Chasing the Habit
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:01 am
27yrs old
182 lbs, 6'1", 16%bf
Air Force
Training Goals
1) Long Term Consistency and Habit, "put in the days"
2) Max out Air Force PT Test (sub 9 min 1.5mile run)
3) "1000lb" club by end of 2017
Current Stats at Start of TB
1.5 mile time - 10:53
Squat - 220lbs calculated max
Bench - 195lbs calculated max
OHP - 105lbs calculated max
Pullup - 25lbs weighted
Dead - Not calculated yet (guess 250lbs based on experience)
Background on me
2008 - Played Water Polo in school at an in season working weight of 145lbs. Quit after sophomore season to focus on academics. Was lifting but not very high totals as I was super skinny and was only eating enough to support living.
2009 - Got fatter up to 160lbs since I stopped working out all together but was eating the same.
2010 - Started running regularly with classmates mostly for fun and completely unstructured, pushed my 1.5 mile time to my fastest ever at 8:56
2011 - "Ballooned" to 175lbs since I wasn't working out consistently, 1.5mi crept up to 11:57 my "career worst"
2012 - End of 2011 and early 2012, ran starting strength with some success, got to maxes of 285 squat, 305 dead, 185 bench, 115 ohp. I weighed in at this point at 195lbs for the first time on purpose, probably about 20%bf. I would consider this my start into formal training that wasn't water polo. However, I was getting shin splints during unit PT runs at my weight since I was only running once per week (at PT).
2013 to Late 2015 - Never progressed much beyond the strength maxes above and never stuck to one program for more than a few weeks and never more than two months. In November of last year I was working a ton and had a lot of work stress. My PT test 1.5 mile ended up at 11:37 and had a "come to jesus" moment again as that's the closest I have been to my worst in a couple years. Compounding that was my realization that I suffer from severe anxiety and depression if I am not active 6 days a week (and I don't sleep well). I believed aerobic and anaerobic were mutually exclusive and began searching for a way to change and stumbled across TB.
I have an office job in the Air Force and we PT as a unit once per week. PT is usually no more than 1.5 miles with some general calisthenics worked in, with a sport after (I know!). Because of this, I'm probably in one of the least active periods of my life. This flavors my training a little bit since I have a lot of time to recover and sleep. I also struggle with consistency in attending the gym; the emphasis on "putting in the reps and you'll be elite" was my biggest draw to TB.
Week 6 of Base Building starts this week, Strength First
Since my PT test is at the end of November, I'm not going to run an SE section of Base Building and I'm just going to run a 5 week SE block starting in mid-October. I may stretch Base Building by a few weeks, I'm in no rush and want to get some a solid base. First three weeks of base building and I was totally gassed all the time, started tracking calories, was short about 1,000 cals per day on average. Still tracking calories, if I don't, I'm eating essentially what my 5'2" 120lb wife eats....
Today was a rest day, went for a 4mi easy hike with the wife. Wasn't breathing heavy the whole way. Haven't had that happen in years!
182 lbs, 6'1", 16%bf
Air Force
Training Goals
1) Long Term Consistency and Habit, "put in the days"
2) Max out Air Force PT Test (sub 9 min 1.5mile run)
3) "1000lb" club by end of 2017
Current Stats at Start of TB
1.5 mile time - 10:53
Squat - 220lbs calculated max
Bench - 195lbs calculated max
OHP - 105lbs calculated max
Pullup - 25lbs weighted
Dead - Not calculated yet (guess 250lbs based on experience)
Background on me
2008 - Played Water Polo in school at an in season working weight of 145lbs. Quit after sophomore season to focus on academics. Was lifting but not very high totals as I was super skinny and was only eating enough to support living.
2009 - Got fatter up to 160lbs since I stopped working out all together but was eating the same.
2010 - Started running regularly with classmates mostly for fun and completely unstructured, pushed my 1.5 mile time to my fastest ever at 8:56
2011 - "Ballooned" to 175lbs since I wasn't working out consistently, 1.5mi crept up to 11:57 my "career worst"
2012 - End of 2011 and early 2012, ran starting strength with some success, got to maxes of 285 squat, 305 dead, 185 bench, 115 ohp. I weighed in at this point at 195lbs for the first time on purpose, probably about 20%bf. I would consider this my start into formal training that wasn't water polo. However, I was getting shin splints during unit PT runs at my weight since I was only running once per week (at PT).
2013 to Late 2015 - Never progressed much beyond the strength maxes above and never stuck to one program for more than a few weeks and never more than two months. In November of last year I was working a ton and had a lot of work stress. My PT test 1.5 mile ended up at 11:37 and had a "come to jesus" moment again as that's the closest I have been to my worst in a couple years. Compounding that was my realization that I suffer from severe anxiety and depression if I am not active 6 days a week (and I don't sleep well). I believed aerobic and anaerobic were mutually exclusive and began searching for a way to change and stumbled across TB.
I have an office job in the Air Force and we PT as a unit once per week. PT is usually no more than 1.5 miles with some general calisthenics worked in, with a sport after (I know!). Because of this, I'm probably in one of the least active periods of my life. This flavors my training a little bit since I have a lot of time to recover and sleep. I also struggle with consistency in attending the gym; the emphasis on "putting in the reps and you'll be elite" was my biggest draw to TB.
Week 6 of Base Building starts this week, Strength First
Since my PT test is at the end of November, I'm not going to run an SE section of Base Building and I'm just going to run a 5 week SE block starting in mid-October. I may stretch Base Building by a few weeks, I'm in no rush and want to get some a solid base. First three weeks of base building and I was totally gassed all the time, started tracking calories, was short about 1,000 cals per day on average. Still tracking calories, if I don't, I'm eating essentially what my 5'2" 120lb wife eats....
Today was a rest day, went for a 4mi easy hike with the wife. Wasn't breathing heavy the whole way. Haven't had that happen in years!