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Josh's log

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:38 am
by Josh
Hello all,


I started running a couple of years ago, working up to a very slow half marathon last fall. I also ran a Starting Strength Linear Progression starting in September of 2016. I ended up gaining a bunch of fat and a bunch of aches and pains, while losing the aerobic base I built for myself.

I bought the Tactical Barbell books a while ago, but the Starting Strength kool-aid is strong and I spent 6 months after my novice progression trying to push my 5s on the big 4 lifts, with little progress and lots of joint stress.

Male 36, 220lb 5'10"
My recent top sets
Squat 260x3
Bench 195x5
Press 115x5
Deadlift 320x5

My last run was 2.1 miles in 24:17

My short term goals are:
  • Complete base building
    Lose some weight
    Rehab my elbows,shoulders, and hip flexors
    Run a sub hour 10k
    Learn to lift in a constructive, not destructive manner
I plan on starting My base building block on Monday. Between now and then, I'll try out my SE circuit and get in another run or two.
I think my circuit is going to be:
Single leg Romanian Deadlifts
Inverted rows
Back extensions

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:41 am
by Josh
2.1 miles 24:17
5:2 run:walk ratio
I bailed on the last two minutes of the workout as my left ankle was starting to feel funny.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:41 am
by Josh

SE trial ~12 minutes I think. I need to use a timer
Inverted rows
First set I did 20 reps. Squats seemed super easy, push-ups seemed about right. The single leg RDLs are more of a balance exercise. I had to rest pause the rows: 12,7,1. The second set I did 10s of everything. I'm going to do the Alpha version of base building, and I'm going to switch out lunges for squats

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:50 am
by Josh
Insomnia run
2.5 mi in 30:30 mins on the treadmill
Need to regulate sleep

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:10 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 1
SE 3x20: 34:49

Squats Push-ups SLRDLs iRows Supermans

I rest-paused the rows and the last pushup set. Elbows and right shoulder feel ok immediately after. I didn't want to wait until Monday.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:25 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 2

5:2x5=33 minutes 2.7 miles

Rehab circuit:
2 rounds of shoulder dislocates, low bar stretches, band pull aparts, db curls and planks

I also took my two daughters on a quick mile bike ride to the park and then back.
I also did 4x15 @80lb on the lay pulldown while I was doing laundry.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:11 am
by Josh
Week 1 Day 3

5:2x5= 33 minutes 2.7 miles
It felt maybe a little slower, especially the uphill parts

Rehab circuit
20 ezcurls @40
10 shoulder dislocates
15 band pullaparts
Low bar stretch

I miss lifting heavy, but I feel so much better after a few weeks off. It kind of makes me want to run green protocol when I'm done with BB

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:39 pm
by Josh
Week 1 Day 4
1x20= 7:34

I got called away to deal with sick kids after the first set and was too tired to get back to it. I thought it might have been the bike rides and walks I went on with the girls. When I woke up this morning, I had the head cold my girls have: mystery solved. I'm going to cal yesterday my recovery day and redo my SE today.

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:41 am
by Josh
Base Building
Week 1 combo: 2nd SE last E workout

5:2x6ish = 39:44 3.2 miles
5 minute break
SE 2x20 16:25

Dad-life got in the way the past two days. So I did the last two workouts of the week back to back. The run was my towns local 5k route. The last time I ran it was in April and it was a minute faster, but I'm not thinking of time right now.
The SE went ok, the last couple of push-ups were tough, but the squats went quick and I think I'm getting better at balance during the Single leg RDLs. iRows are still done rest-pause style. Tomorrow is a rest day but unless I go for a hike or quick jog, week 1 is in the books

Re: Josh's log

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:52 am
by CelticFrost91
I was strong on that Starting Strength kool-aid for a while last year too haha. Base building brought me into a great spot so keep it up. Had some fluffiness prior to starting Tactical Barbell and base building really helped bring me into overall shape as well as bringing my run time way down. Good luck.