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Re: The Greybook

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:28 pm
by VenomousCoffee
Welcome! (And good numbers!)

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:11 am
by mikhou
Good job getting started. Now keep going. I look forward to following your progress.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:55 pm
by Likes
Welcome and good luck.

Nice numbers!

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:19 am
by OneOfManyRobs
Welcome! I use nasal breathing to keep my pace/heart rate in check, too.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:11 pm
by close_fox
SteveGrey wrote:Supposed to be SE 3x20 today.

Bodies not having it. Lots of niggling flare ups all over the body, lot of pain, back not helping either.

Ordered Ageless Athlete today, will take some serious time off training to let everything calm down and heal properly.

Military and LEO work has destroyed my body and unfortunately there's not alot I can do at the moment.

Will assess once AA gets here, might do some light Thai work in the meantime as some SE/E
AA is a great book, in terms of both fitness knowledge and training philosophy (Jim is a real deal philosophy SME and does a wonderful job of blending that world with physical training). It has a BB template that might fit your situation as a build up to higher level training.

I'm not surprised to hear your back is flaring up. In the past two days, you have done your first run in a long time. New/returning runners typically feel it in their backs (among other places). Then you did a 60+ (maybe multi-hour?) E session that had a ton of back volume: Bike (with arm component), rowing, and "couple hundred" KB swings. You could call that three full-length E sessions and you did them in one go.

My man, you need some moderation in your training. AA will speak to this. Also get those bulging discs checked out and fixed. You don't want to start selection wondering if your back is gonna blow up.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:42 pm
by VenomousCoffee
Ditto to what Fox said. Train smart, not hard.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:12 am
by jzt
My best gains ever (both strength and cardio wise) were from working often, but at submaximal intensity.

Also, don't forget, if you get hurt, that sets you back a lot. Would you rather improve 1% per week, but never get hurt. Or improve by 5-10%, but be injured half the time and unable to train/regressing/spinning your wheels.

If you are yearning for more ''work'' or activities, I basically do it like that: Cardio (limited), Strength (limited) and Mobility/Prehab (unlimited). So I find myself ''bored'' on a day off, I could do an hour of mobility/yoga/prehab (this could be light band work, light ab work, face pulls, static stretches, dynamic stretches, etc.)

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:44 am
by Maxrip13 ... -13-weeks/

Here is a good option to build up your ability to run. It is what I am doing to come back from some plantar fascia running issues myself.

The author has a decent background and knows what he is talking about. He also happens to be an Aussie. I used his 28 day challenge as my base build last year and had some excellent results.

I know it seems extremely light on, but it keeps me in check and running injury free whilst doing BJJ and TB. My heart rate stays in the right zone even with the walking.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:12 am
by Maxrip13
SteveGrey wrote: ↑Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:00 am Interesting to come back after 2 years.

Suffered a severe spinal injury a few weeks after my last post here.

Got misdiagnosed as SI joint pain , got told lifting and training were fine. Hit a 240kg deadlift and boom. 20mm disc bulge at l5/s1 that stopped me from walking for around 3 months.

Was peak covid time so no surgery available for me, had to rehab it all through physio, as the surgery wait list was 12 months +

I was fortunate to know Dr Andrew Lock, and he quite literally saved my life. He is the best spinal health physio in the Southern Hemisphere, and took me from barely being able to walk, back to lifting moderate weights, all pain free.

Writing this definitely oversimplified things, as it was almost a 2 year recovery process.

I actually used TB principles to recover and rebuild, and learnt a lot during the time, about both spinal health and PT/ training in general.

Took about 6 months away from work last year on long service and trained, primarily doing fighter program, and using 'the horsemen' program for conditioning.

Am in the best shape of my life, and just starting an OP I/A/ Black Pro block until CAT comes out, looking to maintain/ slightly improve current lifts and cardio until CAT comes out, planning for a large weight loss by this time next year using CAT and dialling the diet in even tighter.
Hey mate,

I follow Andrew Lock online for similar reasons. Never heard a bad thing about him and he has brought heaps of people back from those types of injuries. I am glad he was able to get you back.

I am in a similar boat myself with a bulging disc in my neck (C6/C7). I am using TB to get myself back as well.
My issue is the impinged nerve has shut off my upper body strength. I lost the ability to even do a single pushup. As of today I can do one, but it's very right side dominant.

Glad to hear you were able to get back with rehab mate. Good Luck with the training.

Re: The Greybook

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:36 pm
by Barkadion
Welcome back! Good luck with training.. I remember my shoulder injury that left me with 2.5 years of non-training and recovery. I started with BB once I got cleared to train by my doctor… Wish you great and smooth way back to regular TB routine!