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Cheat meals

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:51 am
by Blackmetalbunny
I'm currently on a mild cut, but there is one thing I really am curious about.

If you were on a cut, what is your cheat meal?

Mine's a McDonald's Create Your Taste burger with 4 Angus meat patties, 2 slices of bacon, caramelized onions, slathered in sauce. Plus a 20 piece McNuggets.

At the very least, I'm getting my protein in.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:19 pm
by Barkadion
I've done cut in a past. I didn't have "cheat meals" as it is but I did have diet breaks scheduled on the regular basis.
I'd say that baked goods are my cheat meals. Pies, cakes, breads.
And cheat meal without Häagen-Dazs is a way to misery. Häagen-Dazs is a king of cheating. :twisted:

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:50 pm
by Tym87
Large pizza with all the meat.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:27 pm
by Geidi
Hot dogs and chocolate ice cream. Especially Japa Dogs, all beef, ketchup, mustard, banana peppers and relish. God damn now I'm hungry.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:14 pm
by crnewhouse
Blackmetalbunny wrote:I'm currently on a mild cut, but there is one thing I really am curious about.

If you were on a cut, what is your cheat meal?

Mine's a McDonald's Create Your Taste burger with 4 Angus meat patties, 2 slices of bacon, caramelized onions, slathered in sauce. Plus a 20 piece McNuggets.

At the very least, I'm getting my protein in.
Oh my gosh, that is the most epic meal I have ever heard of haha. I have more of cheat days, but I don't pig out at each meal. This might mean a slightly bigger breakfast (Steak and Eggs anyone?) with some kind of restaurant-type food for lunch and dinner. I still try to cram in veggies by way of salad or cooked/steamed veggies. I find I don't feel as guilty running it this way and my surplus is probably only 1000+ calories for that day.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:45 am
by NathanC77
I don't have planned cheat meals per se. I generally eat pretty "clean" (sort of a Paleo + plenty of potatoes, some rice, plenty of Greek yogurt). 3 meals a day, each with some protein, veggies, and a carb. But whenever I'm feeling run down or not quite recovered, my go to meal is a big cheesburger and fries. I'm sure it's largely a placebo effect, but that meal seems like a magic recovery meal to me.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:02 am
by J-Madd
Every Friday night we do homemade pizza and some sort of big dessert (usually some sort of ice cream) with our kids. I eat very carefully all week, but on Friday's I dive into that pizza and dessert. Even when I come off the wagon I tend to stay away from fast food, because it really does just leave me feeling like garbage afterwards.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:21 am
by HICsterDoofus
I once had a personal trainer tell me that a double quarter-pounder was the ideal cheat food cum post-workout meal. I was incredulous at first but If you have a look at the macros, the PT was actually on to something....

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 2:45 am
by Blackmetalbunny
crnewhouse wrote:Oh my gosh, that is the most epic meal I have ever heard of haha.
That’s the whole intent – major massive protein and happiness in a box. I do this maybe once every 2 weeks, and it's something I look forward to so much. Forget fancy-pants restaurants, I'm happy with Mickey D's.
NathanC77 wrote:I'm sure it's largely a placebo effect, but that meal seems like a magic recovery meal to me.
Well I’m pretty sure that it resets your mental stress from all the clean eating, and activates endorphins which will definitely have a positive effect if you’ve been strict with your diet and have been training hard.
HICsterDoofus wrote:I once had a personal trainer tell me that a double quarter-pounder was the ideal cheat food cum post-workout meal. I was incredulous at first but If you have a look at the macros, the PT was actually on to something....
Exactly, assuming your macro profile and diet has been on point, this is awesome - approx 50g of protein, saturated fats (though it is a little high) and high in carbs. Skip on the fries and sugary drink and you're gold.

Re: Cheat meals

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:33 am
by Tym87
Geidi wrote:Hot dogs and chocolate ice cream. Especially Japa Dogs, all beef, ketchup, mustard, banana peppers and relish. God damn now I'm hungry.
NO not ketchup on a hotdog!