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Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:58 pm
by Greenie40
Will be starting a training log so I'll give a little back ground on myself first. 39 yr old male been doing TB for about 10 months now. Been having excellent results from it and by far one of the best programs I've been on. I'm around 168ibs and prob 10% bf. this forum has helped me with my progress so maybe some of my logs could help someone else. Just finished readying ageless athlete and for me it was spot on for me. Started incorporating the swings as my finishers and what a diff it makes. If u haven't read ageless athlete I highly recommend it. I'll try and keep the logs up to date and also would like to say that all the logs on here in one way or another has helped me. Be posting a log later this evening.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:56 am
by Greenie40
Op. 80% load
Air dyne 5min warm up
SQ. 5x5 188ibs
BP. 5x5. 172ibs
WPU. 5x5 10ibs
3 min RI
Finisher 70ib t-handle swings. 40,30,20,10
2min RI

little warm out from work today but got it done.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:50 pm
by Greenie40
Heavy bag resets

2 min on 2 min rest x5

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:41 pm
by Greenie40
Heavy bag resets.
Having a hard time getting into since good weather been around. Been extremely busy last couple days and plus been having a hard time from being sore from the strength workout. Might drop to 3 reps instead of 5 and drop some weight on the swings as a finisher. Ever since taking a week off to deload been rough getting back into it.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:26 pm
by Greenie40
Op 80%
Bp-5x5. 175ibs
Sq-3x5. 185ibs
DL-3x3. 245ibs

Ab roller 3x5
Wrist roller 3x5
Felt good today. Took it easy on squats.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:46 pm
by Greenie40
Lss-45 min air dyne. Kept heart rate around 140s

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:12 am
by Greenie40
Rest day.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 1:11 am
by Greenie40
Op/90% strength
SQ-3x3 at 210ibs
BP-3x3 at 190ibs
WPU-3x3 at 40ibs weight

No finisher today. Storm blew threw and while finishing the pull ups and power went out and rain was coming down sideways outside. Planed on doing kb swings. Was going to drop the weight from 70ibs to 50 ibs on the swings. Last weeks swings left me sore for longer than I liked when using the 70ibs. Going to stick with 50ibs for a couple weeks and see how it feels body wise and then go from there.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 12:54 am
by Greenie40
Didnt do my schedule hic today. Had a busy day at home and trying to add onto my barn. Did plenty of digging holes and carrying 6x6 all day. Pretty nice putting in a hard days work and still feeling good at the end of the day and being able to wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. I give a lot of the credit to TB and clean eating.

Re: Greenie40

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:47 pm
by fazer681
Greenie40 wrote:Didnt do my schedule hic today. Had a busy day at home and trying to add onto my barn. Did plenty of digging holes and carrying 6x6 all day. Pretty nice putting in a hard days work and still feeling good at the end of the day and being able to wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. I give a lot of the credit to TB and clean eating.
I hear you on that one! Since ive started TB (completed BB and just started 2nd week of continuation) my energy has been up, and old aches that i used to have in my knees are now gone. Great feeling.