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Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:15 am
by malander93
What’s up all.

Wanted to introduce myself and start a training log. I do all of my training solo and would like a place to have a little camaraderie on the path to sustainable fitness.

A little background on me -
24 y/o male, swam in high school and one year at the D1 level. When I left the team I dabbled in Olympic weightlifting, rock climbing, and got introduced to rucking. I really enjoyed strength and conditioning and had an “in” with the strength coach at my school. I started cleaning dumbbells and other equipment and worked my way up to coaching throughout the years, mostly focusing on Olympic lifts. I ended up changing my major to exercise science and got a masters in athletic training. After college they even let me do some fancy physiology/biomechanics research for the Army.

I’ve known about TB for about 3 years now but didn’t give it an honest try until I started working last Fall. I travel up to 12 days a month and my schedule is dictated by coaches along with clinic hours, so TB seemed like a perfect fit. I started with base building, did a few cycles of operator/black, then a bastardized version of fighter/Bangkok. I dropped most of my weight training for the summer and focused on training for a bike ride across Iowa. When I finished up with that I took two weeks off and then started zulu to put on a little size and strength that I had lost. Now that I’ve finished up with Zulu I think I’ve gone a little too far in the other direction.. big and bulky without much endurance or max strength.

I know it is a long shot but I am very interested in CRO/PJ or similar lines of work. I’ve had a little too much time sitting on the sidelines (literally) and would like a career that makes a bit more of an impact. I have planned to do a ride along with some flight medics in December, and also plan to reach out to a recruiter then. Once that is in the works I will focus on a more specific program.

Until then, my emphasis on training is E/SE and maintaining/minimally developing MS. I am going to go with Fighter/Bangkok with 2 SE sessions and 5+ E sessions laid out like this –

Hex DL
WTD Pull Up

SE – a note here. I am going to take an unconventional approach with SE. I’ve done alpha/bravo/tango circuits and didn’t find much progress in any of them. I am going to do my reps by feel. I took this approach yesterday and actually loved it and did more than I thought I would do. It also levels the playing field between exercises such as KB presses (@35# ea) and push ups. 3-5 sets.

Push Up
Reverse Lunge/Walking Lunges
KB Press
KB Swing
Bear Crawl/Farmer Carry
Sit Up

Mostly running. I’m looking in to joining a local master’s swim club that I’d like to do 2x/week. 1x ruck per week and if I can add another E session I might throw in an easy/recovery Sunday bike ride. Running is one of my biggest weaknesses. A lot of swimmers joke that you can hear our feet flop before you see us coming around the corner and there is some truth to that. That said I hope to run 3-4x/week in short spurts (20-40 minutes) at reasonable intensities. Once I can comfortably hit 8 minute miles on 4-5 mile runs I will re-evaluate. I’ve done the whole stress fracture thing and I’d like to not do it again.

5x20 KB swings/snatches as an easy warm up, heavy finisher, extra work, etc. when I feel like it.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:21 am
by malander93
Warm Up
5x20 KB Swings @ 24kg
3x10 Lat. Monster Walks

3.6 mile run. 35 minutes. 9:52 avg pace. Can't find my stupid HR monitor.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:04 am
by malander93
Warm up
5x20 KB swings @55#

Hex DL 5x5 @ 245#
Bench 4x5 @ 135#
Weighted Pull Up 4x5 @ 15#

Our ex. science lab got a self powered woodway so I tried that out for 5 min...hard to get the hang of but way less impact.

1.5 mile run/15 min

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:13 am
by Maxrip13
Good luck with it mate. Having that swimming base is rare and will come in handy.
I can force myself to run well but swim conditioning is pure technique.

Keep the log up. Consistency trumps intensity.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:26 pm
by malander93
Last Friday 9/28/18

Push ups 18
Trx row 15
Reverse lunge 10
Kb press (2x16kg) 10
Facepull 15
Kb swing (24kg) 20
Farmer carry (2x24kg, ~75 yards)
Sit ups 15

Lateral monster walk 3x10 (injury prevention)
Run 1.5 miles, 15 minutes

Runs are hit and miss right now. Sometimes I get some compartment syndrome symptoms and other days feel great. That was part of why I’ve cut down on leg work. Here’s to hoping with a bit more of a base it’ll go away. Stretching as much as I can.

Decent recovery hike Saturday morning. Undid my efforts at a wedding later that night. Might take a step away from alcohol for a bit. Drove home on Sunday.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:30 pm
by malander93
Maxrip13 wrote:Good luck with it mate. Having that swimming base is rare and will come in handy.
I can force myself to run well but swim conditioning is pure technique.

Keep the log up. Consistency trumps intensity.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:01 pm
by malander93
Week 1, Day 1

5x20 KB Swings @ 55#

Hex DL 5x5 @ 245#
Bench 5x5 @ 135#
Pull Up 3x5 @ 15#

40# ruck. 2.25 miles, 43 minutes

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:35 pm
by malander93
Week 1, Day 2

5x20 KB Swing @ 24kg
3x10 Lat. Monster Walk

2.4 miles

A couple things held me back today. I'll either hit my SE circuit tonight or tomorrow.

Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:20 pm
by malander93
Hit my SE circuit last night (10/2/18)

KB Press (2x16kg) x10
Facepull x15
Rev. Lunge x10ea
Push Up x18
TRX Row x18
KB Snatch (16kg) x10ea
Farmer Carry (2x24kg for first 2 rounds, 2x32kg for last round) ~75 yards
Sit Up x20


Re: Malander93's Training Log

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:28 pm
by malander93
Week 1, Day 3 (10/3/18)

Hit a recovery bike ride yesterday. 16.7 miles, 1:10. HR max 162, HR avg 128.