Josh's log

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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:26 am

Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 1 Day 6a/
Maybe Week 2 Day 1?

MS 80%
Deadlift 240x5
Press 95x5x5

Ended up staying up all night cleaning the house, so I figured I might as well get the lifting done.
Press felt harder, but still manageable.
Only did 1 set of Deads due to adding back in squats.

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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 2 Day 2
Run/Walk 2.7 miles. 34:04 min
GTG pull-ups-20

Stayed up all night cleaning the house sue to the In laws coming over to watch the kids. I got about an hour of quick naps spread out through the day. Between that and the squat DOMS, the first 5 minutes of the run sucked. But the second 10 minutes I ran faster than I have in a while.
I'm going to take last week's rest day tomorrow.

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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 2 Day 4

Squat 165x5x3 2 min RI
Press 95x5x5 2-3 min RI
GtG pull-ups 19

I'm going to run tonight, so I'll deadlift after running. (ETA - I didn't)
Squats are easy. Presses are hard.
Last edited by Josh on Sun Aug 20, 2017 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 67
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:26 am

Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 2 Day 5
Stroller run/walk
10+2+10+4=28 minutes 2.3 miles
GtG pull-ups 21

I pulled the plug early due to heat. I'm not used to running in the midday heat, or pushing a stroller.

We ended up taking the kids to a carnival so I didn't run or deadlift last night.

Posts: 67
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:26 am

Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 3 Day 1

Squat 185x3x3
Press 105x3x5
Deadlift 270x3x3
GtG pull-ups 24

Easy Peasy.
Chomping at the bit to get heavier

Posts: 67
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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 3 Day 2

10+2+10+2+10= 34 mins 2.9 miles
Set the alarm for 5:25am and wasn't back from the run until 7. I have to be back from th run by 6 on school days.

Posts: 67
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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 3 Day 4
Squats 185x3x3 beltless
Press 105x5x3
5+1+5+1+2=14 min 1.2 mi

Left out the deads today because I have company over and I lift under their bedroom.

Took a short run as I was pressed for time, but I wanted some run time.
I'm hitting the trails for an overnight hike this weekend. I'm going to bag the Tripyramids, Whiteface and Passaconway. So if I miss my run, I'm still getting plenty of E.
The weight feels too light

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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 3 Days 5,6
Backpacking - 20 mile loop

More E work, although I guess there was a fair amount of nonaerobic stuff in there. At points, hiking in NH is less a walk in the woods and more a scramble up and down rockpiles. It was a lot of fun. I'm looking for to doing 3 more weeks of basebuilding, then jumping into a minimalist Zulu and running template until the winter.

Posts: 67
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Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 4 Day 1
Squat 165x5x3
Press 87.5x7x4

No Deadlifts today because my knees hurt from last weekend's hike. I upped the weight a bit from the last three weeks, as I think it was too light.

Posts: 67
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:26 am

Re: Josh's log

Post by Josh »

Week 4 Day 2

(8+2)x3+8= 38 mins 3.2 miles

Knee still feels a little swollen, but running didn't make it worse, so I'll be running again on Friday

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