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Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:03 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, Week 4

Squats: 165 x 2 x 5, 165 x 1 x 7
Bench Press: 142.5 x 2 x 5, 142.5 x 1 x 8
Chinup Negatives: 2 x 3

Focused on Bench Press form today.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:06 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, Week 4

KB swings - 24kg, 10 swings EMOM x 10 minutes

Raining today, so I wussed out and stayed inside. Swing form was a bit rusty, but felt better by the end. I'll push a bit harder next time, felt like I had a lot more in the tank when I was done.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:09 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, Week 4

OHP: 82.5 x 2 x 5, 82.5 x 1 x 11
Deadlifts: 172.5 x 15

Need to get a few more 5 lbs plates, as I didn't have the plates to hit the exact weight I needed to for both lifts today. Otherwise, lifts went well!

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:59 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, week 4
GSLP/Black: Professional
HIC - 24kg Apex Hills x 4
Farmer carry - 24kg x 1.5 blocks

I live about 1.5 blocks from my sprinting hill, so I carried my kettlebell from the garage to the hill and back. The walk back was quite the finisher!

Went about 90% intensity on the sprints, being mindful of my prior issues. The swings at the top, combined with no rest at the bottom, made this session quite the smoker. Definitely keeping this one in the rotation.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:05 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, Week 4

Bench Press: 145 x 2 x 5, 145 x 1 x 10
Squats: 172.5 x 1 x 5, 172.5 x 1 x 4, 172.5 x 1 x 3
Chinup negatives: 1 x 3

Frustrating day. Failed second set of Squats, then ran out of time for second set of chinup negatives. Doing a GSLP reset on Squats, next squat lift will be at 155 lbs. Bench press continues to improve.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:48 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, Week 5
OHP: 95 lbs x 2 x 5, 95 lbs x 1 x 7
Squats: 155 lbs x 2 x 5, 155 lbs x 1 x 8
Chinup negatives: 3 x 3

Did first GSLP reset on Squats. Took weight at failure from last time, multiply bx 0.9, round down. My goal now is to beat my prior numbers on all AMRAP sets until I go past my failure weight.

Jump on OHP is due to not having the plates to hit my prescribed weight of 85. It worked for today, but I'll need to get some 5 lbs plates this week.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:38 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, week 5
HIC - 24kg Apex Hills x 5
Farmer carry - 24kg x 100 yards

I really like the Apex Hills, to the point that they're going to mostly replace the standard hill sprints. Running at 95% max means my legs are a lot happier, and the breathing pattern on the swings really works my lungs. Around rep 3, I set the kettlebell down and feel smoked, but after walking down the hill and a 1 minute RI, I'm ready to go again.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:42 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, week 5

Bench press: 147.5x2x5, 147.5x1x11
Deadlift: 185x12
Chinup negatives: 2x3

Left shoulder hurt after chinup negatives. Other lifts felt good.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:43 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
3/20 - 3/21/2020
Unplanned rest days. Birthday was on the 19th, celebrated a bit too much. Between that and a sciatica flare-up, I didn't do much these days.

Re: OneOfManyRobs Training Log

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:48 pm
by OneOfManyRobs
Block 1, week 5
OHP: 97.2x2x5, 97.2x1x7
Chinup negs: 2x3
Squats: 160x2x5, 160x1x7

Left shoulder hurt a bit after chinup negs, likely because I wasn't "anti-shrugging" enough. OHP felt ok, squats felt a bit weak on side effected by sciatica.

Ordered 32kg kettlebell and more 5 lbs barbell plates, hoping they arrive this coming week.