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Squatch_Dad’s Training Log

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:13 am
by Squatch_Dad

Ok, here we go. I’m pretty bad about sharing my training, but I’ll give it a shot for a while to see if I can get into the habit. I’ll include my goals, training methods, and thoughts about where TB comes into play here. I’ll post today’s training in a reply below.

I’m at the tail end of hernia repair surgery recovery, so things are a little unpredictable right now. I also cut a lot of my races from my schedule because I didn’t think that I’d be able to properly prepare. That being said, I have (at least) two races still on my schedule.

1) A mountain race late summer that will cover about 7000 feet of elevation gain
2) A 24 (maybe 48) hour ultra for max distance covered

I am also an active member of an online CrossFit community and would like to not completely abandon my training over there. I am a running coach who specializes in ultramarathons, so I have a training plan more or less planned out for myself through race number 2. The big question that I had was how to fit some extra strength focus into my routine, but I think that I have a pretty solid answer after reading TBI, TBII, and Green Protocol about five times each.

1) The foundation of my MS work will be Zulu protocol with a minimalist cluster of bench press, back squat, and deads once per week.
2) I have two quality runs (days focused solely on running) each week. One is an uphill power hike/downhill run workout that increases in vert each session. The most recent workout led to 800 feet of climbing in a little over an hour. The second is a rather standard, run of the mill long run that will also increase in duration as a function of time. Every fourth week is a cutback week is decreased volume. There may be a third easy run day, but that depends on…
3) CrossFit sessions. I have the benefit of being able to look ahead a week to see what’s on our schedule. We tend to have at least one (but sometimes up to three) heavy days where we only focus on MS. The issue is that sometimes the chosen lift for the day isn’t exactly one that I need to focus on as an ultra runner. So, if an item in my cluster shows up, then I’ll execute the workout as planned by my gym and count that as one of my sessions for that movement in the week. If not, then I’ll just do my own thing with my TB program (this will be the case most of the time. I will also actively look for workouts that develop my quads/hamstrings/glutes/hips as well is workouts that develop explosiveness and also my upper body (I can’t have ultra runner arms again this year…). My hope is that by balancing what I’ve done in the CrossFit gym with what I’m doing with my own program, I can still come close to the boundaries established by TB and finish this season stronger than I have in the past.

So that’s it so far. I know that my plan will have to be adjusted but this is the plan so far. I’d love some feedback! I’ve been running and in the strength world for a while now. I’ve even developed approaches for combining ultra training and CrossFit that had a moderate amount of success. Where it’s always gone wrong is two fold, though: one, I lose too much muscle and look kinda wimpy by the end of the year (maybe a silly gripe) and two, my legs fail me earlier than I would anticipate in ways that indicate a potential strength issue in my lower body. As long as I can do better in these categories, I’ll be stoked!

Re: Squatch_Dad’s Training Log

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 1:16 am
by Squatch_Dad

CrossFit Day

Part 1:
Work up to a heavy single on bench press

Part 2:
A few rounds rounds of
400 m run (easy pace for me)
10-12 bench press

Part 3:
50 m sprints
3x20 shoulder complex

I’m counting this toward my first bench day of the week. Tomorrow will be a squat session plus a quick WOD if I’m feeling up for it. If not, then I’ll just go hit some mobility and call it a day.