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PFT Training Log

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:26 pm
by supernova
Though I'd keep track of my progress as I prepare for an upcoming PFT. Thanks to everyone who helped me with my initial concerns. On Day 5 I'm thinking of doing a light load of SE 2 x 20 (only push-ups and sit-ups) to help with my numbers.

DAY 1 - SE 3 x 20
Cluster: Sit-ups, Push-ups, Goblet squats (dumbbells), Dumbbell Swings

DAY 2 - E x 30

DAY 3 - E X 30

DAY 4 - SE 2 x 20

DAY 5 - SE 2 X 20 (only did push-ups and sit-ups)

DAY 6 - E x 60
This was a bit tough, but I grinded it out. Covered just about 5 miles. I think thats the most I've ran that I can remember.

DAY 7 - Rest

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:43 pm
by supernova
Week 2

DAY 1 - SE 3 x 30
This was tougher than I thought it was going to be. Barely got through the first set then started struggling on the second set. The third set I had to do a ton of mini sets. The goblet squats and push-ups were by far the hardest for me. I even felt the abdominal "burn" during sit-ups that I hadn't felt prior to starting BB while I was doing them. After this session my legs felt like noodles which didn't even happen after my last 60 minute E run.

- I've watched videos on how to properly do goblet squats and dumbbell swings, but I noticed my quads burn like crazy during goblet squats so I'm only able to go down about 100 degree angle. In the videos they say you should go down past the knees, but I know I can't do that for all the reps. Should I slow it down even more and go down past the knees or am I fine with what I'm doing or should I dump the dumbbell and do air squats?

- I feel like I'm not doing the dumbbell swings correctly. It felt easier when thrusting forward while coming up.

- Other things I noticed after this session was feeling a bit lightheaded. I always make sure I eat an hour or two before working out.

- Even though I break down my push-ups into mini sets during the 2nd and 3rd set, I notice my arms shiver a bit. I know for a fact I need to build more strength, but I'll keep chugging along BB.

- Abiding by the rest rule in between exercises and sets is tough since I don't feel rested enough, but I trust this program and will keep at it.

DAY 2 - E x 40
Good run. Felt great.

DAY 3 - E x 40
I thought I started off too slow but kept a good pace until the end. Started to drag myself to finish. When I checked my time/distance I noticed I was 25 seconds ahead of the last session.

Day 4 - SE 2 x 30
For some reason the pushups seem to get tougher for the same amount as I was doing before. I barely knock out the first set but on the second its a pain to get to even 15. I completed it in about 3 mini sets. Goblet squats still kick my butt as well.

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:44 pm
by supernova

Day 5
SE 2 x 20 (pushup and situp)

Day 6
E x 60.....beat my time from last week by 35 seconds even though I was literally dragging my legs the last 10 mins. my pace drastically decreases after the first half.

Day 7

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 8:47 pm
by supernova

SE 3 x 40
Well this was tough. Situps and dumbbell swings are the only exercises I can actually complete without resting. Pushups are the hardest and take the longest. I did have a breakthrough though or at least I think I did. During the 3rd set of pushups I actually did 15 before having to stop. I was surprised since my arms were killing me at this point, but these reps felt different.

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 5:31 pm
by supernova

Day 2
E x 50
First 30 mins are great, but my body starts to lag after that time. I try to set mini goals during to run and push myself just a little bit.

Day 3
E x 50
This one was tough. Towards the second half of the run I was dragging my feet. Bottom of my feet were burning. I thought I was going at a nice slow pace and wouldn't beat my time from yesterday, but to my surprise I ran the same distance in 1 less minute.

Day 4
SE 2 x 40
During push-ups I don't even tend to feel my arms anymore. It feels slightly weird. I feel like I'm fatiguing around the same amount of reps as before, but my form is slightly better. I'm confident my numbers will jump after the strength portion of BB.

Day 5
SE (pushups and situps)

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 5:31 am
by supernova

Day 6
E x 65
I feel like I have more bounce in my step during periods of running. Other times I just feel like stopping. The tail end of the session is always a drag, but I force myself to get through it.

Day 7

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 5:31 am
by supernova

Day 1
SE 1 x 50
Not as bad as I thought it would be. Still a struggle but more manageable.

Day 2
E x 60
Not too bad. Didn't feel the fatigue I had previously felt.

Day 3
E x 60
Wasn't looking forward to this but grinded it out.

Day 4
SE 1 X 50
Seemed harder today than Day 1 but got thru it.

Day 5
SE pushups and situps

Day 6
E x 90
First 65 mins wasn't too bad. Then again I started off much slower than I did with previous E sessions to make sure I could make it all the way through. Last 25 mins was a pain. Legs felt wobbly and I could feel the soreness and fatigue really kicking in. I'm pumped I was able to get through the entire 90 minutes. Logged a bit over 7 miles. By far the most I've ever ran. Feels like a huge accomplishment, but know its a small one in comparison to what I'm trying to achieve.

Day 7

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:32 am
by supernova

Day 1
SE 3 x 50
Don't know how I got through this but I did. I felt my third set of pushups were "easier" than my second set.

Day 2
E x 45

Day 3
E x 45
Pushed myself a bit today. Logged just under 4 miles. I know not impressive in comparison to many of you, but I feel like I actually enjoy running now. Lets see if that carries over to HIC next week.

Day 4
SE 2 x 50
Well this wasn't fun. Made sure I did every rep perfect and took my time doing it. Felt more sore from this session than on previous SE session.

Day 5

Day 6
E x 45
For some reason my calves hurt like hell at the outset this day. I felt like it was my first day running again and that my pace was really slow. I did go a bit slower since I felt some discomfort in my ankle so I was favoring it throughout the run. Surprisingly I was only a very short distance off at the end of my run than the last session where I pushed myself.

Day 7

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:52 am
by DocOctagon
supernova wrote:WEEK 5

Day 1
SE 3 x 50
Don't know how I got through this but I did. I felt my third set of pushups were "easier" than my second set.
Your consistency is awesome. This is what progress looks like.

Re: PFT Training Log

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:18 pm
by supernova
DocOctagon wrote:
supernova wrote:WEEK 5

Day 1
SE 3 x 50
Don't know how I got through this but I did. I felt my third set of pushups were "easier" than my second set.
Your consistency is awesome. This is what progress looks like.
Thanks Doc. I'm determined to get my numbers up so I can pass my PFT. I know I'm on the right path, just have to be patient and work hard.