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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:35 pm
by Totem Animal
Hi everyone,

I'm a LEO from northern Europe. I was in army reserve for several years and also worked in private security for a couple of years. I found TB when I was recovering from an injury last December. I was in awe. Finally someone had figured out how to put together a comprehensive structured program for military and law enforcement. I had tried to combine several strength programs (like Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1) with running and other conditioning (crossfit, martial arts) but it always ended in an injury or overtraining. Or I hit a plateau and couldn't break through. Or I got lazy and onesided.

Right now I'm still in the process of getting back my baseline performance. I had to take a long break from lower body work, both conditioning and strength. For the past two months I have incorporated TB principles into my training schedule to get a feel for the program. I have a mandatory PFT coming up in a couple of weeks. After that is done I'll start doing TB by the book, starting with standard base building phase. I have some longer term goals in my job and I think TB is the right tool to help me get there.

Thank you all for creating this community, it has been a great help already!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 6:41 pm
by Barkadion
Welcome mate!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:51 am
by Likes
Welcome and good luck!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:57 am
by Barkadion
SteveGrey wrote:G'day all,

Names Steve, LEO/ex mil from Australia.

Keen to use TB for selection prep, used Stew Smith and Sealfit/ CrossFit and Soflete in the past, always led to shitloads of injuries.

Keen to hear from anyone who's used TB for selection prep (particularly aussies)

And yes, I have read the thread here and on Reddit, thankyou to Josephwales for the highly valuable info
Good luck with your training!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:31 pm
by Cold Zero
Hey all.

West European LEO. 20 years in. 40 years old. Did tons of fun stuff and my body is now paying the price.
Did the whole martial arts/weightlifting/Crossfit/Powerlifting/more weightlifting, thing for forever.
Competed in all and was in some high speed units. Meanwhile i racked up a pretty big list of injuries. Some minor and some life changing. After my last injury I got dystrofie and almost lost function of my arm.
Decided enough was enough and slowed down. Stopped chasing numbers and running myself into the ground. Also got promoted couple of times so I ride a desk now mostly.

I've run 5/3/1 a lot, 5th Set (super), Ben Pollack stuff (great full body templates), Josh Bryant Jailhouse Strong and everything from Paul Carter.
When I admitted to myself my conditioning was a disaster I found TB and started reading up.
I love reading training stuff so I bought all the books and Ageless Athlete and read everything. I like most of it but just really really hate full body training. I ran operator (the Ageless version) for a cycle (swings!) and did some Grey Man from the new Mass book. Triggered an old hip injury so I went back to more bodybuilding stuff for now.
This fall/winter I will retreat back into my homegym and visit the regular gym less so will probably run Grey Man and give it a real try.

Look forward to reading along with you guys.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:38 pm
by Barkadion
Cold Zero wrote:Hey all.

West European LEO. 20 years in. 40 years old. Did tons of fun stuff and my body is now paying the price.
Did the whole martial arts/weightlifting/Crossfit/Powerlifting/more weightlifting, thing for forever.
Competed in all and was in some high speed units. Meanwhile i racked up a pretty big list of injuries. Some minor and some life changing. After my last injury I got dystrofie and almost lost function of my arm.
Decided enough was enough and slowed down. Stopped chasing numbers and running myself into the ground. Also got promoted couple of times so I ride a desk now mostly.

I've run 5/3/1 a lot, 5th Set (super), Ben Pollack stuff (great full body templates), Josh Bryant Jailhouse Strong and everything from Paul Carter.
When I admitted to myself my conditioning was a disaster I found TB and started reading up.
I love reading training stuff so I bought all the books and Ageless Athlete and read everything. I like most of it but just really really hate full body training. I ran operator (the Ageless version) for a cycle (swings!) and did some Grey Man from the new Mass book. Triggered an old hip injury so I went back to more bodybuilding stuff for now.
This fall/winter I will retreat back into my homegym and visit the regular gym less so will probably run Grey Man and give it a real try.

Look forward to reading along with you guys.

Welcome mate! Turning 50 in a few months and TB is the best training I have ever done..

Good luck!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:26 am
by Pr3inar

32 yo LEO, northern Europe. 92 kg, 180 cm tall.

My training history started with the usual 4 split (chest-day on monday) when I was 14-15 years old, DoggCrapp, then Krav Maga and Crossfit, 5/3/1, Defranco Westside etc. The nagging back injuries added up, and in a fight at work everything tore up. Thats 5 years ago, spent to years as a detective with muscle atrophy in a useless , numb left foot and buttocks.

Got a surgery summer 2016. Never stopped working out, but changed to bodyweight and some weights for upper body. I have used Ross Enamaits material quite a lot. The last year I have started adding kettlebells, and joined a Crossfit gym, but I have been selective with what classes I join. I tend to avoid heavy O-lifts, squats and deadlifts, out of fear for two more years. Have always hsted running, but feel the need fore some more aerobic trainin, and will be starting baseline now.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:01 pm
by Barkadion
Pr3inar wrote:Hello!

32 yo LEO, northern Europe. 92 kg, 180 cm tall.

My training history started with the usual 4 split (chest-day on monday) when I was 14-15 years old, DoggCrapp, then Krav Maga and Crossfit, 5/3/1, Defranco Westside etc. The nagging back injuries added up, and in a fight at work everything tore up. Thats 5 years ago, spent to years as a detective with muscle atrophy in a useless , numb left foot and buttocks.

Got a surgery summer 2016. Never stopped working out, but changed to bodyweight and some weights for upper body. I have used Ross Enamaits material quite a lot. The last year I have started adding kettlebells, and joined a Crossfit gym, but I have been selective with what classes I join. I tend to avoid heavy O-lifts, squats and deadlifts, out of fear for two more years. Have always hsted running, but feel the need fore some more aerobic trainin, and will be starting baseline now.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2019 3:42 am
by IMightBeWrong
Hi, everyone.

My name is Nick. I’m a former EMT, worked impatient in behavioral health primarily in case of alcohol or benzo withdrawal seizures or opiate/opioid overdoses. Most of the job was dealing with people in paranoid psychosis on 1:1 observation, though. Spent 5 years in that field before we had our daughter this past September and I decided the stress of our newborn and behavioral health wasn’t going to be a good balance for me. Since behavioral health got me punched, kicked, and even bit, I got into Jiu-Jitsu but I wasn’t strong and found myself getting injured too frequently, so I started lifting weights as it is often recommended for injury prevention.

I started off with a 3 day a week Arnold Split, then started program hopping like mad. Now I’ve been on Starting Strength for about 6 weeks and this led me to Tactical Barbell as I began looking for new barbell training reading material and programs. Right now I am on a break from BJJ and in a sedentary new job in insurance so I am focusing on strength for a while before I go back to Jiu-Jitsu, then I’ll likely switch to a TB template so that it’s easier to balance the activities. The progression model is really interesting and seems like it’ll be a great way to reduce fatigue from workouts.

It’s also nice to see a forum for something I am interested in that actually has activity in 2019!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:32 am
by Croaker
Here goes, long time listener, first time caller...

35M Emergency Physician and Academic.
Long time martial arts background (Karate ~10y, followed by Chinese Boxing for the last 12y).

Spent a long time doing the occasional long jog as my main form of exercise, followed by a love-hate relationship with an erg for most of my years of residency training. Got introduced to barbell work through CrossFit (nobody's perfect), but as many have commented before, I soon felt like I was doing a lot of random stuff in workouts rather than making progress. Eventually transitioned to Starting Strength and then Power Athlete, but felt terrible with the lack of conditioning work. I may not be fast, but being able to put in a good run a few days a week is one of the few things that makes stress (and occasional death threats) from work manageable.

I've been running blocks of TB for the past year, and have made some solid gains while slowly improving my run times. Fighter Bangkok took my bench from 155lb to 200lb, and TBDL from 245lb to 315lb in a single block. Running base building afterward took me to my first sub-40 5 miler in a long time. The results are justification enough, but I really appreciate TB because it's adaptable and well-rounded. The community itself is supportive and undogmatic, a rare find on the internet these days.