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This is awesome.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:39 am
by Train_Hard_Live_Easy
A place for me to post my training log (other than using Instagram)

I look forward to contributing what I can to the forum.

I'm ex Royal Navy (left 20 years ago after 8 years service, feck that's awhile).... Emigrated to Canada 8 years ago. Own a kettlebell gym/training facility (7 years this month) still have clients from those initial months......nope, not crossfit, did it back in the day in the UK, 10 years ago when it was 'underground', pre 'sport of exercising' ...... Influenced by Gym Jones when it was Mark Twight in charge (completed their level 2 last year) the work of Rob Shaul at Mountain some of Dan Johns writing, ok I enjoy most of what he writes ;) ..... At our training centre we are Looking to build all round better humans. ( Nothing makes me happier than receiving an email from a client saying they can't make the session due to being on a mountain summit.... Firmly believe anything done in the gym is done to enhance life outside of the gym)

Banter is good..... I don't watch the news ( haven't in over 7 years)...... Newspapers - nope, don't read them either.

Aim is to live an outstanding life here in the Canadian Rockies.....I snowboard, ride a motorbike, and love telling tall tales around the fire..... I've guided rafts, paddled canoes and kayaks....... I'm a lover of one, father to 4, and a friend of a few.

Have a great one
Train Hard, Live Easy

Re: This is awesome.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:02 pm
by K.B.
Great to have you on board TH, I spent a few weeks at Buck, St.James and the Tower of London doing security and ceremonial detail many many years ago. Spent time at an RAF base in Uxbridge too, I think it was. Looking forward to your input/experience on the board,


Re: This is awesome.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:44 pm
by Moz69
nice one fella well jealous you being over there, sounds like your really living the dream.. awesome