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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:33 pm
by Green2Blue
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 4 Deload
Day 7

Mobility and Recovery


Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 4 Deload
Day 7

Mobility and Recovery


Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 1


5@215 (65%)
5@250 (75%)
8@285 (85%) PR Set
5@315 (95%) Joker Set
3@335 (100%) Joker Set
8@215 (65%) First Set Last Set
Av Power: 714.3 W; Av Velocity: 0.55 m/s; Tonage: 8985 lbs

WPU: 3x5@70 (70%)
Av Power: 539.5 W; Av Velocity: 0.48 m/s

PP: 3x5@120 (70%)
Av Power: 734.7 W; Av Velocity: 1.18 m/s

Bucket Medley
80 lb Bucket ~100 ft
50 lb Bucket ~100 ft
AMRAP 5 mins

-Back at it!

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:46 am
by Green2Blue
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 2

Previous Day's Data
Sleep: 6:59 hrs
Nutrition: 2904 kcals


MxS B1
Volume: 9180.0 lbs
Density: 282.9 lbs/min
Duration: 32 mins
Av Power: 1270.5 W

PC: 3x5@135 (70%)
Av Power: 789.9 W; Av Velocity: 1.14 m/s

5@160 (65%)
5@180 (75%)
8@205 (85%) PR Set
3x230 (95%) Joker Set
1x245 (100%) Joker Set
12@160 (65%) First Set Last Set
Av Power: 412.1 W; Av Velocity: 0.43 m/s; Volume: 7020.0 lbs

Close Grip Board Press 165 lbs
Ab Wheel

5 softball-grip pull-ups
5 box jumps
AMRAP 6 mins

-It's getting hot!
-ROMWOD included some 5 minutes pigeon poses. Felt so good.
-Upping kcals/day from 2750-ish to 3000-ish.
-I love being able to share more data but geez I need a way to make it faster than typing this out on my phone every day.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:42 am
by mikhou
G2B, no specific comment here. Just saying that I am enjoying your log and the way that you have tweaked TB/531 to meet your goals. At 43 yo, I'm good to go for rep maxes for probably a 3-week mini-cycle, and then I need to go back to TB periodization. But I'm glad to see that it's working out for you, and it's interesting reading to see how you push yourself.


Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:44 am
by Green2Blue
mikhou wrote:G2B, no specific comment here. Just saying that I am enjoying your log and the way that you have tweaked TB/531 to meet your goals. At 43 yo, I'm good to go for rep maxes for probably a 3-week mini-cycle, and then I need to go back to TB periodization. But I'm glad to see that it's working out for you, and it's interesting reading to see how you push yourself.

Glad you enjoy it. It's certainly an aggressive method. I wouldn't recommend it for most. I'm really riding the line of over doing it, and I have to pay very close attention to that line.

I've recently had to up my calories. I had to make sure I don't do the extra sets more than once a week per lift. I probably shouldn't be doing accessories either, but I enjoy them. I also try to never go to failure.

It just fits my personality. I'm an all or nothing kind of guy. I'd rather have to deload more frequently if I can go balls out on my workouts.

That being said, the two methods really do blend well.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:03 am
by Green2Blue
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 3

Previous Day's Data
Sleep: Not so great. Slept for 5 hours, up for 2, then a 2 hour nap.
Nutrition: 2982 kcals


-Forced rest day. Had some errands to run before work.
-Got my farmer's walk handles/deadlift frame! Great quality. Can't wait to use it.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:22 am
by Green2Blue
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 3

So I had to work very late the night before. I didn't have enough time to work out, let alone enough sleep to make it worth it.

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 4

Same here. It was a very rough couple days.

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 5


5@215 (65%)
5@250 (75%)
5@285 (85%)

WPU: 3x5@85 (80%)
PP: 3x5@135 (80%)

Farmer's Walks: 50ft@165
Close Grip Block Press: 8-12@165

Tire Medley:
Heavy Tire
Medium Tire
AMRAP 5 mins

-I had so much FUN this workout!
-Bare minimum on MxS.
-Finally used my new, legit farmer's walk handles. So cool. Did BW for 50 ft. Wasn't too bad. I'll work up to 200lbs which seems pretty standard at contests around here.
-Father-in-law got me a new, bigger tire. I set the tires together at the middle of a 50ft path, then pushed them apart one flip at a time, then jogging to other other tire. This caused a really cool dynamic as the tires would get farther apart. As time went on there was more jogging and less flipping. I think this would be really cool in a bigger space.

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 3
Week 1
Day 6


DL: 3x5@355 (80%)

5x160 (65%)
5x180 (75%)
5x205 (85%)

-Bare minimum on MxS. No accessories or finisher. Partially because I'm trying to learn my lesson about not pushing too hard, partially because it was late and I like to do my extra stuff outside (my gym is super small), and partially because I have a 10k tomorrow which is a long run for me these days now that I'm focusing on strength.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:22 am
by Green2Blue
Getting a little burnt out on updating this every day. Might do it weekly now. Still training.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:29 am
by mikhou
Green2Blue wrote:Getting a little burnt out on updating this every day. Might do it weekly now. Still training.
You do put a lot of time into it, and we appreciate you giving us a look at your training. But I understand what you are saying above. That's why my log is pretty simple.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:42 pm
by Green2Blue
So I've finished the last MxS workout of my 3 mini-block episode. As a reminder I did a Zulu-531 hybrid:



In these last two workouts I went balls out.

New SQ PR: 420 lbs, BWx2.55

New DL PR: 560 lbs, BWx3.40
Matched BP PR: 275 lbs, BWx1.67

It should be noted that these are all rep PR's calculated on My other lifts, while I didn't go for a PR, are as strong as ever. Yesterday I weighed in at 165. My goals for this 3 mini-block episode were to advance my SQ TM by 10 lbs per block, and BP TM by 5 lbs per block. I accomplished that with ease. Both TM's are well below my PR's.

My DL has always been my best lift. I set my previous PR 7-8 years ago at 550, when I was 20 lbs heavier. I used to be under the impression I'd never lift that much again, and would never see a 600 lb DL. Now I KNOW I'll pull 600.

My BP still sucks dong, but it's better than it was at the beginning of this episode. BP will continue to be a primary goal of mine. Not sure if I want to continue focusing on my SQ or not since I blew past my all time goal of 405 SQ. All time goal of BP is a long way off, at 315. I'll still squat, just might not apply the 531 template.

Idk, still deciding on where I'm going to go next block. I'm not doing a 3 block episode because after 3 Spartan Races in August I'm going to refocus on Strongman. So I'm just going to plan block by block until after the races.

Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:27 am
by mikhou
Nice job! You can see that you busted your tail to get to your goals. Impressive.
