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EastTx96 Log

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:59 pm
by EastTX96
I recently created this account and my first post was in the Introductions thread. I'm a twenty year old College junior who is a SOF hopeful after I graduate. Current Stats are 6'2, 180, 12:29 two mile time, 35:13 five mile time, push-ups 58 in two minutes( This is a number I really want to improve), 90 sit-ups in two minutes, and 15 pull-ups. As far as the workouts I plan on combining the underlying theory in Tactical Barbell with Military Athlete( Primarly the core circuits and Injury Prevention stuff). I'll be posting the workouts in a weekly format.

Re: EastTx96 Log

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:13 pm
by EastTX96
Week 1
Monday: Strength Endurance 2x20: Db Swings@ 35#, Bulgarian Split Squats, Push-ups, Inverse Rows, Sit-ups. 5 mile Easy Run. 4 rounds: 20/20 Founder, 20/20 kneeling founder, 10 EO's, 10 Back Ext.
Tuesday: 5 EMOM 35% Max-Rep Pull-ups. 5 rounds 3x Quadzilla Complex@ 25#, 6x Poor Man's One Leg Leg Curl. 5 Rounds@45# 8x Gorilla Complex. 4 Rounds 15x GHD Sit-ups, 1 minute plank, 15x slashers@ 45#, 15x Back Ext.
Wednesday: 6 mile Easy Run
Thursday: 10 rounds every 30 seconds 15% pull-ups. 4 mile Fun Run
Friday: 6 mile Easy Run
Saturday: 3x 20 SE Circuit
I haven't completed the Saturday workout yet, but everything thing else went really well.