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close_fox TB Log

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:41 pm
by close_fox
As mentioned in my intro post, I have to stay in shape for my job. At various times over the years, I have been in great shape by any measure. At other times (now, for example) I have trended back toward average. "Average shape" within my profession far exceeds the general population, but it's not where I want or need to be.


For a pretty long time, logistics have made it very difficult for me to follow a progressive program like TB. I typically don't know how long I will be in given location. I don't know what equipment will be available to me, or how much time I will have to use it. By necessity, my workouts have mainly consisted of circuit training. This has allowed me to maintain a decent amount of SE. However, I have been limited with regard to LSS runs (occasional, due to non-permissive locations and/or no treadmill) and max strength workouts (very occasional, due to lack of equipment).

TB is my opportunity to press the "reset" button. I am very motivated to follow a progressive routine for the first time in long while. I am looking to drastically increase my endurance and max strength, and also improve SE.


No max strength (including pull-ups) for the first five weeks of BB. The beast is ravenous for iron. I have a feeling Black + Operator is going to be a blast. I can't wait to start progressing there. But first, I'm going to work the BB block as prescribed.


I intend this thread as, primarily, a training log for my personal reference. If it helps and/or motivates others, that's great too.

This thread is NOT a substitute for buying and studying the TB books. You cannot get the training value of TB from simply reading my training log and replicating my workouts. You need to study the texts and formulate your own program accordingly. The books truly are an amazing value. They should be paid for - not pirated or otherwise "obtained." For a few bucks, you are getting a strength and conditioning system that can literally last the rest of your life.

close_fox TB Log: Base Building On-Ramp Intro

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:49 pm
by close_fox
In a couple months, I will be moving to a more 9-5 type assignment for a while. That's when I will run a BB block (then Black) by the numbers.

Until I can start the proper BB block, I am going to ease into BB mode with scaled down versions of the SE circuits and running. Four weeks of slow progression, building up to the week one BB reps and distances.

I am doing this for two main reasons:

1) I have not consistently run on consecutive days in a long time. Even when I trained for a marathon, my workouts were always every-other-day. I don't want to jump straight into consecutive 30min runs.

2) My endurance sucks right now. Week 1 of BB includes a long run of 60 minutes. I could make it 60 minutes, but it would affect my training sessions for the next couple days. I expect to finish BB slightly overtrained. But I don't want to start overtraining in Week 1.

Re: close_fox TB Log: Intro

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:54 pm
by Vagabond
Looking fwd to this, in!

Just out of curiosity, if lack of max strength is a concern during BB...have you considered Fighter (Bangkok) + 3 x E for Base?

close_fox TB Log: Base Building On-Ramp 3 week recap

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:21 am
by close_fox
Below is a recap of the three consecutive weeks I was able to spend on my BB on-ramp. I am going to run BB as Rx'd in the TB2 text (Sample 17 Week Protocol). So my on-ramp is a scaled down version of that.

SE Circuit
KB swing 12kg
Goblet KB squat 12kg
TRX row

SE circuit 2x10
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits

Notes: Really had to force myself to take the entire rest breaks. I am used to circuit workouts that are a continuous effort. With only 10 reps of each exercise, today's circuit is "easy" enough that I could have breezed through both circuits in a couple minutes. However, I know I will need the rest when I am doing 30, 40, and 50 reps. I concentrated on perfect form and getting a good stretch all the way through the range of motion of each exercise.

LSS Run: 20min

Notes: I wanted to run longer. I am already experiencing the mental aspect of BB. Pulling back on the reigns so I can progress slowly over time.

LSS "Run": 20min walk

Notes: 20min is a short run. It's a really short walk. I have not run on consecutive days in years. I am building up it. I will introduce running, and decrease walking, until I am running on consecutive days.

SE circuits 2x10
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits

Notes: I wanted to increase weight on KB swing and goblet squat. The 12kg KB feels like nothing for 10 reps. But it will not be so light when I am doing 50 reps towards the end of BB. I am really enjoying the stretch at the bottom of the goblet squats. Overall, the circuits feel like they are putting my body back together.


LSS Run: 30 min
This run felt "correct." I could have gone longer, but I felt like I got a workout. I look forward to building up to 60+min for this run.


Week 1 review: Even with these reduced numbers, I can feel how the SE and LSS will fit together. I am excited to get started on the proper BB block.

SE circuits
15, 12 reps
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits

Notes: Small rep increase. This is the plan until I can start the Rx BB block. Acquainting myself with the routine and building up to the Week 1 numbers. I kept the KB at 12kg (swings and goblet squats). After re-reading the relevant SE sections of TB1 and 2, I think increasing the weight would be a mistake. Heavy iron is coming soon enough. I have to embrace the BB philosophy. I continue to really enjoy the healing stretch I'm getting from goblet squats and superman. My hips and low back are tired in a good way, like they are putting themselves back together. I am getting really good extension and squeeze from the TRX rows.

LSS Run: 20min
No issues. Run was over before I knew it.

LSS Run: 10min run, walk 10 min
I felt the last five minutes of running. The run/walk approach is really going to pay off here. Taking the time to build up to consecutive days of 30min running.

SE Circuits
2x15 reps
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits

Notes re: the above three days. Despite the relatively low volume, I'm actually feeling the work load a little bit. I am looking forward to recovering tomorrow, and getting a good 30min run later this week.


LSS Run 30min
I forgot my earbuds, so I was kind of dreading 30min on the treadmill. This run flew by. I got a really good sweat. I can't wait until I have built up to 60 or 90 comfortable minutes of LSS.


Week 2 review: I progressed within the parameters of the program (adding reps to circuit exercises and minutes to LSS cardio sessions). More importantly, I now a have a solid understanding of how BB works. Don't get wrapped around the axle re: specific weights or running speed. Light weight. Slow speed. Do the reps and the minutes.

SE Circuits
15, 12, 10 reps
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits

Notes: More good progression. Light and strong reps. Good squeeze and extension. I am tempted to start decreasing the rest intervals. I read the text to say that 2min between circuits is Rx. And reduce RI between exercises to 30sec, or even to 0sec if able. I am going to keep my RI at 1min during on-ramp. During BB, my goal will be to reduce to 30sec (or fewer...).

LSS Run: 25 min

Notes: Great run. First outside run during my on-ramp. Early AM, still cool outside. Before today, I have only been able to run in the early afternoon. Too hot, so I have gone inside to the treadmill. I am mentally making the switch to minutes instead of distance. It's very liberating. I can focus on feel and pace, instead of how far I have gone. When I start BB, my work situation will allow me to run in the early AM. I'm really looking forward to it.

LSS Run: 15min run, 5min walk
Notes: No issues. The build-up continues.

SE Circuit: 2x15 reps
Rest 1min between exercises, 2min between circuits
Notes: No issues.


LSS Run: 40min
Note: No issues.


Week 3 review: I got through three out of the four weeks of my on-ramp. One more week, and I would have been ready to start week 1 of BB. Unfortunately, I am headed back to the grind for a while. Soon my schedule will allow me to return to my on-ramp, then onward to proper BB. My main takeaways from these three weeks: I am breathing deeper and easier while running. Hips and low back feel a lot better.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:26 am
by K.B.
Welcome CF, looking fwd to seeing your progress. Yes, fight the urge to increase the weight during SE. BB comes around more than once, you can always adjust next time around.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:33 am
by grouchyjarhead
I went too heavy for my first SE and seriously regretted it. Lighter than you think is the way to go, as it gets harder as the weeks progress.

Re: close_fox TB Log: Intro

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:38 am
by close_fox
Vagabond wrote:Looking fwd to this, in!

Just out of curiosity, if lack of max strength is a concern during BB...have you considered Fighter (Bangkok) + 3 x E for Base?
Thanks for the suggestion. It's more of an annoyance than a real concern. Max strength has always come easier to me relative to E and SE. I haven't been able to focus on it in a long time, and I can still put up decent max numbers. Right now, my E needs the most work by far. If I start lifting heavy now, I will likely get carried away and not put in the E work I need.

I am going by the numbers for now...the Sample 17 Week Program in TB2. I want to get through some "do this" blocks before I start trying to think for myself.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:41 am
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Good man.

Follow the path, enjoy the journey, earn the right to go heavier and / or harder.....especially if it's a return to a level of fitness.

Look forward to hearing your progress.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:01 pm
by close_fox
BB On-Ramp con't; zero week

My op tempo ramped up again after the previous three weeks of on-ramp. I worked some long and hard days, and managed to maintain some fitness. I continued my BB On-Ramp when I had training time, culminating in an unbroken zero week of BB. Those workouts are below.

SE Circuits
20 reps (1min rest between exercises)
2min rest
20 reps (1min rest between exercises)
2min rest
15 reps (no rest between exercises)

LSS Run: 30min

LSS Run: 25min

SE Circuits
20 reps (1min rest between exercises)
2min rest
20 reps (no rest between exercises)


LSS Run: 40min


Zero week notes: Physically, I could have run Week 1 of BB this week. I intentionally held back a few SE reps and a some LSS minutes over the course of the week. Again, my goal has been to arrive at week one of BB able to complete the reps and minutes with good form and without overtraining. BB starts tomorrow. Post to follow.

Re: close_fox TB Log

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:08 pm
by close_fox
BB starts tomorrow

It's finally here. Tomorrow, I am starting the "Sample 17 Week Program" found in TB2. Base Building followed by Black + Operator. I need the "do this" approach, exactly as the book describes. I want to experience TB "by the numbers" before I start trying to adapt it (if and when I feel qualified to adapt it).

I have put in about six (interrupted) weeks of on-ramp BB work. That probably sounds overly conservative to some. The BB workouts are "beneath" my level of fitness in terms of what I can physically do. That's not the point. Physically, I have been going too hard for too long. I need to rebuild myself. The last thing I need is to rush into hard and heavy lifting. Even though that's exactly what my ego wants...

My BB Programming Overview

I will program my SE cluster, LSS, strength, and HIC workouts exactly as specified in the text.

SE circuit is the exercises described above.

LSS is running. Either outside or treadmill with 1% incline.

HIC are the sessions per Rx in the text.

For max strength sessions: Fighter with "Grunt" Cluster:

Day 1: OHP / Front Squat / WPU (maybe + RDL 1 work set)
Day 2: OHP / Front Squat / WPU (maybe + RDL 1 work set)

I have never enjoyed OHP and front squats. I'm doing Grunt cluster anyway because this is the cluster mentioned in the TB2 text as "frequently use(d)...for this phase."

The way I understand the TB1 text, Grunt cluster is less demanding than SWAT cluster (BP/SQ/WPU), and is therefore recommended for folks running Operator who need “less interference with intense endurance/cardiovascular training.” BB is focused on endurance/cardio, so it makes sense to use Grunt here.

Deadlifts: I may or may not add one work set of RDLs per max strength workout to ensure that my hamstrings get some work/maintenance. It depends on how much posterior chain work I get from the HIC sessions.

For now though, it's time to log the reps/sets of SE and minutes of LSS running. I will update my workouts here as I go along, including the weekly assessment mentioned in TB2: “Are you still mentally motivated? How do your joints, knees and tendons feel? Anything flaring up?”