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crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:28 pm
by crnewhouse

Currently hitting BB for the third time, first two were a wash due to travel for work and sickness.

In my second consecutive week of my third attempt. Hopefully those of you who stumble across my log will see this program works for those of us who have never been strong runners.

Following this, I will move onto Figher Bangkok with the Green protocol to get ready for a half marathon in February.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:54 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Sunday, 08/28/2016
Type: LSS
Distance: 2.62 miles
Duration: 35:02
Average Pace: 13:22:00
Average Heart Rate: 144
Comments: Run completed on the treadmill due to rainy weather conditions. Had to scale back on speed a little bit. Starting to feel a little sick too (sore throat).

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:01 am
by crnewhouse
Date: Monday, 08/29/2016
Type: LSS
Distance: 2.66 miles
Duration: 35:03
Average Pace: 13:11:00
Average Heart Rate: 146
Comments: Another treadmill run. Throat still sore and I did not drink enough water today prior to my run.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:40 am
by HICsterDoofus
Nice, training for a specific goal can be motivating! Are you going to do any specialized marathon training before the race?

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:55 pm
by crnewhouse
HICsterDoofus wrote:Nice, training for a specific goal can be motivating! Are you going to do any specialized marathon training before the race?
Yes sir! I'm running Base Building now. Then when I'm done I am going to run Hak Higdon's beginner program (12 weeks) and work it into a fighter Bangkok/green routine. That gives me 20 weeks of prep and the half marathon is 24 weeks away. I have four weeks of wiggle room.

I'm pumped as this will be my first half marathon and it gives me a short term goal. I'm more excited to complete a half marathon, not too worried about my time. Plus my sister and friends will be running this too so I can't get lazy and let them down either.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:36 pm
by crnewhouse
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Strength Endurance
Alpha Modified Circuit:
1) Pull-ups X 5, Push-ups X 10
2) Glute Ham Raises X 5, Body Squats X 10
3) 25# Curl & Press X 10, Decline Bench Sit-ups X 10
4) 30# Face Pulls X 10, Grip Pro Trainer Squeezes X 10

Notes: Still struggling with Pull-ups and Glute Ham Raises. Add one to the end of each set until you reach a full ten reps per set. Sustain for one full additional week, then move on to week 2 of alpha circuits.

Also, for those of you that are curious. I break up my SE into mini circuits. I know this goes against the book, but this allows me to work quickly through the exercises, and not hog multiple pieces of equipment at one time. The model stems from Corps Strength by Paul Rourke.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:32 pm
by crnewhouse
Wednesday, 08/31/2016

Type: LSS
Duration: 35:11
Pace: 13:11:00
Distance: 2.67 miles
HR Average: 144

Comments: On the road so I had to work out at the hotel gym. Also eating garbage on the road so energy levels weren't incredible. Regardless, got up at 6:30 this morning and knocked out the third LSS for the week. Thinking of aiming for a minimum of four sessions a week and building up to five eventually.

Also side note, stomach is tore up from eating fast food on the road. When will I learn my lesson?

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:20 am
by crnewhouse
Date: Thursday 09/01/2016
Type: LSS (Run/Walk)
Distance: 2.80 miles
Duration: 35:01:00
Average Pace: 12:30:00
Average Heart Rate: 136

Comments: Decided to throw an additional LSS in this week. Ran at a slightly faster pace than usual so I had to stop to walk for about a minute on four occasions near the end of the run. All in all, I felt great during today's session. I will probably revert back to my normal progression pace for tomorrow's 40-minute run. Plan is to complete that and then do another Alpha SE session afterwards while leaving Saturday as a rest/recovery day. Might go for a walk in the park with the wife since I need to start reconditioning myself to the heat.

All in all, this was a solid second week. I'm thinking of just jumping into five day a week run sessions, I'm not feeling burnt out right now, but once I get into the 60+ minute range, I might keep the two extra runs around 45 minutes at a slightly faster pace.

Side Note: I can't wait for the day that I am able to run my normal two-mile pace (14:30:00) while remaining in the aerobic zone. I know it is a long way off, but this is just another motivating goal that keeps me coming back. I will not let work get in the way this time.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:18 am
by crnewhouse
Rest day today. Had the day off so I decided to play catch up around the house and complete some projects. Looking forward to finishing week 2 strong tomorrow.

Re: crnewhouse TB Training Log

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:31 pm
by crnewhouse
Date: Sunday, September 04, 2016
Type: LSS
Duration: 40:01:00
Distance: 3.32 miles
Average Pace: 12:03:00
Average HR: 145

Comments: Missed yesterday. Wife and I were adopting a kitten so I had to make sure he didn't tear the house up or kill himself. No worries. I will restart week 2 since I did not meet the SE requirements for last week. Bumping the running time up to 40:00 to keep progressing my running. I have drill this upcoming weekend (Friday through Sunday) so I will most likely hit the 3 LSS, 2 SE minimum for this week.

Additional Comment: I don't know where today's run came from?! I wanted to try running at the same pace as my last run last week. A couple of jumps above 150, but nothing to be alarmed about. I felt I could still keep a conversation the entire time. Regardless, I will move forward with this as my pace and see how that goes. Excited to get to the 45:00 + zone with the last run this week.