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Thanks to police officers.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:48 pm
by littleinfantry
I recently got in an argument about open carry and an officer disarming someone in a state where open carry is illegal unless heading to hunt or fish. This guy who was stopped was on his way to hunt, though the officer had no way to know this, and he was carrying a pistol on his belt openly. Naturally someone called it in. The police officer on the scene disarmed the man and temporarily while other officers conducted their investigation. They found a hunting rifle safely stored away from ammo in the trunk and the mans hunting liscense. They agreed he was following the law and let him go.
The one I was arguing with said the police were illegally denying this mans rights. I said the officer has his own right to personal safety until he knows the guy is following the law or out to hurt someone.
What I'm getting at is that I'm sorry for what you guys have to put up with, and I'm on your side. Police aren't the enemy. They have rights as well, as they are, in my experience, human beings. The idea that this cop ensured he went home to his family at the end of the day by disarming a potential threat until deemed that he was following the law shouldn't be an issue.

But it is apparently.

For any officers in the forums, thanks for your service. Some people don't think you're all out there just to threaten, kill, and take rights away.

Re: Thanks to police officers.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:49 pm
by Vagabond
+1, a topsy-turvy world we're living in right now.

Re: Thanks to police officers.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:54 am
by Maxrip13
I live in Australia and I am a LEO. It blows my mind that things like this happen and people have issues with the police taking steps for their safety. Sounds like the police acted in a reasonable way and hopefully the hunter did also.

It's simple here in that guns carried like that are illegal and I get were people are coming from in terms of their right to carry, but seriously why do you need a pistol for hunting? Why not just have it locked away with the rifle ?

I am a shooter in my personal life also and I really like the laws we have here when I head into work. It might mean I only can own a bolt action rifle, but in reality I have no need for anything else.

I am also ex military and have been qualified in multiple automatic weapon systems.

On behalf of the aussies, Cheers mate :D