HIC or E For Mood?

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Mug Costanza
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HIC or E For Mood?

Post by Mug Costanza »

Just curious fellas, do you find greater mood improvements after a HIC or E?

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by bytes-cruncher »

Definitely E for me and if I remember correctly then I read in "The brain's way of healing" by Norman Dodge that LSS style walking/running has a therapeutic effect on brain.

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by Kinetic »

bytes-cruncher wrote:Definitely E for me and if I remember correctly then I read in "The brain's way of healing" by Norman Dodge that LSS style walking/running has a therapeutic effect on brain.
Never heard of this book but sounds interesting, thanks for mentioning it. LSS also supposedly resets or rejuvenates dopamine receptors as well.

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by Fedaykin »

Awesome question man. For me, E chills me out and makes me feel mellow. HIC does the opposite, wakes me up and makes me want to tackle my goals. Both good moods, just different flavors.

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by grouchyjarhead »

E definitely for me. Once I get a good pace going, I can easily forget the time and just enjoy it. When I first got married it used to drive my wife nuts, as I'd say I was going out for a short run and it ended up being much longer. I'd say "oh just a quick two miles" and the next thing you'd know it'd be two hours later and she's trying to figure out where the heck I went :lol:

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by Barkadion »

LSS gets me on meditative state of mind. Also, I feel kind of "high". I guess, endorphins kicking in and you fly.

Lifting gives me feeling of completion on the other end of the spectrum. Which feels great as well.

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by StayGrey »

E seems to put me in a good mood that carries over for a day or more. HIC feels good right after but it's short lived.

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by Conor78 »

E all the way for me.. I forgot how chilled I feel after getting it done. I've been doing some of my LSS before work and it definitely helps with being productive etc. I enjoy HIIT at the time but I don't get a chilled out buzz afterwards

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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by nickgoldma »

E for me without a doubt. I feel really good after an E session. Whether its an LSS run, a "double" or a triple, I feel great. I also do a lot of my E training in the evening before bed because it tires me out well and improves my quality of sleep which feels awesome.
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Re: HIC or E For Mood?

Post by cws1992 »

E for sure. It's put in such a great mood. Especially when I have a good music playlist.

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