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Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:44 pm
by Deper95
Today was my first day of base and I'm modeling my base off of the template in the conditioning book so today was strength endurance.
SE3x20: Pull-ups(4), Sandbag Getups, Push-ups, and Swings@35#.
Overall today felt good. For the pull-ups I'm dividing the number in the book each week by 5 and for the getups I'm using a 60# sandbag.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:07 pm
by Deper95
Today I did a 45 minute LSS RUN and it was certainly different than the running I'm used to. I'm using a FitBit to keep track of my heart rate and am trying to adhere to the Maffetone Method which for me equates to a max heart rate of 158. I accidentally went over this a few times after which I would stop jogging and walk for a bit to lower my heart rate. Overall my average HR was 149 and my max was 164.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:52 pm
by DocOctagon

FYI, one practice around here is to cap pull-ups or chins at 20 for all the other exercises progress as per normal but pull-ups don't go any higher than 20 reps. But I like your method too, 5 rep mini-sets is a smart way to go.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:45 pm
by Deper95
Did another 45 minute LSS Run. I started off going at a slower pace and I didn't have to stop and walk any today to keep my heart rate in the appropriate range which is encouraging. I might have to wake up earlier and do these runs before sunrise because it's getting hot.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:13 pm
by Deper95
Another Strength-Endurance day, 2x20. I decided to sub the pull-ups with inverted rows because I don't specifically need to work on pull-ups right now and with the rows I can get more reps in.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:14 pm
by Deper95
I did a 75 minute LSS run today and it was an interesting experience. The first 45 minutes or so I had no problem staying in my heart rate range, but the last thirty minutes I had to take more walking breaks to stay in the proper HR range than I would have liked. I'm not sure if this was due to the heat, the fact I didn't sleep very good, or something else. Like I mentioned in my previous post I'll probably do my runs around 5 am next week due to the heat.

Re: Deper95

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:49 pm
by Deper95
Recovery day today. With a light kettlebell(around 20#) I did 20 Turkish Getups per side and then 5 per side 1 arm swings until I reached 100 swings. Additionally I subscribed to ROMWOD as mobility has always been a weak spot of mine. The first ROMWOD was truly humbling, but I made it through and while it didn't feel very good during the actual workout I felt amazing afterwards.