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Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:24 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 3, Day 1

M 24 Oct 22 0458-0550

Mobility + 30s Assault Bike Sprint

Deadlift (135) 12/13/13
Rev Pec Deck @40 15/ @55 15 --- Rev Cable X-over 10@10/
Toe Raise 25/23/21

U/H Flye (@12.5) 11/13/12
Pull/Chin 5 P / 6 N / 5 C
Iso Tri Press 30c/30c/30c

Rocker Leg Ext (@30) 12/13/12 per leg
Abs 15 V-Up / 22 Twist / 11 Roller
Rev Curl (15s) 15/15/15

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:26 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 3, Day 2

212.6#/96.9 cm

Tu 24 Oct 22 0438-?

Easy Run

- FAIL. Jammed out after 5 min - right hip felt wonky.

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:32 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 3, Day 3

W 26 Oct 22 0447-0538



Mobility + 30s Assault Bike Sprint

Rev Lunge (BW) 19/18/17 per leg
Arnold Press (12.5s) 18/18/15
Toe Raise 24/23/20
* minimal rest between circuits

1L RDL (BW) 10/10/10 per leg
U/H DB Bench (25s) 21/21/21
DB Bent Row (20s) 20 || / 21 __ / 21 /\
DB Calf Raise (20s)Iso Tri Press 30c/30c/30c

Triple Curl (15s) 7/7/7 / 7/7/7 / 7/7/4
Abs 16 V-Up / 6! Twist / 7 Roller

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:59 am
by B71
Block 3A - Week 3, Day 4

F 28 Oct 22 0504-0546




Leg Press (320) 8/8/8
OHP (75) 10/10/9
Toe Raise 25/23/20

Floor Press X
Decline Press X - I have proved to myself that my triceps/elbow will not do presses
Pull/Chin 5(p) / 6 (n) / 5 (c)
RDL (135) 10/9/10

Calf Raise (@130) 16/16/16

- Not a great workout. Bench Press situation is bumming me out. Need to find a satisfying "heavy" chest exercise that's not a press.
- jammed out on abs, I think. I can't remember. Maybe do a "heavy" ab exercise with resistance?

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:06 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 3, Day 4

Sa 29 Oct 22 0555-0625



30 min Assault Bike LSS

8.8 km
190 Cal

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:14 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 4, Day 1

M 31 Oct 22 0502-0552



Deadlift (135) 13/14/14
R Delt Pec Deck (@55) 15/15/15
Toe Raise 25/23/21
* minimal rest between circuits

U/H Flye (@12.5) 15/15/13
Face Pull (@22-/@27.5/@27.5) 15/15/15
Isom Tri Press 30c/30c/30c

Rocker Leg Ext (@30) 15/15/15 per leg
Rocker Sh. Press (@78) 15/15/15
Rev DB Curl (20s) 15/15/15
Abs 17 V-Up / 7! Twist / 8 Ab Roller

- This felt really good and efficient. I like the whole-body super-set/circuit setup.
- I felt strong and like I was moving well - smoothly, even.
- I liked the circuit-style. I was moving along without rushing and without needlessly standing around. Get in, get done, get out.

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:22 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 4, Day 2

Tu 1 Nov 22 0425-0457



20s fast/40s walk x 10

- Using the Garmin interval function was problematic. I think it's useful, to a point, but it isn't exactly user-friendly. It's enough of a pain that I don't want to use it but without it, I'll never get the interval times right and I'll certainly lose count. Maybe I'll try measuring it out in lampposts instead of using timings.

- I sort of wimped out here, though, by only doing 10 sprints.

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 4:30 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 4, Day 3

Sa 5 Nov 22 0657-0750




Leg Press (320) 10/10/10
OHP (75) 10/10/10
Toe Raise 25/24/20
* minimal rest between circuits - probably needed to rest more

RDL (145) 8/8/8
Pull/Chin (BW) 6 P / 6 N / 3 C (I was definitely sucking wind because I hardly rested at all)

Incl. Squeeze Press (60s) 8/9/8 - my hips keep cramping up
Incl. DB Curl 5 (40s) / 7 (35s) / 8 (30s) (got too ambitious with the weights)

Leg Press Machine Calf Raise (@150) 17 /\ 16 \/ 15 ||
Abs 17 V-Up / 14! Twist / 8 Ab Roller

- I probably rushed it today.

- Missed a couple of workouts because I got vaccinated (COVID-19 and flu) on Tuesday. Too sore to do much on Wed & Thu and still felt dragged out on Fri.

- I'm trying the T-Nation "I can't believe it's a diet" diet, which is basically replacing 2 meals with protein shakes. I think it's working and it doesn't seem to be too hard to pull off. The trick is staying with it over the weekend when I've got nothing to keep myself occupied but eat and drink.

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:23 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 5, Day 1

M 7 Nov 22 0428-0511




Rev Lunge (BW) 21/21/21 (each leg)
Arnold Press (12.5s) 21/21/17
Toe Raise 23/20/19
* 1 min rest between circuits

Uni Leg Curl (@30) 18/17/14 (each leg)
DB Bent Row 17/17/16 || , _ _ , / \
U/H DB Bench (30s) 21/21/21

Leg Press Machine Calf Press (@90) 30/28/11! / \ , \ / , | | (first time ab cramp stopped calf raises)
Abs 17 V-Up / 8! Twist

Re: B71 return to TB

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 12:20 pm
by B71
Block 3A - Week 5, Day 2

Tu 8 Nov 22 0448-0528

210.0/97.2 cm



4 min easy jog/4 min quick jog x 3

- I went out with the plan of trying to maintain nose-breathing pace for easy bit and nose-in/mouth-out breathing pace for the fast 4-minute bit. It didn't really work that way. I ended up mouth-breathing for the fast bits.
- I think the mouth-breathing is ok, though, because I need to relearn that running at a pace that causes me to breathe heavily through my mouth won't kill me. I've been probably a bit too taken in by the "run slow to run fast" thing and have been running slowly exclusively for a few months. I need to remember that strict performance isn't really my key objective here; it doesn't matter if I can run a faster 10k or 5k (although I'd like to). I need to remember that I want to lose some weight first (there are 3 basic goals for working out and they all work against each other: performance, aesthetics and longevity) and I want to be able to move better. I also want to abide by the tenets of "use it or lose it" and "training specificity". That is, if I stop running fast, I will lose the ability to run fast; if running fast from time to time helps lose a little weight and keeps me from losing that capacity, then the hit to optimal running performance is an acceptable loss.
- It was pretty cold today and I didn't want to go. I dawdled getting out the door. I still went. Victory.