G2B's Goal Based Training

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

I committed TB heresy and restarted my block. I wasn't happy with how I programmed it. Still Zulu/531 Hybrid Mini Block. New block is:

DL (531)
BP (close grip)

OHP (531)

Changes are:
1. DL and OHP have become my primary goal lifts. This has been coming since I decided to do a strongman competition next year. I decided just to do it now.

2. Push Press and Power Clean have been removed as a regular part of training. I may put them in as replacements to DL and OHP if I'm not feeling like pushing the extra 531 sets, and plan on doing bare minimum. Kind of as a way to do high speed training like in conjugate.

Push Press is better for strongman, but I didn't enjoy using it with 531. My lower body is so dominant over my pressing strength that the bar flew up on lighter weights, but my pressing strength totally limited me on heavier weights at the top of the lift. I really just need to get my pressing strength up to par.

The 531 method just didn't feel right with power movements because you have to reset so much.

3. BP was tossed for close grip OHP to help strengthen my triceps for pressing. Plus Bryan Alsruhe said swapping to close grip for a while will only help your bench.

4. FW "reps" are now 3,2, and 1 trip of 50 ft; replacing the 5,3,and 1-2 reps TB uses. The trip of 50 ft was just very taxing.

5. The 531 exercises will be stand alone, but the other two lifts each day will be supersetted.

6. I've been doing this for a few weeks now, but main lifts and finisher are done in the afternoon, and accessories in the evening. I couldn't fit it all in so I had to move to two-a-days.

7. I decided to stop being a bitch with my DL TM. I used the PR I set a couple weeks ago as my max, and ended up with a TM of 505. This made my TM go up almost 50 lbs.

Block X2
Week 1
Day 1

5@330 (65%)
5@380 (75%)
10@430 (85%)
0@455 (90%) Joker Set
0@330 (65%) First Set Last Set

CGBP: 3x5@170 (70%)
FW: 3x5@120 (70%)

It was a mess of movements that ended up with my dropping and breaking one of my buckets.

Snatch Grip DL

CG Board Press
DB Row

-PR! 10@430 = calculated 575 DL. This is a BWx3.48 DL. Don't get me wrong, I have no delusions that I could actually get 575 up (maybe, but doubtful), but strongman is usually for reps. I've haven't hit PR's this consistently since my first couple years of lifting.
-My grip and upper back gave out the most on the PR set. That's where I'll put in extra work. Posterior chain felt fine.
-I put straps on after the PR but couldn't even break the bar off the ground for the Joker and FSL sets. I was smoked.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Block X2
Week 1
Day 2


6@135 PR Set
2@145 Joker Set
8@105 FSL Set
5@135 Push Press

SQ: 3x@245 (70%)
WPU: 3x5@40 (70%)

45 min heavy incline trail run

-I guessed at my OHP max/TM and used my old PR of 175/160. Ended up being a little heavy but close enough.
-I'm so pathetically weak in the OHP :lol: :cry:
-No finisher because I'm doing an E today. I haven't done accessories yet, so I'll edit this post later and add them.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by OldManAsh »

Green2Blue wrote:
OldManAsh wrote:Glad you're still updating, this is one of the logs I really get a lot out of reading. Which Spartans are you running in August?

Well thank you I appreciate that. Ummm... all of them? Lol. I'm doing the Utah Super, and the Colorado Beast and Sprint. And apparently I'm doing a 24 hr Hurricane Heat next year. I'm actually starting to deviate a bit away from Spartan emphasized training and more towards Strongman. I'm still going to do them, and plan on crushing obstacles, but my times will just be a bit slower. I'm not enough of a runner to be competitive in Spartan anyway.
Right on, that's pretty much what I have in mind. MA Super, West Point Sprint, and Killington Beast will take me through September, and I have a spot for the 24 Iceland UB (if they get enough people to actually put it on). After that I'd like to shift focus for the winter, and I'm looking at MA's Strongest Man next May.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

OldManAsh wrote:
Green2Blue wrote:
OldManAsh wrote:Glad you're still updating, this is one of the logs I really get a lot out of reading. Which Spartans are you running in August?

Well thank you I appreciate that. Ummm... all of them? Lol. I'm doing the Utah Super, and the Colorado Beast and Sprint. And apparently I'm doing a 24 hr Hurricane Heat next year. I'm actually starting to deviate a bit away from Spartan emphasized training and more towards Strongman. I'm still going to do them, and plan on crushing obstacles, but my times will just be a bit slower. I'm not enough of a runner to be competitive in Spartan anyway.
Right on, that's pretty much what I have in mind. MA Super, West Point Sprint, and Killington Beast will take me through September, and I have a spot for the 24 Iceland UB (if they get enough people to actually put it on). After that I'd like to shift focus for the winter, and I'm looking at MA's Strongest Man next May.
That's awesome. Sounds like our goals are very similar.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Block X2
Week 1
Day 3

Off. Work obligations.

Block X2
Week 1
Day 4

Off. Family obligations.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Block X2
Week 1
Day 5



CGBP: 3x5@175 (80%)
FW: 3x5@135 (80%)

100m/45s Rest x8
3 min Rest

-This was a motherfucker. MxS and HIC in the same day after I'm already pretty worn out. Did bare minimum on DL though.
-I didn't today, but I still haven't decided if I'm going to replace my second day of DL's with a complimentary lift or not.
-CGBP was pretty easy. I think I got my max and TM mixed up.
-HIC was from Aerobiccapacity.com. 24 totally 100's. Since it was only 100's I definitely underestimated the challenge of this.
-I might still do accessories tonight. Idk though, I'm pretty tired.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Block X2
Week 1
Day 6



5@140* All-out Set
3@145 Joker Set
3@150 Joker Set
8@105 FSL Set
5@135 Push Press

SQ: 3x5@280 (80%)
WPU: 3x5@40 (80%)

Tire Medley

-Went all-out on OHP for the second time this week. This was the right call because my calculated max for my all-out set went up by 5 lbs. I found that I can go all-out twice a week on lifts like OHP and BP, but not heavier ones like DL or SQ.
*Accidentall used weights 5% too heavy.
-Tire Medley is really starting to become my go-to finisher.
-Feel better today than I have other days this week, so I may hit some accessories when I get off shift.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Time got away from me. I have my first of 3 Spartan races for August starting in a week. That being the case, my training won't be normal. I'll be doing bare minimum effort twice a week, and deload effort twice a week. Conditioning will be pretty similar, mostly some easy trail runs.

In September I'll start getting ready for Strongman competitions. My wife has even started training for them, despite being 100 lbs.

I may be done with TB for a while. Phenomenal program and I continue to recommend it to everyone. However, as I start moving towards Strongman, I may need to start training a little more specifically. I MIGHT do the 5/3/1-TB hybrid in September, but as soon as I get closer to competition I'll need to specialize too much.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote:Time got away from me. I have my first of 3 Spartan races for August starting in a week. That being the case, my training won't be normal. I'll be doing bare minimum effort twice a week, and deload effort twice a week. Conditioning will be pretty similar, mostly some easy trail runs.

In September I'll start getting ready for Strongman competitions. My wife has even started training for them, despite being 100 lbs.

I may be done with TB for a while. Phenomenal program and I continue to recommend it to everyone. However, as I start moving towards Strongman, I may need to start training a little more specifically. I MIGHT do the 5/3/1-TB hybrid in September, but as soon as I get closer to competition I'll need to specialize too much.
Great spirit, great achievements, great future plans. I wish you best of luck, mate. I admire your family training approach!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by mikhou »

Green2Blue wrote:Time got away from me. I have my first of 3 Spartan races for August starting in a week. That being the case, my training won't be normal. I'll be doing bare minimum effort twice a week, and deload effort twice a week. Conditioning will be pretty similar, mostly some easy trail runs.

In September I'll start getting ready for Strongman competitions. My wife has even started training for them, despite being 100 lbs.

I may be done with TB for a while. Phenomenal program and I continue to recommend it to everyone. However, as I start moving towards Strongman, I may need to start training a little more specifically. I MIGHT do the 5/3/1-TB hybrid in September, but as soon as I get closer to competition I'll need to specialize too much.
Yours is one of my favorite logs to follow. I hope that you'll keep updating us on your progress regardless of what program you are using.


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