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Reminder for the beginners

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:39 pm
by travman
BLUF: I had my wisdom teeth out and my first child in a 13 hour period. This occurred at the end of my rest week following the 3-1-3-1-3-1-3 cycle. My adjustment was to increase my rest intervals and have patience and humility in my training.

Being a beginner I have experienced great gains in strength and conditioning at the end of every block. Making large jumps in weight and decreasing run times was something that I was accustomed to. Recovery was simple, I could easily hit 7+ hours of sleep a night and hit my macros. This has changed as my family has grown and I have lost three teeth.

I began training my last three-week block last Sunday with the mindset of "Be patient, you are running off of 2 hours of sleep chunks and whatever food is given to you so you aren't tracking your macros."

The beginners mantra of just show up and do the work. In short consistency is key. Gains on the bar and decrease run times will happen because you are beginner. If they do not happen that is fine. It is fine because training is about years not months, weeks, or days. It takes time to be advance in multiple domains. Just have patience and a little bit of humility. Recognize you are a beginner, give it time and you will become advance.


Re: Reminder for the beginners

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:05 pm
by Maxrip13
Nice mate. The training will keep you sane.

Just do something and keep those movement patterns grooved.

Otherwise feel free to take some time off for recovery. It sounds like you were pretty consistent leading up to this period.
I know it will feel like it, but there is nothing wrong with taking a week or two off every now and then when life gets in the way.