Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Strength/HIC Session 11

Warmup 3 rounds
Bw Squats x 8
Pushups x 8
Flutter Kicks x 16
Instep Stretch

5 Rounds
Kettlebell Goblet Squat x5 16 kg
Jump Squats x 2
KB One arm OHP x 5 ea side alt l,r x5
Lat pec Stretch

AMRAP in 8 Mins
Goblet squat x 8 16kg
Scotty Bobs x 3 (2 x15lb clubbell)
Step ups x 20

4 Rounds
20 sec each side plank alt l,r
Kneeling Slasher x 8 alt l,r
30 sec farmers carry 1x24kg, 1x32 kg kettlebell, alt ea round
EO's x 8

Good little conditioning session today. The first circuit was meant to involve dumbbells and be more strength orientated, but I have none so kettlebells will do. The lighter weights made it more into a conditioning circuit which is fine.

Bjj has been my priority lately so I have been missing these sessions to get in more mat time. I have one more session to catch up on and due to work will not be able to do any BJJ till Saturday. I will get another strength session in on Friday and hope it doesn't affect BJJ to negatively.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training

Warmup 4 rounds
Front squat 25,35,45,55 kg x3
CB Benchpres 2x7kg x 8
Situps x8
KB Rows x 4 ea side 16kg
Lizard stretch

3 rounds 95% of 5RM
Front Squat 65kg x5
Shoulder corkscrew x5 ea side
Foam roll upper/lower back

3 rounds 95% of 5RM
Benchpress 75kg x5
1 leg hip bridge x5 ea side
Foam roll chest/shoulder

3 rounds 95% of 5RM
RDL 75 kg x 5
Diamond Pushups x5
Foam roll upper/lowr back

Today was a real struggle. I have been having some sleep issues lately and I am starting to feel a bit run down. I kept the sets to 3x5 to compensate and hopefully allow me to train BJJ tomorrow.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Working on dela riva and sweeps.
Single leg x and single leg.
Multiple rounds drilling from same
5x3 min rounds sparring starting from dela riva.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Working on shin cut pass open guard/dela riva
Worked on leg weave position.

5x5 min rolling

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Bjj no go 1 hr

Working on single leg x guard and passing same.
Sneaky omaplata if they hook the leg.
3x5 min rolling

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Bjj gi

Working on passing to leg weave.
Maintaining control in leg weave.

5x5 mins rounds of rolling.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today;s Training

Strength/HIC Session 16
(Skipped 13-15 of the program I was doing)

Warmup 4 rounds
Back squat x3 40,60,80,100kg
Clubbell OHP x8 7kg clubs
Pullups x 5
Foam roll ITB

Work up to 5RM back Squat
120kg x5

Work up to 5RM Mil Press
60kg x5 (Slight push to clear shoulders)

Work up to 5RM Weighted Pullup
30kg x3 (Couldn't get the 5 reps, 4 and 3/4 haha)

Finally back to doing some strength work. I had to take the week off gym work because I was beginning to hate the barbell. It allowed me to get 3 BJJ sessions in instead.

My back squat progressed well and felt like I could of used atleast 130kg for 3-5 reps if I wanted to push.

Mil press was hard, but I have only just subbed these back in after a long period away from overhead barbell presses.

Weighted Pullup was a long shot, but I thought I would give the 30kg a crack. It means I am probably good for a 35-40 kg single. This is basically half bodyweight.

Overall a good session and I will try to contain with these higher volume sessions.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training


Working on closed guard standing break and passing to side control.
Worked on side control to mount and submissions from mount.
Armbar and collar choke.

5x3 min rolling rounds to finish up starting from mount and alternating.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Today's Training


Working on leg weave, knee cut pass combo

3x5 mins rolling

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training

Warmup 3 rounds
Front squat x3 bar,40,60kg
Cb benchpress x8 7kg
Situps x8
Foam roll back

Work up to 5rm front squat

Work up to 5rm benchpress

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