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Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:21 am
by Green2Blue
Age: 32
Ht: 5'8"
Wt: ~160 lbs

My current training maxes are:

SQ: 445 lbs
BP: 240 lbs (by far my worst lift)
WPU: 100 lbs
DL: 480 lbs


I'd like to do a challenge where I do the following all in the same day:

3.5xBW DL
30 Pull-Ups
6 min Mile Run
Completed Half-Marathon

I've done the pull-ups and the half, and I'm over a 3xBW DL. The biggest challenge is going to be that 6 min mile, and doing it all in the same day.

I'm also going to try to do a Spartan Race trifecta next year with the wife. We did a Beast this year and it was pretty fun. We finished in the top 25% without too much trouble. I'd like to be in the top 10% but that depends on who we have run with us in our team.

Strength Plan

Operator with SQ/BP/WPU+DL and a few accessories.

Conditioning Plan

Running is my conditioning tool of choice, even though I'm relatively terrible at it. Unfortunately I didn't seem to gain much running speed after a few cycles of Black Pro, so I'm going to take an unconventional approach to my conditioning. I'll rotate between two conditioning plans each block: Distance Conditioning which is like base building and Speed Conditioning which will be similar to Black.

For Distance Conditiong I'll be doing LSS runs starting at 15 miles per week. I'll add 10% to the original distance each week. Each time I start a new cycle of Distance Conditioning I'll cut miles gained in the last cycle in half so I'm not killing myself by starting where I left off. I'll split the miles run per week into 3 runs at a ratio of 2/1/3.

Speed Conditioning will be a combination of tempo runs and interval runs, I'll get more into that next block when I actually do it.

I'm starting with Distance Comditioning this block but unfortunately I don't have any running shoes at the moment and they won't be here for a couple weeks. I'll be supplementing with hiked and other conditioning methods until then.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:53 am
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 1

70% Training Max

Primary Lifts

3x5@310 lbs

4x5@170 lbs

3x5@70 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Overhead Press 3x8-12
Calf Raise 3x8-12
Warmers Walks 3x

Speed Build-Up


I forgot to mention this in my first post. As part of my conditioning, in an attempt to become a faster runner, every other strength session (all other conditioning is done on separate days) I'll be running for a short period at 10.5mph. I started with 1:30 and I'll add 10 seconds each time. Once I add a full minute to that I'll cut it back by 30 seconds and start building back up. I chose 10.5mph because I want to break a 6 min mile, and eventually a 9 min Cooper.

-You might notice I did more sets of BP than my other lifts. I'll do that pretty frequently lately because I'm sick of my bench lagging so far behind my other lifts.
-I need to find a new way to do farmers walks in the gym. I've been using dumbells but it's a hassle moving them to where I have enough room. I'm going to try a trap bar on the mini turf area next time. I might try mixing in other loaded carries if I can figure out how to do them in the gym.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:28 pm
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 2

Today was supposed to be an LSS run but since I'm waiting on shoes I went for a hike. Climbed a particularly brutal incline of a local trail. Took about 45 mins up and down. I'm going to make this trail a regular part of my cross training as I think it's a great way to prepare for the Spartan Trifecta next year.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:28 pm
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 3

70% Training Max

Primary Lifts

3x5@310 lbs

4x5@170 lbs

3x5@70 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Face Pulls 3x8-12
Hanging Leg Raise 3x

Concentration Curls 3x8-12
Close Grip Bench 3x8-12

-Good workout, felt strong. I think my pull ups are a lot closer to my limit than my other lifts. I might have to start slowing the progression on those in following cycles. Everything else feels like I still have a lot of room to go up.
-Made it to academy PT for the first time this semester. I'm generally a lot more involved but I've been busy with family things lately. I really enjoy working with the cadets. It certainly helps keep me motivated for my own physical goals.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:35 am
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 4

MARSOC Short Card: 22 mins
Pull-ups: 20/10/5

My running shoes still haven't arrived and it was too late to go for a hike, so I did that MARSOC Short Card everyone's been talking about. I even threw on the old green silkies for old times sake lol. It was an ass kicker. ME is not my strong point. I felt like it was a little weak on leg work, but it's a decent workout and I may come back to it occasionally.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:51 am
by MaxCab
Nice log, those are some serious squat/deadlift numbers.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:54 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
I echo what Maxcab said..... they're impressive numbers....especially at your BW..... thats a 3xBW pull you have there..... holy crap, that's strong!

I was almost delirious with delight at achieving 2xBW..... I became a 'not completely useless human being' :lol:

Nice one, mate.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:09 am
by Green2Blue
MaxCab wrote:Nice log, those are some serious squat/deadlift numbers.
Train_Hard_Live_Easy wrote:I echo what Maxcab said..... they're impressive numbers....especially at your BW..... thats a 3xBW pull you have there..... holy crap, that's strong!

I was almost delirious with delight at achieving 2xBW..... I became a 'not completely useless human being' :lol:

Nice one, mate.
I appreciate the kind words gentlemen. My true maxes are a fair deal higher, but I still don't feel very strong. I'd get thrashed in competition. I just think your average gym goer doesn't put much emphasis on getting strong.

Now if I can just get my conditioning up to the level of some of the guys on this forum! Lol

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:24 am
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 5

70% Training Max

Primary Lifts

3x5@310 lbs

4x5@170 lbs

3x5@335 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Lateral Raises 3x8-12
Trunk Rotations 3x

Preacher Curls 3x8-12
Tricep Pressdowns 3x8-12

Speed Build-Up

1:40@10.5mph (10 seconds closer to a 6 min mile! Lol)

-I was actually pretty smoked after last nights MARSOC Short Card. Bench was actually a little tough for 70%, and I'm glad I didn't have pull-ups lol.
-I GOT MY RUNNING SHOES! Nike Free Flyknit RN's. I love them, fit like a glove. I'm excited to get back to running.

Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:29 am
by Green2Blue
Block 4
Week 1
Day 6

Distance: 5.6 miles
Time: 54 minutes
Average Pace: 9:36
Average RPE: 5

-I usually rest on Sunday's but yesterday was grandma's birthday, and there was cake.
-My first run in about a month and my first run in my new shoes. I was pleasantly surprised with my performance as far as my endurance was concerned.
-I loved how the shoes felt on my feet. Unfortunately I developed some blisters on my arches which progressively got worse. I'm hoping this is just a new shoe problem that will work itself out.