Member Introductions Thread

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Barkadion »

Croaker wrote:Here goes, long time listener, first time caller...

35M Emergency Physician and Academic.
Long time martial arts background (Karate ~10y, followed by Chinese Boxing for the last 12y).

Spent a long time doing the occasional long jog as my main form of exercise, followed by a love-hate relationship with an erg for most of my years of residency training. Got introduced to barbell work through CrossFit (nobody's perfect), but as many have commented before, I soon felt like I was doing a lot of random stuff in workouts rather than making progress. Eventually transitioned to Starting Strength and then Power Athlete, but felt terrible with the lack of conditioning work. I may not be fast, but being able to put in a good run a few days a week is one of the few things that makes stress (and occasional death threats) from work manageable.

I've been running blocks of TB for the past year, and have made some solid gains while slowly improving my run times. Fighter Bangkok took my bench from 155lb to 200lb, and TBDL from 245lb to 315lb in a single block. Running base building afterward took me to my first sub-40 5 miler in a long time. The results are justification enough, but I really appreciate TB because it's adaptable and well-rounded. The community itself is supportive and undogmatic, a rare find on the internet these days.

Welcome and good luck!
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by OneOfManyRobs »


I did a sort of half-introduction in another thread, so I'll do a proper one here. I'm a 37-year old LEO in conservation enforcement on the west coast of the USA. My usual patrol area is somewhat flat, but I occasionally work in a more mountainous area. I had a fitness wake-up call last year, where I needed to ruck a 40 lbs bag of medical equipment to an injured hiker. It was a relatively short but steep hike, and I was gasping by the time I got to where I needed to be.

I tried Simple & Sinister after that, but it wasn't getting me to where I needed to be. So, I'm now entering week 6 of Base Building, alternating barbell work with the Grey Skull LP program with LSS jogging, between 30 - 50 minutes worth. I've never done any sort of real strength training before, so after a bit of a false start, I started at the bar and added weight from there. I've done Couch to 5k before, so I was able to build up my LSS faster. I've never been good at SE work, mostly because my strength isn't that great. We'll see how Weeks 6-8 go. I'm just finishing a rest week, due to Metatarsalgia in both feet. Turns out that running on pavement in shoes designed for dirt trails isn't a great idea.

My basic goal is to be able to do all functions of my job without being limited by my fitness level, and to be able to do hard physical things for fun in my off-time. Since that's sort of vague, I refined it to the following:

Deadlift = 2x bodyweight
Bench = 1.25x bodyweight
Low Back Squat = 1.5x bodyweight
Weighted Chinup = total 1.25x bodyweight, including me + weights

1.5 mile run = 9 minutes
Ability to run 1/2 marathon in good order (jog continuously, end feeling tired but not destroyed)

Right now my lifting numbers are nowhere near that. I can currently slowly jog about 10k and not feel completely destroyed, though when I did a timed 1.5 mile run early last year it was about 14 minutes. After I complete the BB block, I'll shift into Operator/Black:Professional. I'll keep with the GSLP 3/week until I plateau on the LP, then switch to the lifting program out of TBI. The 2x HIC/week will be a mix of 600m resets, Apex Hills, and the occasional kettlebell cluster. The 6th-day E session will be a mix of tempo runs, bicycling, and the occasional fun run. Once my strength numbers are about where I want them to be, I'll shift to Fighter/Green, and start focusing on the running speed and endurance. Hopefully, the combination of increased muscle mass and 3x/week cardio sessions during the OP blocks will shave enough off my frame to make the running goals easier to hit. I'll be doing Intermittent Fasting (16:8) to control caloric intake, unless that starts impacting my training.

Ideally, I'll hit my goals by the end of 2020. We'll see how it goes. I've got a training log here, if you're interested.
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by FatBradleyGuy »


32M, active duty Army (mech Infantry, hence the name).

I’ve used TB in the past, and am currently mid way through a cycle of Zulu I/A. Once I finish and hopefully test maxes, it’ll be time to plan a new cycle.

Running is my major limiting factor now. I’ve completed base building before, using indoor cycling for LSS. I intend to redo it either as written or using an unconventional approach, but with more running emphasis this time.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by CamilleH »


35M leaving in Stockholm. Stumbled across TB a few months ago and loved the books. My goals are strength first and mass second (being skinny by nature). I had started a 5x5 routine a year and a half ago before covid put a stop to that. I have recently started training seriously again. Currently running the black protocol with Greyskull LP for building up strength (I am a beginner when it comes to strength training). I started training Kyokushin last year just before covid and I love it! The challenge these days is to fit all these pieces together alongside work and family commitments.

Looking forward to participating in this forum!

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck with the training!!
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

Hi everyone I am SeptentrionaliLyon or Lyon if that's too long. I am 17M
My Lifting history is 5 months, 3 months on the Greyskull LP and now currently 2 months into running the SBS novice LP and TB base building
I got hired to work on a maintenance/trail crew 6 months ago in the upper midwest and realized pretty quick my strength and conditioning were not up to snuff if I wanted to do this for years.
Last edited by SeptentrionaliLyon on Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by mauldms »

I'll keep this short (or try to) and sweet since my previous post I was writing timed out.

Hey all! I'm a 36M that is active duty Army and living in Hawaii. I made a longer reddit "accountability" post on r/tacticalbarbell about my lifestyle and what has driven me to this community. I'll expand a little bit more here than I did on reddit. TL;DR: I've had zero accountability for myself and have been sedentary the last 10 months and shit has got to change. I am not being the best version of myself that I can be and I am letting down my wife, my kids (hopefully I can set a positive example for them) and my future soldiers (I aspire to lead soldiers at the Battalion level).

I've been in the SOF community for the last 8 years and I first learned about TB a few years ago from some friends/co-workers. They used it to great success and it had the added benefit of being endorsed by our HPO coaches. So clearly, the program can and does work if you have the discipline to do it... and that is the crux of my problem: I have had zero accountability for myself (I should have the discipline to hold myself accountable and I haven't been).

So, all that said, my short term goal is really to just be consistent and disciplined enough to rebuild the habit of fitness. Short term (in the next 6-12 months) is to consistently conduct 3x "strength" workouts and 3x "endurance/cardio" workouts per week. In my mind, that works out well with an Operator/Black model after I do Pre-Base Building and then Base Building (yeah, I've gotten so skinny fat and out of shape that I have to do PBB, but hey, everyone starts somewhere).

Longer term (and maybe being more specific will help with motivation/discipline) is to be able to Deadlift 340 x 3 comfortably (that's 100 points on the new Army Combat Fitness Test) while still being able to run 2 miles in <15:00, and to just generally feel more confident in my fitness.

Sorry for the novel but thanks for reading.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck with the training!
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by atomic »

Howdy -- found TB through reddit but thought I should join the forum. I'm over on reddit as /u/atomicstation.

I love the books so far, I've read TB2 and the new GP cover to cover and I'll probably do it again.
I started TB BB a few weeks ago, but decided to transition to GP foundations, and I'm loving OP/DUP so far. I'll probably run it exactly as written, even though I'm not training for a CA role.

I am a first time big game hunter in Colorado, so I want to be a cyborg when it comes to being able to hike in and stay on the mountain for as long as possible. I'm also signing up for a trail half marathon in the mountains in September, so my running has been up in the hills of northern CO. I also ruck regularly and have done so for a few years now.

I was a big time kettlebell guy for a while, but got back into barbell again this year after about five years off. I've also ran several half marathons, but I always would alternate my training between "running season" and "strength training/bulking season" -- reading TB got me excited to try for the elite middle ground and become a hybrid athlete.

I plan to start a training log, but I have wrist surgery coming up and I'll be mostly running for a while.
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Barkadion »

atomic wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:14 am Howdy -- found TB through reddit but thought I should join the forum. I'm over on reddit as /u/atomicstation.

I love the books so far, I've read TB2 and the new GP cover to cover and I'll probably do it again.
I started TB BB a few weeks ago, but decided to transition to GP foundations, and I'm loving OP/DUP so far. I'll probably run it exactly as written, even though I'm not training for a CA role.

I am a first time big game hunter in Colorado, so I want to be a cyborg when it comes to being able to hike in and stay on the mountain for as long as possible. I'm also signing up for a trail half marathon in the mountains in September, so my running has been up in the hills of northern CO. I also ruck regularly and have done so for a few years now.

I was a big time kettlebell guy for a while, but got back into barbell again this year after about five years off. I've also ran several half marathons, but I always would alternate my training between "running season" and "strength training/bulking season" -- reading TB got me excited to try for the elite middle ground and become a hybrid athlete.

I plan to start a training log, but I have wrist surgery coming up and I'll be mostly running for a while.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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