Compound Variations

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Compound Variations

Post by KShea »

I'm going to be finishing week 2 of base building today and I'm looking toward the future for my weight training in my continuation protocol.

I'm likely going to run Operator + Black... body doesn't do well with full out bench press and squatting three times a week. I was thinking of running I/A as I do have a very large history of strength training, but then I thought about it some more...

I was thinking of running something like this:

Day 1:
Bench Press
Weighted Pull-Ups

Day 3:
DB Bench or Pause Bench or Slingshot Bench
Weighted Pull-Ups

Day 5:
Bench Press
High Box Squat

I'm sure that won't be an issue, but just wondering if anyone has run it similarly or has any other input...


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Re: Compound Variations

Post by BlackPyjamas »

KShea wrote:my body doesn't do well with full out bench press and squatting three times a week.
I wouldn't be too hasty in deviating just yet...have you run frequent/sub-max programs like Op in the past? It's a far cry from typical intense squat or bench day on conventional programs. It might be just what your body needs. I understand where you're coming from, I had minor knee issues running 531 squat days (BBB) so was very leery about switching to Op. Took the plunge and now a couple years later I have no knee problems whatsoever....that's going from squatting heavy once a week to Op style 3x week sub-max. YMMV, my 0.02.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by KShea »

BlackPyjamas wrote:
KShea wrote:my body doesn't do well with full out bench press and squatting three times a week.
I wouldn't be too hasty in deviating just yet...have you run frequent/sub-max programs like Op in the past? It's a far cry from typical intense squat or bench day on conventional programs. It might be just what your body needs. I understand where you're coming from, I had minor knee issues running 531 squat days (BBB) so was very leery about switching to Op. Took the plunge and now a couple years later I have no knee problems whatsoever....that's going from squatting heavy once a week to Op style 3x week sub-max. YMMV, my 0.02.
Yes. I ran Vanilla Gorilla for awhile as well as GZCL, 5/3/1, Juggernaut and Westside among my own designs.

Vanilla Gorilla is most similar. 3x per week with various intensities, rotations between main and variations but touching on each of the big three each day.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by TBPenguin »

KShea none of those are submaximal programs like TB. TB is set up to work a certain way and has been "tested" across a lot of people. You would be better off just using a lower TM the first time through than redesigning to make your own, untested program.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by KShea »

TBPenguin wrote:KShea none of those are submaximal programs like TB. TB is set up to work a certain way and has been "tested" across a lot of people. You would be better off just using a lower TM the first time through than redesigning to make your own, untested program.
That's fair. But is using variants really an untested program?

All of those programs, sans Westside, are submaximal.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by TBPenguin »

KShea, I am familiar with all of those. None of them are designed to facilitate the high frequency loading of a movement. So no, none of them are like TB in this respect.

As for the variants and whether it has been tested - who knows. Probably some have had to do some variation out of necessity (gym changes during deployment?) but the success reports I've seen have all been running it pretty vanilla. I'd be inclined to first try copying what is known to work. If your concern is burnout, I think you'll be fine. If your concern is joint irritations, if you think even submax at this level (really the sets are not hard) will bother some particular joint, then that's different, you have to do something to make sure you can keep training.

Good luck with whatever way you go.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by Aelian »

TBPenguin wrote:KShea, I am familiar with all of those. None of them are designed to facilitate the high frequency loading of a movement. So no, none of them are like TB in this respect.

As for the variants and whether it has been tested - who knows. Probably some have had to do some variation out of necessity (gym changes during deployment?) but the success reports I've seen have all been running it pretty vanilla. I'd be inclined to first try copying what is known to work. If your concern is burnout, I think you'll be fine. If your concern is joint irritations, if you think even submax at this level (really the sets are not hard) will bother some particular joint, then that's different, you have to do something to make sure you can keep training.

Good luck with whatever way you go.

x2, Penguin is right. I'm not familiar with Vanilla Gorilla but the others aren't sub max. Basically anything that has you regularly max out (like the 531 money sets) isn't, as that kind of effort will take a major toll on the rest of your training through the week.

Why not try TB as-is for a block or two first? Use a conservative training max and give it a try. I have a feeling it's going to be exactly what your body needs. You might have noticed a theme on the boards that many find squatting 3 x week (TB style) easier than just once or twice. Either way, keep us posted.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by Green2Blue »

Try Zulu? It's twice a week.

Or here's something I've done with Zulu..




Power Clean

So you'll notice on B day I didn't do DL both days. The second day I did a complimentary exercise to the DL, the power clean, to take off some off the stress of the DL. Maybe try something similar with the SQ and BP? Like




W Dips

Just an idea.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by KShea »

All excellent points.

All of those programs are sub maximal... the rep maxes at the end aren't intended to go until actual failure.

But TB got it correct. It's burnout and joint irritation that I worry about running operator. The Zulu suggestion is a good one. It will also allow me to consolidate my training to fewer sessions (not ideal, but, I only have five days a week I can train).

I'll look more into that idea.

Not sure what direction I'm going to go with the variants yet, but I sure as hell enjoyed this discussion. Thanks everyone.

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Re: Compound Variations

Post by TangoZero »

KShea wrote:All excellent points.

All of those programs are sub maximal... the rep maxes at the end aren't intended to go until actual failure.

But TB got it correct. It's burnout and joint irritation that I worry about running operator. The Zulu suggestion is a good one. It will also allow me to consolidate my training to fewer sessions (not ideal, but, I only have five days a week I can train).

I'll look more into that idea.

Not sure what direction I'm going to go with the variants yet, but I sure as hell enjoyed this discussion. Thanks everyone.
KShea, have you run Base Building yet? The SE circuits along with the break from heavy MS might be of enormous benefit.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just reread your first post

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