Nomad's Log: Becoming a "Cyborg Commando on Meth"
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:47 pm
Hello, as per my post in the member intro;
39/M. Former Canadian military, currently LE. Recently discovered the TB books through friends in the Cdn SO community that spoke very highly of the program. Once upon a time I was in excellent shape. Now I consider myself so-so or even below average if I use my old baseline as the standard. Reading the books has lit that spark again, and I want to be a "cyborg commando on meth" as described in TB lol.
This will be a log documenting the journey. I'm hoping it'll help me stay motivated, on-track, and systematic. Please drop in and input your .02 anytime.
The Plan
Phase 1: Base Building x 8 Weeks
Phase 2: Continuation - Black + Operator
Phase 1: Base Building
Strength-first Version using Operator
Minimum 3 LISS per week/Minimum 30 minutes per session
Operator Training Maximums
BP 250
SQ 300
PU Bodyweight x 12
KB Swings x 48kg x 2H
RHR - 66bpm
Once upon a time I had a 42RHR, I'd like to get there again!
Creatine Mono
Caffeine Tablets
Whey Protein
Food, food, food. Not counting calories, don't care enough. I'll make sure I eat enough every day to fuel activity and let the aesthetics take care of themselves. The only thing I'll count are grams of protein, aiming for roughly 1gm/lb. 180gms per day.
39/M. Former Canadian military, currently LE. Recently discovered the TB books through friends in the Cdn SO community that spoke very highly of the program. Once upon a time I was in excellent shape. Now I consider myself so-so or even below average if I use my old baseline as the standard. Reading the books has lit that spark again, and I want to be a "cyborg commando on meth" as described in TB lol.
This will be a log documenting the journey. I'm hoping it'll help me stay motivated, on-track, and systematic. Please drop in and input your .02 anytime.
The Plan
Phase 1: Base Building x 8 Weeks
Phase 2: Continuation - Black + Operator
Phase 1: Base Building
Strength-first Version using Operator
Minimum 3 LISS per week/Minimum 30 minutes per session
Operator Training Maximums
BP 250
SQ 300
PU Bodyweight x 12
KB Swings x 48kg x 2H
RHR - 66bpm
Once upon a time I had a 42RHR, I'd like to get there again!
Creatine Mono
Caffeine Tablets
Whey Protein
Food, food, food. Not counting calories, don't care enough. I'll make sure I eat enough every day to fuel activity and let the aesthetics take care of themselves. The only thing I'll count are grams of protein, aiming for roughly 1gm/lb. 180gms per day.