Aiwacht training
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:29 pm
Starting stats: 51, male, 161# @ 5' 10". I have 21-year training history with barbells, kettlebells, long-distance running, and biking but I am super weak and deconditioned after almost two years out with injuries & then hernia repair surgery. Also, I am very interested to see how the E sessions will work as I have been keto for almost a year, and am currently doing TKD using Ketogains macros. Keto helped me easily drop 30 pounds and maintain at this weight, and my health is overall vastly better than before. So far so good! I've been loosely 'paleoid' (in other words, I use the methods but am not a spazz about it nor do I really buy the 'this is how everyone ate forever' arguments. Unless you are eating a lot of bugs, it's not paleo!) since 2009.
Starting up a little odd, as I am in what is really a pre-base building phase while I sort out how the old injuries are & clear them before trying to load them up much. Currently weak enough that I can train max strength work with my kettlebells & bodyweight, so I am doing that.
I have three weeks before I head to the South, during which time I will deload. Starting Operator with a cluster of OHP, Bent Row, and Goblet Squat + pushups. Conditioning is my version of a walk-to-run program, 30 minutes out & back on the gravel roads & hills around my house, plus an hour+ bike ride once a week. Once I can actually move enough to keep things aerobic, I'll move into a BB block. Intend to be doing a 3 weeks/deload/3 weeks/deload schedule as I find more than that pretty well jacks me up these days.
Started today with strength + E, but I'll be logging weekly from here on out for my own sanity and ease of review.
Starting up a little odd, as I am in what is really a pre-base building phase while I sort out how the old injuries are & clear them before trying to load them up much. Currently weak enough that I can train max strength work with my kettlebells & bodyweight, so I am doing that.
I have three weeks before I head to the South, during which time I will deload. Starting Operator with a cluster of OHP, Bent Row, and Goblet Squat + pushups. Conditioning is my version of a walk-to-run program, 30 minutes out & back on the gravel roads & hills around my house, plus an hour+ bike ride once a week. Once I can actually move enough to keep things aerobic, I'll move into a BB block. Intend to be doing a 3 weeks/deload/3 weeks/deload schedule as I find more than that pretty well jacks me up these days.
Started today with strength + E, but I'll be logging weekly from here on out for my own sanity and ease of review.