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Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:47 pm
by Nomad
Hello, as per my post in the member intro;

39/M. Former Canadian military, currently LE. Recently discovered the TB books through friends in the Cdn SO community that spoke very highly of the program. Once upon a time I was in excellent shape. Now I consider myself so-so or even below average if I use my old baseline as the standard. Reading the books has lit that spark again, and I want to be a "cyborg commando on meth" as described in TB lol.

This will be a log documenting the journey. I'm hoping it'll help me stay motivated, on-track, and systematic. Please drop in and input your .02 anytime.

The Plan

Phase 1: Base Building x 8 Weeks
Phase 2: Continuation - Black + Operator

Phase 1: Base Building
Strength-first Version using Operator
Minimum 3 LISS per week/Minimum 30 minutes per session

Operator Training Maximums

BP 250
SQ 300
PU Bodyweight x 12
KB Swings x 48kg x 2H

RHR - 66bpm
Once upon a time I had a 42RHR, I'd like to get there again!


Creatine Mono
Caffeine Tablets
Whey Protein
Food, food, food. Not counting calories, don't care enough. I'll make sure I eat enough every day to fuel activity and let the aesthetics take care of themselves. The only thing I'll count are grams of protein, aiming for roughly 1gm/lb. 180gms per day.

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:52 pm
by Nomad

MX Strength 75%

BP 3 x 5/185
SQ 3 x 5/225
PU BW x 3 x 5

2H KB Swings: 3 x 5/48kg

Staying conservative on the pull-ups. Everything felt good. Tight and in control. I had no problems finishing the sets. Felt like I could've done twice as much but going to try the conservative approach this time, keeping in mind I'll be doing some high volume LISS'ing this month.

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:50 pm
by Nomad

LISS Trail Run x 30 minutes

I'm 39 years old. On the spectrum of cardio and strength, I'm leaning closer to strength and muscle in anticipation of the coming years, so I'll be taking KB's advice and staying close to the minimums for E. Mostly.

Lots of wet weather where I'm at, anticipated having the trail to myself thinking the weather would keep people indoors-- boy was I mistaken!

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:21 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Good man.....Looking forward to reading more.

Im in SE Region of BC.... the East Kootenay region.... pretty frickin wet this weekend, for sure.

HR will get back down for sure...... last reading I had was 54.... not bad for a 45 year old, I reckon.

Enjoy the journey 8-)

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:37 am
by Nomad
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:Good man.....Looking forward to reading more.

Im in SE Region of BC.... the East Kootenay region.... pretty frickin wet this weekend, for sure.

HR will get back down for sure...... last reading I had was 54.... not bad for a 45 year old, I reckon.

Enjoy the journey 8-)
Yup, I'm in the LMD. We were supposed to have a massive windstorm over the weekend, but looks like the worst of it missed us.

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:40 am
by Nomad

So I fell off the wagon already. Went into overtime at work and got too late to train. I cut my losses and did a quick 5 x 5 KB swings w/48kg (2H) at home.

I'll pick up the rest of my cluster tomorrow.

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:42 am
by Nomad
1.4 MS

MX Strength 75%

BP 4 x 5/185
SQ 4 x 5/225
PU BW x 4 x 5

Back on track.... First couple sets of squats were shakey, last two were locked in and easy. No issues with bench, using a training max so it felt light.

Re: Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:06 am
by Nomad

LISS run x 30 mins