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Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:35 pm
by Longtucky
I am nearing the end of my BB block and I feel fantastic. I completed Week 7 last week, and it felt oddly easy. I have seen some great results and I haven't felt this good about training in a long time. I started BB at 235lbs, and I am currently hovering around 218. Onto my continuation phase after another week or so!

First, my goals. I want to be cop and I am working toward that goal. I am in process for an agency to begin Academy in July of this year. If that fails, I'm enlisting in the National Guard immediately with the goal of becoming a Green Beret.

Second, I am thinking about doing Fighter (Bangkok) + Black Professional but I'm not sure the way I've set it up will suit me best. I am comfortable with where my max strength is at and want to concentrate on my endurance and SE, which is where my uncertainty of how to program my continuation comes from.

Fighter (Bangkok) + Black Professional

Day 1: MS: SQ/BP/C&P or OHP/Row
Day 2: HIC
Day 3: E
Day 4: MS: SQ/BP/C&P or OHP/Row/DL
Day 5: HIC or E
Day 6: SE (Alpha, mostly bodyweight and kettlebell training) or E once in a while
Day 7: Rest

I plan to do 60 minute, minimum, E sessions with fun-runs and rucks being my main focus. I think I might do 2 E per week with a fun run instead of an HIC.

Very General HIC Plan:
600m Resets
Connaught Range 10 To 1s
BOO and BOO II (I love BOO, hate BOO II)
Speed Endurance Ladders
Apex Hills
Bloody Lungs 1
Pepper Potting
Buffalo Laps
GC 2, 4, 8 & 9 (Have to start with basic version as my PU numbers are terrible)

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:49 am
by Longtucky
I tried something different for my HIC today. I'm in my last week of BB, and I'm pushing it a bit more on the conditioning stuff than I have in previous weeks. I did a ~2 mile fun run to the gym with a 25 pound pack, alternating 10 push ups and 10 squats with 10 lunges and 10 push ups every 5 minutes - all done with pack on. Took me 30 minutes to make that 2 miles. Once at the gym I did a quick stretch and did a 20 minute treadmill Fobbit with a 30lbs kettlebell. Felt easy to be honest so I think I'll up the kettlebell weight whenever I do it again.

Post HIC, did my daily pull-up program, mobility and stretch work then hopped the bus back to my place. Feeling great now and looking forward to my E tomorrow.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:30 pm
by Longtucky
After a bit of thinking and re-reading of the books, I might switch my training plan to Operator + Black Professional. I would workout in the mornings and two times per week I would have an extra HIC or E session. I am thinking about this format:

Monday: AM MS + Core/Grip PM E
Tuesday: AM HIC PM Off
Wednesday: AM MS + Light HIC PM Off
Thursday: AM E PM Core
Friday: AM MS + Core/Grip PM
Saturday: AM HIC PM Off
Sunday: AM Off PM Off

I am comfortable working out twice per day, just not sure if this would be counterproductive to my goals/needs or helpful. I'm okay with cutting out the twice per day stuff, I just assumed it would be okay since I'd be doing PT 2x per day in the military and/or police academy.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 9:10 pm
by Maxrip13
Hi mate and welcome to the training logs.

I am glad to hear you have done basebuilding and had great results.
It is also good to see you have some goals in mind to work towards.Though they both head towards very different fitness realms.

I am guessing you are currently a student ? You seem to have a bit of spare time if you are looking at going straight into 2 a days.

There is nothing wrong with training twice a day if planned well but can I ask why you want to train twice a day?

You will do this in some military units, but at that time staying fit is your job. With the police you will no longer get this time and all training will be done in your time. Some specialist groups are different.

Either of your approaches will work, but I will caution you against adding more training just because you can. You are better off focusing on 1 quality session a day and saving the 2 a days for selection prep later.

Depending on what your weaknesses are will decide what way you should go.

Take the fitness standards you require for your job and plan out which template will get you to the required level.
Without knowing more of your background it's hard to say what you should do, but any template will do the job.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:48 am
by Longtucky
Maxrip13 wrote:Hi mate and welcome to the training logs.

I am glad to hear you have done basebuilding and had great results.
It is also good to see you have some goals in mind to work towards.Though they both head towards very different fitness realms.

I am guessing you are currently a student ? You seem to have a bit of spare time if you are looking at going straight into 2 a days.

There is nothing wrong with training twice a day if planned well but can I ask why you want to train twice a day?

You will do this in some military units, but at that time staying fit is your job. With the police you will no longer get this time and all training will be done in your time. Some specialist groups are different.

Either of your approaches will work, but I will caution you against adding more training just because you can. You are better off focusing on 1 quality session a day and saving the 2 a days for selection prep later.

Depending on what your weaknesses are will decide what way you should go.

Take the fitness standards you require for your job and plan out which template will get you to the required level.
Without knowing more of your background it's hard to say what you should do, but any template will do the job.
Hey thanks for the great advice and response.

I'm not a student, but my current full-time job leaves me with a lot of time and flexibility to train. To be clear, I only want to have two sessions a day 1-2 times per week. My athletics background is in soccer. I played collegiate, semi pro, and trained with a couple professional teams. I think my weaknesses lie in SE and long distance running. That said, after re-reading much of the books I think Operator + Black Professional is going to make the most sense for me. I think I will take your advice and run it as written for the first block then adjust after that if need be.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:58 pm
by Longtucky
Yesterday I ran the basic version of BOO with a 25lbs kettlebell x3 rounds. Today is my final strength day of BB.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:46 pm
by Longtucky
Finished up the full block of Base Building last night. I think it went really well. My endurance has increased drastically, I feel better and more confident when I am lifting heavy weights, my pull-up, push-up and sit-up numbers have all felt much better as I did them. I am especially happy with my pull-up improvements. What I am most proud of, though, is the fact I did not miss a single session over the course of the 8 week block. Over the summer, I was struggling to commit to it, switched jobs, allowed life to get in the way, and was not healthy. Something clicked in my brain in December, and I just hopped back into it on a spur of the moment decision. Something super stupid, but just a mental trick that I utilized to commit, is whenever I didn’t want to do something, I counted to 10, then just went and did it. I used those 10 seconds to get over the fact that it might suck to do the particular HIC or SE session, but I’ll knock it out, then it will be done. YMMV using that mental trick.

I also always struggled with progressing my running work. I never understood that I could simply build it as I always have with my lifting. TB helped me understand the concepts behind increasing strength and conditioning as a step-by-step process.

Okay, I’m done with my blustering. Now to start working toward my goals.

I am looking forward to testing later on in the upcoming week. I plan to take the next 5-7 days off, test my maximums, then start an Operator + Black Professional block.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:11 am
by Longtucky
I completed my testing for my Operator + Black Professional block.

Bench: 200lbs
Squat: 215lbs
Deadlift: 190lbs (I haven’t lifted DL for quite a long time, so I do not feel comfortable with it at all.)
Pull-up: did the next day with Pavel’s Fighter Pull-up Program, I’m working to get to 10, I think I’m very close to it.

I know these numbers aren’t as big as some that are thrown around here, but before today, I had never benched 200 in my entire life! I can’t believe my numbers after the basebuilding block. I haven’t lifted or trained consistently like this for about a year and a half. I’m really happy with where I am at considering this.

Looking forward to getting into my next phase.

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:12 am
by Longtucky
Oh yeah, I also crushed an Oral Board, polygraph, and psychological test/interview for my number one choice of police department. I made it into backgrounds, and I am absolutely estatic!

Re: Longtucky's Training Log

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:03 am
by Longtucky
I don't want to do a day by day update, so I'll just do a midweek report.

Day 1 of MS in Operator went well:

Squat: 150lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Bench: 140 x 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift: 135 x 5 reps x 1 work-set
Pull-up: Pavel’s Fighter Program

Day 2: HIC
Oxygen Debt 101; completed 2 rounds in 11:45; these REALLY suck. Each time I was in the middle of them I thought about quitting. They were so awful. When I read it, I thought, oh x4 rounds for the advanced version? EASY....NOPE. Loved how I felt afterward though, so that was a reminder why I'm doing the asskickers.

Day 3:

Squat: 150lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Bench: 140 x 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift: 135 x 5 reps x 1 work-set
Pull-up: Pavel’s Fighter Program
+ Bodyweight SE Alpha Circuit: 10 reps for 1 round of: Squat, push-up, back extension, dips, bicycle crunch

Tomorrow I plan to do a short HIC. I've got a busy workday, so we'll see what I have time to fit in. Ideally I'll try to progress my Black On Oxygen to 4 rounds. Maybe I'll stick with the basic version.