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Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:24 pm
by snake
So this is it. My own training log. Kept one for years until my own training became inconsistent and thus the write-ups. Been doing MMA, Crossfit, Crossfit Endurance, Sealfit, GST, StrongLift 5x5 and whatnot on and off for the last 5 years. Did the basic training for my unit during 2015-2016; during this time I didn't really have much time nor energy for a focused approach towards my personal training. Now things have settled into a rhythm and there's no excuse not to go hard again in my own training in between field exercises and deployments.

I love my job and I feel that there's more to come. I'm playing with the thought to apply for a Tier 1 unit in 2-3 years. This gives me enough time to become a crazy commando cyborg on meth for selection. If nothing else being a cyborg is a highly appreciated thing in most units.


10 km terrain 42 min
20 km in combat kit 1 hour 50 min
2 km in combat kit 7:50
Squat 1 RM 160 kg
Deadlift 1 RM 200 kg
Benchpress 1 RM 120 kg

What time horizon is reasonable for these goals will emerge gradually when I start with the Operator Template and Green Protocol. For now Base Building will occupy my time the next 8 weeks. I'm aiming for consistency. In the beginning I will allocate time for training despite being sick/injured/mentally retarded just to create routine.

Base Building
Week 1: SE 3 x 20 two days, E 30+ min two days, E 35-120+ min one day.
SE Cluster 1 Kettlebell: Swings, Goblet Squats, Renegade Rows, Single Arm Floor Press, Kettlebell Deadlift
SE Cluster 2 Barbell: Push Press, Front Squat, Row, Bench Press/Floor Press, Shrugs, Romanian Deadlift

I plan on using LSS running, cross-country skiing and rucking for my E sessions.

Accountability: Will post at least once a week to update on sessions completed and plan the coming week.

If you've got any feedback, tips or just want to say hi - shoot! I'm glad to be here.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:56 pm
by K.B.
Welcome aboard Snake. Great picture - keep 'em coming!

Couple tips:

- Don't be afraid to go beyond the minimum run times for Base as needed
- I wouldn't recommend more than 5 SE exercises in your cluster unless the majority are bodyweight. At least until you get a feel for your SE work capacity.
- Once every week or two throw in a weighted jog/fun-run to mimic combat kit (E Session)
- When you get to Continuation phase - incorporate Apex Hills


Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:27 am
by snake
K.B. wrote:Welcome aboard Snake. Great picture - keep 'em coming!

Couple tips:

- Don't be afraid to go beyond the minimum run times for Base as needed
- I wouldn't recommend more than 5 SE exercises in your cluster unless the majority are bodyweight. At least until you get a feel for your SE work capacity.
- Once every week or two throw in a weighted jog/fun-run to mimic combat kit (E Session)
- When you get to Continuation phase - incorporate Apex Hills

Hey KB! Great to hear from the creator himself, I really appreciate your input. I'll take your advice to heart and start a bit easier regarding the SE cluster. I was planning on incorporating a plate carrier for the fun-runs, thanks for confirming the idea. Take care!

Week 1 Base Building
I've been sick the entire week, it's been running on for about 18 days now. More or less the whole platoon catched quite the cold when we were in the field, finally I can feel I'm getting much better. I've kept my heart rate down the last week and done mobility, easy swimming and skiing as well as some walks. Frustrating not to be able to get going at full speed, but there's not too much I can do except eat, drink and rest. Seeing a girl fucks with the sleeping routine a bit, but I've done a careful consideration and the benefits outweighs the cons. For sure.

I'll write up a post next week how things are progressing, if I'm recovering at the current rate I should be able to get an easy LSS run in tomorrow. Got some ideas regarding cool challenges which tie into my physical goals which I'll try to set up next week. Godspeed.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 11:40 am
by nickgoldma
Really looking forward to reading this and seeing your progress, Snake! With the two SE clusters, do you plan to be using both during BB or one during BB and one during continuation. Just wondering. Best of luck.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:41 pm
by snake
Will post a detailed update tomorrow. Looks like I finally overcame the cold I had, finally did Week 1 of Base Building!

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:39 pm
by snake
nickgoldma wrote:Really looking forward to reading this and seeing your progress, Snake! With the two SE clusters, do you plan to be using both during BB or one during BB and one during continuation. Just wondering. Best of luck.
Hey nickgoldma! Thanks for your curiosity, I appreciate your support. The original plan was to use both, one session each per week. Right now I'm not so sure anymore, I really like the KB cluster. Would be cool to stick with it for a little while and see what happens - more is not always more. Take care man!

Week 1
Monday: Still felt a bit sick so I went for a walk in the sunset. Thought it would be a good idea to walk on some snowmobile tracks. It wasn't. I kept falling through the crust; what was supposed to be a leisurely yet frisk walk turned into me being Gollum walking on all four every now and then. Out for approximately an hour.

I fucking love cliché pictures

Tuesday: 35 minutes swimming consisting of breaststroke. Finished it with a nice sauna.

Wednesday: 3 x 20 KB cluster. My body felt uncoordinated and a little fragile - no wonder, I haven't been in the gym for ages. Conditioning wise it wasn't any trouble, just unused to the exertion. Overall a fantastic feeling to get going again!

Thursday: Did some grappling with a colleague after work. Count it as a S&C session. Quite the trip, but I was surprised of how well I was holding up despite soreness from hell from Wednesday's session.

Friday: Light mobility and then 6 hours in a car to the mountains.

Saturday: Skiing with friends, finished it with a 1.5 hours climb on my own to a mountain top and then skied back the same way I came up. Awesome experience.

Sunday: More skiing downhill in the sun. Just taking it all in. And trying to ignore the lactic acid in the legs.

All in all a superb Week 1, I love the feeling of being on the roll again!

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:38 pm
by nickgoldma
snake wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:Really looking forward to reading this and seeing your progress, Snake! With the two SE clusters, do you plan to be using both during BB or one during BB and one during continuation. Just wondering. Best of luck.
Hey nickgoldma! Thanks for your curiosity, I appreciate your support. The original plan was to use both, one session each per week. Right now I'm not so sure anymore, I really like the KB cluster. Would be cool to stick with it for a little while and see what happens - more is not always more. Take care man!

That is great you realized that- "More is not always more" and that is very true. I would personally recommend keeping it to one cluster, as well.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:50 pm
by snake
Week 2
Super hectic week at work and at home, I'm proud that I managed to get three E sessions and two S&C sessions done, as prescribed!

Monday: E1 LSS. Ran for 40 minutes. I'm running in barefoot shoes and boy do I feel it in my calves after the first steps. Trying to run light, light, light like an elf. I'm not an elf though. Keeping an eye out not to injure myself by being too eager too early.


Tuesday: S&C1. KB Cluster, 30x3 this time. Feeling a lot better compared to Week 1, my body feels way more resilient (especielly during the swings) and I have no trouble finishing each set without taking a break. I use 30 second rest between each exercise, 2 min between each cycle, 16 kg kettlebell. Done in ~25 minutes.

Thursday: E2 LSS. Went for an hour walk with gun + full combat kit with body armor. Very icy on the road, couldn't quite push the speed as much as I would've liked. My calves felt sore as fuck since the barefoot running, but it slowly faded as I got into the training.

Saturday: E3 LSS. Went for a 50 min run in barefoot shoes. It hurts and it's manageable. Still being wary not to injure myself.

Sunday: S&C2. KB Cluster, 30x3. Same setup as Wednesday. Done in ~27 minutes.

Tomorrow I'll replace running with rowing instead, giving my calves a much needed break. Super excited to finally be on the roll again with my training. Nutrition and sleep hasn't been spot on these past weeks, I'm aware of it. One step at the time, I'm getting there.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:45 pm
by Maxrip13
Hey mate,

Just curious what you weigh?

Your strength and conditioning goals are around what mine are and I come from a similar back ground. I always found a struggle between staying light enough for a good run time and heavy enough to stomp with full kit in terms of bodyweight.

Mine have changed a bit now due to heading into a different line of work, but I like to maintain the ability to perform like I was required to before.

Be interested to see your journey.

Re: Training for Tier 1

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:02 pm
by snake
Maxrip13 wrote:Hey mate,

Just curious what you weigh?

Your strength and conditioning goals are around what mine are and I come from a similar back ground. I always found a struggle between staying light enough for a good run time and heavy enough to stomp with full kit in terms of bodyweight.

Mine have changed a bit now due to heading into a different line of work, but I like to maintain the ability to perform like I was required to before.

Be interested to see your journey.
Hey Maxrip13! Great to see you here, thanks for your inquiry. I usually weigh somewhere between 76-78 kg. I'll problably drop down to 76-something during the Green protocol; we'll see. It's an interesting trade-off indeed, I'll have to play a little bit with my weight myself the coming months. Shedding some bodyfat and gaining some muscle (plus strengthening the neural connections) should leave me quite fine I think at 76 kg, but of course I'm vain so I want a little more muscle than what 76 kg would allow me. All in good time though.

Week 3 Base Building
Monday: LSS rowing for 50 minutes in order to give my calves a well needed rest. Developed a blood blister on my left hand. Go me.

Tuesday: Rest day. Travelled to my brother's family for the rest of the week. Had a blast hanging out with him, his wife and playing with the kids. They're super vehicles for developing patience and presence. Love it, love them. Proud of myself for continuing with the program as planned, I'm in it for a higher purpose

Wednesday: Kettlebell cluster, 3x40, 16 kg KB, 30-40 sec rest in between exercis, 2-3 min between cycles. The 40 reppers really starts to get to me. Which is great, now I'm really training. Second round is usually the toughest.

Thursday. LSS run 50 min. Beautiful nature in the woods and along the coast. I must confess, I stopped at a few points just to let the moment and surroundings soak in.

Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Kettlebell cluster, 3x40, 16 kg KB, 30-40 sec rest in between exercis, 2-3 min between cycles. Just keep slugging. My body feels a little taxed, if I rested for a week I'd probably breeze through the 40 reps. But not yet.

Sunday: 50 min LSS run. Ended it with a dip in the ocean. Been reading up on the Wim Hof Method and I've started taking cold showers. Couldn't resist jumping into the ocean and getting my breath under control. Approximately 4 degrees in the air, 6 degress in the water.

Feels great that I'm keeping it consistent.