Back to Base (ic)

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Been away from it for 8 days. I was an object at rest, and finally overcame the inertia. Newton's 1st law is a bitch.

Foot has been bothering me. Think it was too much barefoot and business shoes. Might lay off the running or keep it soft surface.

Only did 2 sets today. Saw a friend I haven't seen in a while and a little too much beer, wine and whiskey.

Musc End
Tango Sets x2 at a hotel so little improvisation
1 min with 30 sec rest between exercise and 2 min between sets
Kettlebell swings with a 25lb dumbbell
Air squats
Lat Pull downs
1 leg Medicine Ball overhead chops

Feel like I want to throw up now which should make for an interesting cross country flight.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

B71 wrote:
Seabassius wrote:Age 45
5'11 and 208, I'm overweight but I don't think its as much as the guideline tell me -kind of thicker bottom section (36in waist, 25in thighs and 22in calves)
Father of 5 year old boy/girl twins (twins seem to be a theme on this board)
Military back in the late 90s but battalion level staff generally and not the best PT'er
I'm another one of your doppelgangers on the board. I'm 46, 5'10.5" and 205-210 depending on the day. And I have twins. And I was military in the 90s (and recently rejoined).
Seabassius wrote:I travel a fair amount for work, so I'll modify some of this when I'm on the road ... Will rest as needed and not adhere to the weekly constraints so much, but focus on not letting too much time elapse between musc endurance sessions.

Feeling like a might need another exercise in the above, but leery of adding too much. Welcome any feedback.
Maintaining the momentum when life and work happen can be difficult (says the guy that's on his second go at Base Building). Good luck.

We're practically twins! Your post helped break some inertia. Glad I logged back in after a while. Congrats on rejoining. I've thought about from time to time, but too far into my career with a retirement objective in sight to adjust fire now.

Good luck staying on track.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by B71 »

Seabassius wrote:Been away from it for 8 days. I was an object at rest, and finally overcame the inertia. Newton's 1st law is a bitch.

Foot has been bothering me. Think it was too much barefoot and business shoes. Might lay off the running or keep it soft surface.

Only did 2 sets today. Saw a friend I haven't seen in a while and a little too much beer, wine and whiskey.
The good thing about inertia is that once you get rolling, it takes far less effort to keep it going.

I had a 2 or 3 year dalliance with minimalist and toe-shoes that recently ended. I was tired of my feet hurting and cramping at night. I've switched to proper running shoes and I've bought some higher-end insoles for pretty much all my other shoes and I'm finding my feet bother me a lot less. I also notice an improvement when I run on gravel instead of the cocrete sidewalk - so I think you're right to treat your feet a little more gently.

And coincidentally, I've been enjoying an evening drink or two a little too regularly and just today I decided to limit it to weekends. It wasn't hampering my performance (such as it is) but I'm probably a little puffier than I need to be.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Josh »

Good work beating inertia. I find I'm always good for 3 weeks or so, then things start to unravel

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

9, 10, 11 - rest - unplanned

Saturday August 12th
Mountain Bike
Way too anaerobic
Was getting away with my wife for her 40th birthday weekend and thought I would try a leisurely mountain bike ride up Beaver Creek. Approximately 5 miles
700 ft elevation gain
Avg HR 161bpm
Max HR 182bpm (so much for 178)
Elevation was around 8500 feet which is a little more than I'm used to in Denver.

Sunday August 13th
Trail run/hike
2.8 Miles
525 elevation gain
avg speed was 3.5 miles
walked the uphills mostly and ran the down
Avg HR 147bpm
Ajax trail on Aspen mountain, nice little traverse. Really enjoyed being out there. I want to be able to trail run!

Later that day did a recovery ride 6 miles, 40 min
Avg HR was 126

Monday August 14th
1 hour recovery ride
8 miles
350' elevation gain
Avg HR 122
Feeling run down today and have not felt like I've been able to sleep well last night (damn Game of Thrones) so plan on taking it easy tomorrow. Get up and try and get some sunrise shots of Maroon Bells and maybe a hike up on independence pass on the way back home. Have been eating and drinking way to well on this trip. Plan to lay off the wine when I get back and finish out two more strength sets of BB week 2 (repeat from fall off a couple of weeks ago) and pick up on week 3 next week. Should be interesting with the kids starting Kindergarten.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

August 20th
ME, Tango Sets x 3

Feeling some shoulder soreness today. Nothing severe, but its not muscle soreness, more impingement like. Need to google some rehab excercises for shoulder impingement.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Aug 21
Just some stretching and warm up exercises to keep the blood flowing. Nothing significant.

Aug 22
Run/walk 30 min, felt better today, but i have on of them fancy watches that predicts my lactate threshold and it went in the wrong direction. I'm sure its not accurate, but I figured it would be a good gauge directionally. WTF

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Wed Aug 23rd
Strength day, felt a little out of sorts on the tango sets. Fatigue quicker.

Thurs 24th
Felt like mixing it up, and pulled out some old DVDs. GSP's Rushfit. Could use some of those like ME sets. kind of fun to play around with it again. Did the Core workout for about 3 rounds and the warm up.

Fri 25th
Felt better running today than I have in a while. Only had to walk a couple of times for the first mile when my HR started creeping up toward the high end of 150. 2.3 miles overall. My watch said I broke a new record for a mile at 12:55, which was the most disheartening thing I'd ever seen. The proverbial backhanded compliment, courtesy of fit-tech!

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by B71 »

Looks like you had a full week. Good on you!

I hear you on the backhanded compliment from your watch. This week I "ran" my first ever Fast 5 session, which was neither fast nor a 5. Checking my time and calculating how slow I'd actually run was a kick in the pills. I'm trying to take solace in the notion that sucking badly at the start is all part of the process. The important thing (I tell myself) is developing the habit of working on each of these physical domains and not necessarily the individual results on a given day.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Took Saturday & Sunday off.
Last night while setting up the rotisserie I almost put the rotisserie spit completely through my hand. Went in at least a 1/4 to 1/2 inch in the meaty portion between thumb and index finger. Needed a few stitches to close the hole (it's a 1/4inch on each side square). Did not penetrate the other side but I could feel the pressing against the back of my hand. Sickening.

Needless to say I'm out the upper body stuff for a few weeks. Today I have a lot of mobility in all fingers and thumb. Think I'm in the clear from any serious tendon or ligament damage. Now as long as I don't develop an infection from skewering some raw chicken into my body!

3 mile run/walk
40 min
First mile was a 11:15 which was better than my last run. This was also the furthest I've run in over 5 years I think. Felt pretty good.

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