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Re: Sleep

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:15 pm
by Barkadion
- Two more trials for 2g of Glycine worked really well for me. No hangover and good productive sleep. The key points for me is to take it ~30 min before bed time and go to sleep at the right time. I can see a real benefits if it works for me like that. 4-5hrs of deep sleep make a huge difference.

- Reading the book. Good read. Now, what is interesting that I have never looked into the meditation as a health care instrument. I used to study it as spiritual/religion/philosophical practice. Re-inventing the whole thing now.. This is the best feeling in the whole world - re-inventing something that you thought you know.. :)

Re: Sleep

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 8:19 pm
by Barkadion
Here is another though. Magnesium glycinate is primarily glycine:

- The formula is: C4H8MgN2O4
- Glycine formula is: C2H5NO2,

So, magnesium glycinate contains one Mg atom and two Glycine molecules.. It looks like that you can just get Magnesium glycinate and be all set. No need in ZMA and/or glycine..