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thegaijin's training log

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 1:54 pm
by thegaijin
Well, here goes... the story so far. 46 years old, husband, father of 2, office worker, discovered TB while looking for a conditioning program for a Goruck Heavy event. The event got cancelled, but I'm sticking with TB. Completed BB, 6 weeks of Operator and pleased that I haven't picked up any injuries along the way. The highlight of this past 6 weeks was progress in weighted chin-ups, having started off struggling to complete 5 bodyweight reps, but did sets tonight with a 15kg plate. My numbers for everything went up. Was quite amazed.

I can see Operator being my continuation protocol, but I am curious to see what happens to me if I follow one of the MP templates and nutrition plan, followed by Specificity (OMS looks like a great ay to go). MP or Gray Man...? I'm still undecided. Taking the next week as an easy week and will decide then. Leaning towards Gray Man as 3 days a week is more sustainable for me and a little more variety after Operator would be welcome. So I'll likely shoot for 6 weeks of ABA BAB:

A) SQ + BP, with Lunges, Incline Dumbbell Press, and Triceps
B) OHP + DL, with Chinups or Pullups, Dumbbell shrugs, and Biceps

One day of cardio, Saturdays is my Ruck club day, and 2 days of rest


Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:07 pm
by Barkadion
Welcome and good luck!

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 1:20 am
by OneOfManyRobs

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:40 am
by thegaijin
03/09/2020 GM week 1 day 1

SQ 4 x 8 x 50kg
BP 4 x 8 x 45kg

Lunge 4 x 12 x 10kg
IDB Press 4 x 12 x 12kg
Cable Tricep Ext 4 x 12 x 6.25kg

DOMS. Day after the first day and feeling the difference between Operator and Grey Man. Using a training max instead of actual 1 RM.

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 11:35 am
by thegaijin
03/11/2020 GM week 1 day 2

OHP 4 x 8 x 32.5kg
DL 4 x 8 x 55kg

Chinups 4 x 12 x BW
Seated DB press 4 x 12 x 10
Seated DB curl 4 x 12 x 8

9 years ago to the day when the triple disaster took place in Japan. I was on the 28th floor of my office building in Tokyo when the earthquake struck. Was terrifying. Thought I was going to meet Elvis. But Tokyo got off lightly despite the quake and several days of aftershocks. Remembering the victims of the Tsunami and nuclear disaster. And here we are 9 years on. Coronavirus the cause of more unsettling times all over the world. As a result, the gym was empty and I had the weights room almost to myself. Careful to wipe down surfaces, gargle, and scrub my hands well afterwards. Wish the virus would clear up, but I'll miss the empty gym.

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:12 pm
by Barkadion
thegaijin wrote:03/11/2020 GM week 1 day 1

OHP 4 x 8 x 32.5kg
DL 4 x 8 x 55kg

Chinups 4 x 12 x BW
Seated DB press 4 x 12 x 10
Seated DB curl 4 x 12 x 8

9 years ago to the day when the triple disaster took place in Japan. I was on the 28th floor of my office building in Tokyo when the earthquake struck. Was terrifying. Thought I was going to meet Elvis. But Tokyo got off lightly despite the quake and several days of aftershocks. Remembering the victims of the Tsunami and nuclear disaster. And here we are 9 years on. Coronavirus the cause of more unsettling times all over the world. As a result, the gym was empty and I had the weights room almost to myself. Careful to wipe down surfaces, gargle, and scrub my hands well afterwards. Wish the virus would clear up, but I'll miss the empty gym.
No kidding..

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:05 pm
by thegaijin
Friday the 13th :mrgreen: :evil: GM week 1 day 3

SQ 4 x 8 x 50
BP 4 x 8 x 40

Incline DBP 4 x 12 x 12
Leg Extensions 4 x 12 x 26
1 arm rope pushdown 4 x 20 x 6.25

TGIF Exhausting week at work. Was touch and go whether I'd go to the gym tonight. Glad I did. Wasn't a particularly memorable workout, but just turning up is important... according to he book. So I got my robot on and did the reps. Enjoyed the Starbucks more afterwards.

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:25 am
by thegaijin
03/15/2020 GM week 2 day 1

OHP 4 x 6 x 35
DL 4 x 6 x 60
Chinup 4 x 12 x BW
Seated DBP 4 x 10 x 12
Machine row 4 x 10 x 47.5

Good workout. Gym still pretty much empty. Walked straight onto the (only) barbell rack this afternoon. Changing the supplemental exercises slightly. Switched out dumbbell curls for machine rows. Going to stick with this. OHP felt hard towards the end. DL's felt light but going to stick with this training max for this block. Chinups are fast becoming my favourite exercise. At some point I want to change over to pullups. Maybe I will work on that during specificity.

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:35 am
by thegaijin
03/17/2020 GM week 2 day 2

SQ 4 x 6 x 57.5
BP 4 x 6 x 45
Hamstring curl 4 x 10 x 32
Incline DBP 4 x 10 x 14
Biceps and triceps superset

Re: thegaijin's training log

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:41 am
by thegaijin
03/22/2020 GM week 3 day 1

OHP 4 x 3 x 40
DL 4 x 3 x 70
Chinup 4 x 10 x BW
Seated DBP 4 x 8 x 12
Machine row 4 x 8 x 50

Things getting crazier all over the world. Stricter social distancing measures coming into effect. Japan seems either lucky that infections aren't exploding or complacent in their handling of it. We'll find out sooner or later. People still out on the streets and shelves are still full in the shops. Social distancing is strongly recommended by the government, and some hints of lockdowns coming into force if social distancing doesn't work or isn't taken seriously, but feels a long way away. Certainly further away than other countries. My brother tested positive back home, but pretty much no symptoms other than lack of taste and smell. He's in his 30's and self isolating.

I don't see how they can possibly let the Olympics go ahead as originally planned. A year delay would seem the sensible thing to do. They should figure that out.

I had a little bird
It's name was Enza
I opened the window
And in flew Enza