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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:50 pm
by Geidi
Geidi here from Reddit. I'm not military but my better half is, most of her family too. My brother in-law is special operations and is actually the dude that got me started on TB. I do a lot of my training at the base gym, so rub shoulders with a lot of guys and gals in uniform.

I can't quite put my finger on it, bu this online TB community has a very solid feel to it, unlike most forums I've been a part of!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:23 pm
by crnewhouse
What's up everyone?!

crnewhouse from reddit. 25 years old. I am a Business Systems Analyst and a Signal Officer in the Army National Guard with three years of experience (1LT). I discovered TB on r/fitness thanks to some awesome stranger's two line comment about the program. I'm glad my curiosity got the best of me because I have found the first program that truly makes sense for service members. I was so sick and tired of spinning my wheels trying to improve my APFT scores and still trying to hit the weights frequently.

I am currently rerunning BB for the third time. Work got in the way the first time with travel, and I barely began the second attempt before getting sick. I'm running through my second consecutive week right now (Standard version) to give myself a break from lifting and really focus on my cardio. I must say that even with my other failed attempts, I have still seen monumental increases in my cardio and attitude since beginning BB a few months ago.

I'm familiar with many of you from the subreddit, but it's nice to learn more about your backgrounds.


Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:20 pm
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
Seems to be the more appropriate place to paste my intro.

I'm ex Royal Navy (left 20 years ago after 8 years service, feck that's awhile).... Emigrated to Canada 8 years ago. Own a kettlebell gym/training facility (7 years this month) still have clients from those initial months......nope, not crossfit, did it back in the day in the UK, 10 years ago when it was 'underground', pre 'sport of exercising' ...... Influenced by Gym Jones when it was Mark Twight in charge (completed their level 2 last year) the work of Rob Shaul at Mountain some of Dan Johns writing, ok I enjoy most of what he writes ;) ..... At our training centre we are Looking to build all round better humans. ( Nothing makes me happier than receiving an email from a client saying they can't make the session due to being on a mountain summit.... Firmly believe anything done in the gym is done to enhance life outside of the gym)

Banter is good..... I don't watch the news ( haven't in over 7 years)...... Newspapers - nope, don't read them either.

Aim is to live an outstanding life here in the Canadian Rockies.....I snowboard, ride a motorbike, and love telling tall tales around the fire.

It's nice to have someplace to log my training other than on Instagram.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:03 am
by NathanC77
I'm 27, no military or law enforcement experience. I swam in high school, ran and lifted weights off and on since college, but I've done a lot of program hopping. I like to hike, swim, and rock climb occasionally, and in the past I sometimes found myself opting out of these activities because I'd had a weight session planned before or after. TB is so far the best program I've found that's given me results without compromising other parts of my life.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:33 am
by TangoZero
TB user here, 15 years as a LEO with about half that time on SWAT.

My story is probably similar to yours, been training all my life and ran the gamut from Starting Strength to Crossfit. None of these were a perfect fit, some came close but just not quite there. The strength programs were too powerlifter-ish with no regard for cardio, and crossfit had some serious deficiencies.

2 years ago a member on my team was using a training book called "Tactical Barbell"....and honestly I scoffed a little at the title. Until he took first place during our annual qualifications. The rest is history.

Very happy to finally have a TB forum!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:50 am
by Blackmetalbunny
I'm /u/blackmetalbunny from reddit.

For the record, I do not listen to black metal (though I do listen to some of the other genres in metal), and I'm not a rabbit (though I do eat a fair bit of salads).

Redditors will recognize me from my long threads and autocorrect-error laden posts.

I've never been physical active my whole life, and really got motivated into it when I saw how tubby I had gotten.

I started with calisthenics through Dragon Door's books, and the impressive BW feats some calisthenics guys can perform. However; I later found out about CrossFit and really wanted to develop the idea strength and conditioning that will allow me to tackle anything that suddenly gets thrown at me. However; that was not to be as CrossFit didn't hit my part of Asia until I had gotten over the idea.

Tactical Barbell was something I had come across, it peaked my interested and I've settled into the training approach ever since.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:33 am
by Shivayan
Hey all,
I am Shivayan.
Currently seeking to join the Army reserves while in Uni, then go full time officer after I graduate.
The fact that the Army will pay me to workout blows my mind.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:09 pm
by Tym87
Enlisted Marine. Attempting to become an officer. Current Grad Student. Hope to do federal law enforcement eventually.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:24 am
by crnewhouse
Shivayan wrote:Hey all,
I am Shivayan.
Currently seeking to join the Army reserves while in Uni, then go full time officer after I graduate.
The fact that the Army will pay me to workout blows my mind.
It's definitely nice to have PT built into your workday, when I roll with the Active Guard Reserve guys (Full timers that run the armory between drills), we would do PT from 11:00 to 1:00. It was awesome to have a solid piece of your day carved out. The OIC didn't even tack extra hours onto the end of the day as long as you got your stuff done.

Good luck with your endeavors. You have found an awesome guide and a fantastic community!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:23 am
by AndyGog
Hi all,

44 year old novice here. Working a desk job with a young family. Been trying to run some of the 5x5 linear progressions, but I've found that they go - easy, easy, easy, harder, and then I seem to strain something and have to take a few weeks off and start again. Maybe I need to admit that I'm not going to make the rugby team and my chances of playing outside half for Wales are slipping away?

So I'm just getting started on TB Operator. 3 weeks into my first 9 week block, doing squat, bench and lat pull down (can only do 2 shaky pull ups). Enjoying it so far.
