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Workout Log

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 12:07 pm
by Adski

Reflex ball
1x3 min rd

Double End Bag
2x3 min rds

Heavy Bag
2x3 min rds

Jump Rope
30 seconds double/crisscross double unders
30 seconds rhythm footwork coordination
30 seconds sprint/cris cross sprint in place
30 seconds rhythm footwork coordination
60 seconds fast freestyle in place
Rest 60 seconds

Note: feeling more smooth with the rope each session now.

Workout Log

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 7:23 am
by Adski

85kg 3x3

40kg 3x3

25kg 3x3


Kneeling Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 3x3

Note: everything move pretty well today, WPU is feeling very strong in the top half of the movement, the banded pull ups are paying off. Good day of training.

Workout Log

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 10:20 pm
by Adski

Rest Day

Note: last MS of IA tomorrow, deload then on to GP. Just finished reading GP for the second time, after re reading, I’m thinking Hybrid might suit me really well, though I am keen to give I CAT a run. As long as I can maintain my jump rope and core work (Stick to my rollout and jump rope goals) I’m happy. Leaning towards I CAT as after I would run a longer OP phase by doing Capacity with OP/Pro or DUP.

Workout Log

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 3:47 am
by Adski

175kg 3x3

40kg 3x3

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 3x3

Note: Very good finish to the block. Haven’t lifted that much with a DL for a while so I wasn’t used to that feeling, still, it wasn’t too bad of a grind until the last rep/set, was very happy with that. Dips felt the easiest they had the whole block and I stuck to 2 min rest minimums with the rollouts.
I’ll take an actual seven day deload as opposed to the 5-6 days I had been taking in recent times, and more than likely the next move will be I/CAT followed by Capacity.
Real happy with how this block went overall.

Workout Log

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 5:59 am
by Adski
Random thought: Hybrid Stength emphasis using OP/DUP and fighter followed by Capacity with OP/Pro is worth considering, this would tie in with my regular base build period for the year. I’ll think it over during the week.

Re: Workout Log

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:08 am
by Maxrip13
Adski wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 8:33 pm
Maxrip13 wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 9:03 pm Hey Adski,

I saw the reflex ball work and immediately started thinking of my Infinite Intensity/Never Gymless books I have been busting out for a read whilst I wait for TB CAT. I grabbed a digital copy of Never Gymless on holiday recently and read it cover to cover. I am think of doing a run through one of the 50 day programs as I never actually ran one in full after finishing my current base build and continuing to recover from injury.

I always see stuff popping up in your logs and think I should do a proper run through at some point. I now have the weight vests, bands, adjustable dumbbells and bands which I never had previously (unless I wanted to do the sessions in the Robbo Barracks gym).
Man a run through of NG or II would be great! That’s awesome that you have all the equipment good to go! I’ve run both in the past, both are great.
I hope the injury is healing well!
That was the plan before I read Green Protocol... I just am finishing up a base build as well, so at a bit of a crossroads in what direction I go.
Injury is still screwed, but it just means I can't press or do pullups for the foreseeable future. From 10-15 pullups and 50+ pushups with no training to none and 5 pushups feeling like I am maxing out.
Seems like a good time to get really good at running for a while instead with a well timed TB book release.

Re: Workout Log

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:11 pm
by Adski
Maxrip13 wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 8:08 am
Adski wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 8:33 pm
Maxrip13 wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 9:03 pm Hey Adski,

I saw the reflex ball work and immediately started thinking of my Infinite Intensity/Never Gymless books I have been busting out for a read whilst I wait for TB CAT. I grabbed a digital copy of Never Gymless on holiday recently and read it cover to cover. I am think of doing a run through one of the 50 day programs as I never actually ran one in full after finishing my current base build and continuing to recover from injury.

I always see stuff popping up in your logs and think I should do a proper run through at some point. I now have the weight vests, bands, adjustable dumbbells and bands which I never had previously (unless I wanted to do the sessions in the Robbo Barracks gym).
Man a run through of NG or II would be great! That’s awesome that you have all the equipment good to go! I’ve run both in the past, both are great.
I hope the injury is healing well!
That was the plan before I read Green Protocol... I just am finishing up a base build as well, so at a bit of a crossroads in what direction I go.
Injury is still screwed, but it just means I can't press or do pullups for the foreseeable future. From 10-15 pullups and 50+ pushups with no training to none and 5 pushups feeling like I am maxing out.
Seems like a good time to get really good at running for a while instead with a well timed TB book release.
Man I hope there’s something that can be done for that injury and that you recover well!
GP is definitely handy from the running side of the house, that OP/DUP looks brilliant to play with. Any idea which way you’ll go with GP?

Workout Log

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:12 pm
by Adski

Rest Day

Note: this week will be all about recovery and mobility work

Workout Log

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 8:10 pm
by Adski

Rest Day

Re: Workout Log

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 11:52 pm
by Maxrip13
Adski wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 8:11 pm
Maxrip13 wrote: Sun May 22, 2022 8:08 am
Adski wrote: Thu May 12, 2022 8:33 pm

Man a run through of NG or II would be great! That’s awesome that you have all the equipment good to go! I’ve run both in the past, both are great.
I hope the injury is healing well!
That was the plan before I read Green Protocol... I just am finishing up a base build as well, so at a bit of a crossroads in what direction I go.
Injury is still screwed, but it just means I can't press or do pullups for the foreseeable future. From 10-15 pullups and 50+ pushups with no training to none and 5 pushups feeling like I am maxing out.
Seems like a good time to get really good at running for a while instead with a well timed TB book release.
Man I hope there’s something that can be done for that injury and that you recover well!
GP is definitely handy from the running side of the house, that OP/DUP looks brilliant to play with. Any idea which way you’ll go with GP?
It's just time unfortunately to recover because I refuse to get surgery. It's only limiting me at work and not too much so far in general life outside of training. It's been a good time to reassess my goals in life to be honest.

I plan to keep running capacity as I pretty much have for the last couple years unintentionally. I am changing to a Unilateral based Fighter cluster and doubling up my Strength and run days where possible to maximize the endurance side of things. 30-45 mins of mins of strength work into a 30-60 min run is a good way to build capacity and I am including some targeted assistance. This with 3 sessions a week of BJJ is good so far, but I do want to get another long run in somewhere.

I just bought the hard copy of Green from the US to make it easier to read the tables and can reassess from there. I like all the new OP variations to be honest, though the SE percentage based training is my favourite addition. I am going to re read it over the next 4 weeks and decide whether to commit to Velocity after I hit the capacity benchmark. I want to do it at near LSS pace so I am not in a massive rush to go past this point yet.

As usual so many good options, but I need a few weeks to digest and actually work out what the plan is going forward. How about yourself mate? Seems like we are both contemplating a few options.