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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:23 am
by Deper95
Hi guys. I recently Deped into the Army as a 68W and am looking to start a more structured workout program hence tactical barbell. I'm currently in college so I won't be shipping to basic until next June.
Physical Stats: I'm currently 6'2 200 pounds so I'm more or less looking to maintain weight. Current AFPT scores are 60 push-ups, 14:13 2 mile, and 96 sit-ups so there's room for improvement in all areas. By next June my goals are a sub 13 minute 2 mile, 90 push-ups, and over 100 sit-ups.
Plan: I'm really hoping I can pick up an option 40 contract(RASP) or at least an option 4(Airborne) before I ship. If I can't I plan on training so I can score on the extended scale on the APFT and hopefully get offered the option in basic or AIT. On Monday I plan on starting base building. After Base building I plan on alternating between green protocol and a program that is specific for RASP until I ship out.
If you've stuck with this for this long thanks and I'm happy to be part of the forum.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:54 am
by K.B.
Deper95 wrote:After Base building I plan on alternating between green protocol and a program that is specific for RASP until I ship out.
Good strategy. Welcome to the board!

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:24 am
by mikhou
It's really cool to see the rising number of new members here at TB. There was a thread a month or so back asking what the future of TB will be. Though I am not military or LEO, I think that it's clear that the future is bright - especially among tactical athletes. It really seems that TB is gaining a following among the tac athlete crowd. And rest assured that I will be sharing the TB system with my civilian friends as well.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:26 am
by Deper95
K.B. wrote:
Deper95 wrote:After Base building I plan on alternating between green protocol and a program that is specific for RASP until I ship out.
Good strategy. Welcome to the board!
Thanks KB, I got the idea from a post on here.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:20 pm
by ectional
Hey people. Been following TB for a while now. Currently on Operator with green protocol trying to get ready for Estonian Defence Force's officer school which basically means I need to be able to do the fitness test. I'm a bit behind on the progress but I still have a few weeks. If that fails I'll just go the enlisted route a bit later on.
Basically I have two weeks to gain nine push ups and reduce two mile run time by 30 seconds. Also I'm hoping to pick up MMA again at some point.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:26 pm
by TangoZero
ectional wrote:Hey people. Been following TB for a while now. Currently on Operator with green protocol trying to get ready for Estonian Defence Force's officer school which basically means I need to be able to do the fitness test. I'm a bit behind on the progress but I still have a few weeks. If that fails I'll just go the enlisted route a bit later on.
Basically I have two weeks to gain nine push ups and reduce two mile run time by 30 seconds. Also I'm hoping to pick up MMA again at some point.
Great to have you aboard Ectional, you'll fit right in. You might want to consider starting a training log, good way to get tips from other military/LEOs.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:08 pm
by J-Madd
ectional wrote:Hey people. Been following TB for a while now. Currently on Operator with green protocol trying to get ready for Estonian Defence Force's officer school which basically means I need to be able to do the fitness test. I'm a bit behind on the progress but I still have a few weeks. If that fails I'll just go the enlisted route a bit later on.
Basically I have two weeks to gain nine push ups and reduce two mile run time by 30 seconds. Also I'm hoping to pick up MMA again at some point.
Welcome! Let us know how we can help.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:17 pm
by awolke4
I was told by a fellow TB member about this after I started logging my training. I have competed in powerlifting for 10 years throughout middle/high school, college, and a year after I graduated college. I have been competing in sports (not recreational league) for 16 years including soccer, collegiate rugby (DIII), basketball, and football. I have been called by many friends "old man," because I trained really stupidly for 10 years. This resulted in my being really beat up from running myself into the ground. Thus, the name "old man."

I decided to hang up the knee wraps for a bit and try to get a little healthier. A friend of mine recommended TB because of its ability to balance everything one would need or want which is exactly what I was looking for. I am now an assistant forwards coach for a high school rugby team and I would like to not puke my guts out when I am trying to show them how to ruck and scrum.

My goals are to get down to around 220 (currently 243), be able to finish a 5k, squat and deadlift 600 separately, clean 300, be able to do a pistol squat, get my explosiveness back, and be able to play a pickup basketball game. These are not to be done at the same time but they are numbers I want to hit for the type of things I enjoy doing.

I am not involved with the military but I like the way they train. I enjoy Ageless Athlete and thank you all for the welcome I have already received.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:14 am
by Wanderer
Please excuse me for posting without an intro a few weeks ago. I'm from Louisiana and recently finished college with a degree in mechanical engineering, and I'll finish with my second major in political science in a few months. I powerlifted and played football in highschool, and then worked and partied my way through school although with many a sleepless night for studying too.

I plan to join the Army as an 18X to attempt SFAS. Before TB Conditioning, I had never run over 3.5 miles in my life. I did everything the book mentioned from Crossfit style workouts, HIIT, and interval training until the sun went down, but always hit some sort of plateau. Now that I've been doing TB for the past few weeks, I can already tell that the program is working its magic. I'm doing a good bit more than prescribed, but I have a great diet, supplementation, and recovery plan to keep it up.

Thanks for having a place like this for people like me to learn and join.

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:55 pm
by Josh
I'm checking in here. I'm a music teacher and father of two, so I guess I'm pretty untactical. I really enjoy backpacking and running, but when I started lifting weights my cardio took a nosedive. I definitely got addicted to pushing for heavier and heavier weights, which just got me hurt. I'm hoping I can fix those things using TB.

My big goal is to take a crack at a dirretissima through New Hampshire's White Mountains, where you hit each peak above 4000 feet, all in one shot. It would be nice to do that with at least a 1,000 lb powerlifting total, by the time time I'm 40 in 3 years.