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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:18 pm
by Moz69
Warm up

15 mins crosstrainer.
5 mins animal flow
Round the world with 8kg slam ball
Club rotations
16kg low windmills

Magic 50
10 one arm snatches (5 each side) 16Kg
10 one handed kb swings (5 each side) 24kg
10 burpees. First 3 sets with press ups, went to lazy version as form was becoming sloppy due to fatigue and I was loosing intensity

Rest 60 secs repeat 5 time

Time: a very poor 13 mins
ROMWOD to finish

to keep snatches light till confidence and strength builds up in the L shoulder

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:35 pm
by Moz69



Warm up and mobility drills

FP 5x5 80kg
BSQ 5x5 60kg
Ring PU 1x5 4x4

No hip or L shoulder pain. Plan to increase the weight in small increments with a deload week in commencing from the 27th.
All weights felt very light, however I am still struggling on the ring pull ups.


Warm up
rope work mobility drills, foam rolling

Meat Eater 2

10kb swings 24kg
10 burpees

6 rounds time 9:22.

Core work

Plank n shank 1x60 secs 1x40 secs
wheel roll outs 3x10
slider plank iso hold alternating arm out 3x10 secs each side.
Iso pull one arm 3x10 secs
Iso press 2x10 secs

ROMWOD 40 mins

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:56 pm
by Moz69
Did plan for a density training day but I am wasted from working nights all week so have stuck to some mobility work instead.


Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:31 pm
by Moz69





Warm up

Rope work, animal flow joint mobility

FP 85kg 5x5
BSQ 70kg 5x5
Ring PU 2x5 3x4 @ BW

100 kb swings one handed 24kg

Cool down.

Weights felt light, slight twinge in right hip. Tight spot found when doing the MWOD in right glute needs more work. If able will do MWOD later today.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:36 pm
by Moz69

Warm up. Rope work & mobility drills

30 secs burpees
30 secs bag work
30 secs burpees
30 secs bag work
Rest 60secs.
For four rounds

Used an old pair of fingerless bag gloves which allowed a quick transition between exercises.

Cool down
MWork. Hips, glutes, shoulders.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:27 pm
by Moz69


Core workout

Ab roll out x8
low windmill 16kg KB x5 each side
Side bends 2x16kg KBs 6 each side
TGU 2 each side

for 3 rounds

200 meter farmers walk 2x24kg KbS
50 meter slow bear crawl

on the go from noon yesterday till 8:30 this morning so stuck to a basic core workout.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:26 pm
by Moz69

Rest Day


warm up

Rope work, mobility drills, shoulder rehab work

Ring dips BW 5x5
Assisted Pistol Squats 5x5
Rope pull ups 4x4

10 mins of sand bag walking rotating bear hug, zercher, shoulder @ 56 pound bag. Correct posture throughout with tensed core and glutes.


slowly introduce more sandbag work with a gradual increase in weight for the finisher, the weight was manageable saying this was the first time .


Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:05 am
by Moz69
Week of nights catching up so mobility day
ROMWOD and Mobility drills.
Knees are currently pain free touch wood. The right glute still gets very tight and needs more attention than anything else.

Warm up

Rope work and mobility drills
Combination drills on the bag


1 min 50 pound sand bag cleans with deep squat
1 min 7kg ball slams full squat again on pick up
1 min rope work sprinting
1 min dumbbell alternate high knees press thing (can’t remember what its called)
1 min 2x 24kg kb farmers walk
1 min rest
Repeat 3 times.

Bear Crawl
3x25 meters slow with low back and knees a few inches above the ground.
ROMWOD & Mobility drills later in the day.
Nice routine need to pad out the sand bag more and slowly increase the weight. First time I have done this exercise in a long while so wasn’t fussed about using a heavy weight to start with.
After 2 mins of full deep squats legs were like jelly on the rope, v hard to force a high knee sprint out…all good though.

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:14 am
by Moz69
Warm up

Mobility drills

FP 85kg 5x5
BSQ 70kg 5x5
Ring PU 3x5 2x4

Mobility drills later in the day

Deload week to follow

Re: Fat Moz's training log

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:36 pm
by Moz69
30 mins of ROMWOD and mobility drills

planning a light training week with body weight movements for strength with GPP HiC and core work. I am enjoying the sandbags but its taking its toll on recovery.

Mobility drills going well I am pain free in the hips knees and lower back with a significant decrease in shoulder pain.