 40 kg
This was a PR and over half my bodyweight. Previously my best was 35 kg of added weight. Another plus for the fighter pullup program from my base build and finally hitting that 20 rep goal. It will be interesting to see what sort of results I have in unweighted reps and whether I can maintain the 20 reps unweighted from my base build.

My goals for the Operator I/A + Black and basically for 2017 are as follows:

Back Squat 160 kg
Benchpress 120 kg
Weighted pullup (20kg) 10+ reps

3.2 km run in 13 mins
5 km run 22 mins
Maintain bodyweight around or under 80 kg

I will rotate between Op I/A + Black and the occasional stint of green with S&S + Fighter Pullup program and see what I can achieve this year. Ill be taking a few days off and then back into things very soon. Barbells here I come :)

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Barkadion »

Maxrip13 wrote:Todays Training

Today I went through and tested my maxes following my recent base build. I am planning on doing Operator I/A and black style conditioning for the next cycle or two.

This is my cluster and my maxes from todays testing. I have included videos for comparison for my next retest.
Current bodyweight post base build-77kg

Backsquat 140kg
I could probably push this to 150kg, but this is good enough. I have a history of back issues and I am much stronger at singles than sets of 5.
Benchpress 100kg
Was a little disappointed in this, but I have maintained through the base build. I will use this as my training max as I am usually ok with benchpress in higher reps.
Weighted Pullup 40 kg
This was a PR and over half my bodyweight. Previously my best was 35 kg of added weight. Another plus for the fighter pullup program from my base build and finally hitting that 20 rep goal. It will be interesting to see what sort of results I have in unweighted reps and whether I can maintain the 20 reps unweighted from my base build.

My goals for the Operator I/A + Black and basically for 2017 are as follows:

Back Squat 160 kg
Benchpress 120 kg
Weighted pullup (20kg) 10+ reps

3.2 km run in 13 mins
5 km run 22 mins
Maintain bodyweight around or under 80 kg

I will rotate between Op I/A + Black and the occasional stint of green with S&S + Fighter Pullup program and see what I can achieve this year. Ill be taking a few days off and then back into things very soon. Barbells here I come :)
Sounds like a solid plan and great goals! Good luck, mate! Let's see if you can break your pull-up bar down with the WPUs :lol:
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Sounds like a solid plan and great goals! Good luck, mate! Let's see if you can break your pull-up bar down with the WPUs :lol:[/quote]

Cheers mate. My pullup bar will hopefully hold up, but it's the bag with the extra 20 kg on top of my weightvest that I think will go first haha. I am waiting to hear it rip mid rep and dump weight all over my feet.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training
Operator I/A First session 75%

S&S Warmup 16 kg Kettlebell.
2 x lighter set of below exercises before hitting working weights

Back Squat 105 Kg x5

Benchpress 75kg x5

Weighted Pullup 20 kg x5

x 3 rnds

Various stretches and mobility exercises between sets. 3-5 mins rest between each set.

1 legged 20 sec eccentric, 5 sec static hold Deadlifts
5 reps each side, L & R.

Today was a real struggle, I am hoping this is just due to a lack of familiarity with the weighted movements after my base build and week or so of rest. I felt really good when I did my 1 rm test and that I had more in the bank to give so I will give it another session or two before adjusting weights. The squats were the main issue and I had some lower right back pain flare up. I am not sure why, but I think I need to work on strengthening that area and my glutes. The 1 legged deadlifts target that area and also some tendon issues I have been getting treatment for. I will use this as a finisher after the other lifts from now on. I felt great while lifting but after it was a bit of a struggle and my rest periods really started to extend for this session.

Hopefully the back is good for both work tomorrow and to also do a HIC session. I should still be able to do some interval runs regardless. I think I will be taking the day off after that to maximize recovery. Happy to be back lifting weights but I hope the sessions get better and easier from here on in.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

Boiling hot here today and 38degrees.Christmas in Australia haha.

800m intervals
3Min rest between each round
3:50 first 2,4:00 3Rd round.

Struggled in the heat but got 3 done on Christmas day.
The goal is to use this session to get my 3.2 km time down under 13 mins. I still have some time to drop off.
Lower back is still sore from yesterday and slowed me down for the start.

Rest day tomorrow and maybe an extra if the back is still struggling. You have to love op I/A s flexibility :)

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Meat Eater 2

10 2 hand swings 16 kg Kettlebell
10 Burpees
x 5 rounds
Rest for however long I feel (10-30 secs)

Still having some lower back issues but it is getting better. I am out on the road and can't risk it getting worse.I have swapped in a HIC session and kept it light and short. It still was surprisingly hard. I always take a while to convert my base build into HIC type conditioning.

If pain continues I will drop my weight for the MS days and build back up more conservatively.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Back squat 95kg 3x5 (heels on 20 kg plates)

Benchpress 75kg 3x5

Weighted Pullups 20kg 3x5

1 leg eccentic 20 sec/ isometric hold 5 sec deadlifts
x5 each side

Back has been killing me for the couple days and I did my first warmup set and thought I had reinjured it. I decided to push through and place the some weight plates under my heels while dropping the weight.... What a surprise, the pain is completely gone. It's a good thing I ordered weightlifting shoes yesterday.

Everything else felt easy and I was able to train virtually pain free for a change. Lets just say I am really regretting not spending the money years ago. I have been lifting in new balance minimus and I guess I have lost some mobility as I have got older.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's training

45Min lsd run approx 7-8 km.
I pushed a bit harder on the final 2km just to finish strong.

The run went well and I decided to pusha bit faster. It's nice to occasionally push the pace now that I am not base building. I'll take tomorrow off then back into op I/A. I love the freedom in taking days when I feel like it.

Time to watch ufc and maybe Rizin and chill out

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training
Max strength final session week 1 of OP I/A

Back Squat 95kg 3x5

Benchpress 75kg x5
Weighted Pullups 20kg x5

x3 rounds

1 legged dealift 20 sec eccentric/5 sec isometric hold at bottom
5 rounds each side

Final session of the first week of my Op I/A black. Today went well and adjusting my squat was the right thing to do. Next week will have me back at the weight I was meant to start the week with. The benchpress and pullup are feeling easy and I am looking forward to bumping up the weight next week. The one legged deadlifts are a struggle on the right side but I seem to be all good on the left side.

The plan is either 800m intervals tomorrow or maybe give a self defence bjj place a go. I am looking at getting back into it and this place looks like its throws in some striking work on the ground which is rare. Just looking to vary the training up and keep things interesting.
Last edited by Maxrip13 on Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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