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NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:52 am
by ALCAdixie
Alright. Starting up Base Building tonight with Alpha SE Circuits.

Current Numbers (A little incomplete but we're just gonna go for it):

Bench: 205
Squat: 205
Push ups 1 min: 36
Pull ups: 10+
1.5 mile: 11:45

SE Cluster:
Push ups
KB swings
Pull ups
Sit ups
Air squats

Just gonna stick to the basics and go for it. I'll update when I finally go the department trainings and see if I need to tweak anything.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:39 am
by ALCAdixie
January 16th. Day 1 down.

Push ups
KB swings
Pull ups
Sit ups
Air squats

Not going to lie, I'm disappointed in myself. I let the holiday season get the best of me but no time to wallow. Still feels shitty though.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:19 pm
by Green2Blue
Crap man I hope you didn't take the comment personally.

Regardless, you're taking the right steps, which is more than can be said for the average cadet sadly enough (why did my autocorrect try to change cadet to Vader? Lol). Creating a log is a great way to hold yourself accountable and get some guidance along the way. The help I've gotten from other members on here in my log is immeasurable.

When you start going to department workouts show some tenacity and work your ass off. This is an opportunity for you to prove yourself. Your character will show them a lot more than your performance ever will. Display an appreciation for allowing you to train with them, always be humble and admit your faults (pride kills), show up early and as often as possible, and it doesn't hurt to throw out yes/no sir/ma'am. My 2c fwiw.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:13 pm
by Barkadion
Green2Blue wrote:Creating a log is a great way to hold yourself accountable and get some guidance along the way. The help I've gotten from other members on here in my log is immeasurable.
Very very true! This forum is amazing. Good luck with your journey!

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:45 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
ALCAdixie wrote:January 16th. Day 1 down.

Push ups
KB swings
Pull ups
Sit ups
Air squats

Not going to lie, I'm disappointed in myself. I let the holiday season get the best of me but no time to wallow. Still feels shitty though.
What are you disappointed for...... you can do 10+ Pullups.... not a lot of people can do that.... and including them in an SE session..... brave man :)

As the others have said, youre on the right path.... take ownership of what has happened, the choices you have made, and know that this is the start of a new journey.

I look forward to seeing a continuation of this journey buddy.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:25 pm
by ALCAdixie
Green2Blue wrote:Crap man I hope you didn't take the comment personally.

No absolutely not! But it's true and a good eye opener for sure. I appreciated it.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:27 pm
by ALCAdixie
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:What are you disappointed for...... you can do 10+ Pullups.... not a lot of people can do that.... and including them in an SE session..... brave man :)

As the others have said, youre on the right path.... take ownership of what has happened, the choices you have made, and know that this is the start of a new journey.

I look forward to seeing a continuation of this journey buddy.

Haha thank you. After that SE last night, i feel like a silly man instead of a brave man :lol:

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:59 pm
by ALCAdixie
QUACK QUACK! Tuesday Jan 17. Day 2

Endurance session for 30 min.

Boy that sucked. Referencing the bold, I have the flattest feet. The run was so difficult. My lungs felt fine but my ankles and feet were killing me. I finally made the decision to go to a running store and have a gait analysis done. Slow-mo with no socks or shoes on confirmed my suspicions that my feet make a hard and sharp roll inwards and that is where the pain came from. Got new running shoes with arch support and even running the 20 feet in the store to test them felt so much better.

I also have the first night of the department PT. I'll update with how that goes. :shock:

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:43 am
by ALCAdixie
Smoke Show...... That was interesting to say the least.

I had a great experience at the department PT. I stayed in with all the running (thank you new running shoes) and while the calisthenics were difficult and fuck fuck games were played, I stayed in and put out. Gray man ftw. With that being said I'd like you guys to chime in; KB, Jmadd, Green2Blue, GrouchyJardhead, Aelian, anyone!

From my previous posts you can see I'm running base building with alpha circuits. The department training went as follows

In an extended kind of fun run configuration:
3 miles at about 9min pace
60 push ups
30 leg lifts
30 sit ups
Air squats
Jumping Jacks
As well as hill runs and sprints

This kind of workout is Tuesday/Thursday and possibly Saturdays if I want. With the shape I'm in now, I don't know how great of an idea it would be to go Alpha Circuits with this department PT. I'm thinking stick to the department PT with running on off days and if I don't go to the one on Saturday then do my own calisthenics. I'd love opinions though.

Re: NUMBERS BEHIND THE CURVE *Comments and Criticisms Welcome*

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:25 am
by TangoZero
ALCAdixie wrote:Smoke Show...... That was interesting to say the least.

I had a great experience at the department PT. I stayed in with all the running (thank you new running shoes) and while the calisthenics were difficult and fuck fuck games were played, I stayed in and put out. Gray man ftw. With that being said I'd like you guys to chime in; KB, Jmadd, Green2Blue, GrouchyJardhead, Aelian, anyone!

From my previous posts you can see I'm running base building with alpha circuits. The department training went as follows

In an extended kind of fun run configuration:
3 miles at about 9min pace
60 push ups
30 leg lifts
30 sit ups
Air squats
Jumping Jacks
As well as hill runs and sprints

This kind of workout is Tuesday/Thursday and possibly Saturdays if I want. With the shape I'm in now, I don't know how great of an idea it would be to go Alpha Circuits with this department PT. I'm thinking stick to the department PT with running on off days and if I don't go to the one on Saturday then do my own calisthenics. I'd love opinions though.
If your dept PT days are going to be like that, then don't overthink it. Count it as an SE day. Continue to do Alpha circuits for any SE days left over. So if you do two dept PT days with bodyweight work like the above, then make sure you get a 3rd SE session in sometime during the week. Add in a minimum of 3 LSS runs and you're golden. Don't worry about overdoing SE. You should be overdoing SE to a degree, that's the point. It's not like regular max-strength training where you have to be well rested for maximum gains.