Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

4 mile ruck followed by 2x20 of man makers, push ups, overhead squats, and lunges all with the ruck. 3x20 was the goal but those man makers are killers and I ran out of time before I had to prepare for work.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Today was supposed to be a 12 mile ruck but plans fell through so we had no one to watch our boys. I made up for it with a 60 minute run on the treadmill, did 5 miles. Bodyweight core circuit and ROMWOD later.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Pathfinder Class 012 comes to a close and I finished the starting level course Forward. Here is going to be my totals for 05/01 to 07/31 (tomorrow).

**29/20 workouts (10 have to be ruck workouts, I have 18)
**103/75 rucking miles (less than I wanted, but still enough - counting run mileage, 116 total)
**4/4 challenges (pass Army Physical Fitness Test, 8 mile mountain ruck, 12 mile timed ruck, and finished a GORUCK event)

Starting 013 next week, this time Endure (the intermediate course). This time it's 24 workouts (12 ruck), 125 miles, and 5 challenges. There is no set workouts to these, just goals to hit so it works beautifully with Green protocol.

Still following the same template I shared earlier (essentially - lift, run + calisthenics, lift, ruck + ruck PT, rest, long ruck day, rest). Green has been treating me well, big fan of it.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by nickgoldma »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Pathfinder Class 012 comes to a close and I finished the starting level course Forward. Here is going to be my totals for 05/01 to 07/31 (tomorrow).

**29/20 workouts (10 have to be ruck workouts, I have 18)
**103/75 rucking miles (less than I wanted, but still enough - counting run mileage, 116 total)
**4/4 challenges (pass Army Physical Fitness Test, 8 mile mountain ruck, 12 mile timed ruck, and finished a GORUCK event)

Starting 013 next week, this time Endure (the intermediate course). This time it's 24 workouts (12 ruck), 125 miles, and 5 challenges. There is no set workouts to these, just goals to hit so it works beautifully with Green protocol.

Still following the same template I shared earlier (essentially - lift, run + calisthenics, lift, ruck + ruck PT, rest, long ruck day, rest). Green has been treating me well, big fan of it.
This is awesome, man. Once again, I really enjoy following your log. I've been running Fighter Bangkok + Green myself (just wrapped up week one) and I really enjoy it. Especially the LSS sessions, I have found to be really helpful.

As for rucks, what do you recommend to look into? I know some point in the next year, I want to do a GoRuck event at some point. Cheers. Keep it up.
Get after it!

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Thanks Nick! I used to use a Rush 72 pack from 5.11 extensively but recently I just got the Rucker made by GORUCK and a steel plate and am liking it so far. More reasonably priced than their bigger rucks in my opinion.

TB Grunt cluster before work.

**OHP 100 x6/6/9.
**Pull Ups BW x10/5/5.
**FSQ 140 x6/6/9.
**2HSW with 28kg - Skipping these today. Lower back got aggravated slightly at work so rest and mobility work.

Had to switch up the order a bit as the squat rack was being used but no big deal.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Sorry for going black there the past three weeks. Long story short my herniated disc got aggravated again (a toddler doing a flying knee drop on your back while you are wrestling with his brother will do that) and I was out for three weeks. Just got okayed to return on Wednesday, but then I got sick for a few days so today was the return.

"Chassis Reconstruction" today, which will have a big emphasis for a while. Basically a mix of Original Strength and Simple and Sinister, recommended by Al Ciampa, SFGI. This will be done three times a week (one day with a moderate run). Three other days will be SE work and some short rucks, with one long ruck per week (no SE that day). I have less than 6 weeks until the Mog Mile Tough/Light so I need to get cracking.

Swings with 24kg, get-ups with 16kg as per his starting recommendations. Lots of crawls, rolls, rocks, bobs, goblet squats, and such then finished with 90 total swings (30 two handed, 30 left, 30 right) and 3 slow TGUs per side.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

4 mile ruck in the AM. Slow going - can tell I'm still under the weather a bit, and after three weeks off the ruck was feeling heavy. The 30# plate needs adjusted a bit too, slightly different than the bricks. Baby steps.

Ruck PT in the PM. SE Alpha. Bodyweight pull-ups (7/3) followed by 3x10 of ruck man makers, ruck push-ups, and ruck lunges (per leg). ROMWOD after. Kinda miss my old ruck for the man makers - this new one with the plate has less of a grip and I'll have to tape the strap adjusters as they're too long so I kept stepping on them.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Chassis Reconstruction as before.

Started warming up and felt an odd sensation in my hip, decided to play it safe and avoid any serious PT, just some ROMWOD. It was the right choice.

Pathfinder ruck WOD. Using a 30# ruck, I did four rounds of the following: 25 ruck push-ups, 25 ruck squats, 25 four count flutterkicks, and 25 ruck swings. Goal was under 20 minutes, got 20:31 unfortunately. The swings were easy - basically active rest. ROMWOD before some scheduled overtime tonight.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Early morning ruck. 9 miles in 2:27 with a 30# ruck. Nice comfortable pace, which was the goal. Ruck felt much lighter today.

For lunch the boys and I rucked a mile to a nearby wading creek then hung out there, ate lunch, and did some treasure hunting before we rucked a mile back. 11 miles total today. Core training and ROMWOD later on.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Chassis Reconstruction. Original Strength, mobility work, swings with the 24kg, Turkish get-ups with the 16kg.

4 mile ruck early AM, hit all the hills in my neighborhood. Slow going, so had to postpone PT for the evening.

In the evening, did ruck PT while my boys played catch in the yard. Wife would call out the exercises for me, and I would do them. Did a variety of different exercises, mostly weighted calisthenics but some crawls as well. Moderate intensity, went for about 30 minutes.

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