Member Introductions Thread

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by TangoZero »

SPACE_CORPS_NOW wrote: I am an Air Force Space Officer and I am currently deployed.
There is so much awesome in this statement I don't know where to begin. Is this a thing now, has the Space Corps been formally approved? .....I remember there being some government back-and-forth over it a while ago.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! Looking forward to following along with your log.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread


TangoZero wrote:
SPACE_CORPS_NOW wrote: I am an Air Force Space Officer and I am currently deployed.
There is so much awesome in this statement I don't know where to begin. Is this a thing now, has the Space Corps been formally approved? .....I remember there being some government back-and-forth over it a while ago.

Anyway, welcome to the forums! Looking forward to following along with your log.
Haha, thank you! Sometimes it can be a really cool job. It's definitely a desk job, though.

The Space Corps has not made it yet... here's an article about it: ... 682348001/. As of now, I am still a member of the Air Force and I fall under AF Space Command. A deployment for a space officer is just like a deployment for everyone else who doesn't see direct combat. I'm in the desert. But, at least I work in the air conditioner. Thanks for the welcome.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by antlas »

Are there any other women TBers out there? I’m in my late 20s, 5’4” and 120 lbs. I’m a scientist with a desk job. I run TB for all around fitness.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by ARLOG2017 »

Greetings All! I'm a 30 year old with 8 years in the low-speed/high-drag part of the Army. I have a wife and a baby on the way in April (Wooohooo)! My interests include spending time with my wife, reading, Logistics/Supply Chain Management, leadership, machines (boats/cars/etc.), and grilling.

I've dabbled in weight lifting my entire career, but wasn't very serious with it until last year. I realized that I would be taking command in the next few years and I had to be the example of fit. Vanilla PT wasn't going to make me the physical embodiment of what a commander is supposed to be, so I started lifting. I made some great progress for the first 6 months lifting heavy, but had to back off when I realized I hadn't planned out cardio correctly into my program and it was hurting my ability to run long distance (ooops!). Over the last 6 months I've been trying to resolve the cardio/strength problem.
Enter TB: I came across the TB program in a round-about way. A friend of mine turned me on to Wendler's 5/3/1, so I read his book, liked the strength program, but started questioning whether the program would be enough to improve strength while training cardio so I kept reading. Finally, I stumbled across a review on amazon that gave kudos to 5/3/1 AND TB. Not knowing what TB was, I did some research and ended up on the reddit site. Long Story short, I liked what I read, so I bought both TB1 and TB2. I finished TB1 knowing that I had found what I had been looking for and I'm 1/2 way through TB2. I've spent the last few weeks lurking and figured I should pop up and introduce myself. I'm looking forward to digging into the program and interacting with you all in the future!
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
― Epictetus

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by K.B. »

ARLOG2017 wrote:Greetings All! I'm a 30 year old with 8 years in the low-speed/high-drag part of the Army. I have a wife and a baby on the way in April (Wooohooo)! My interests include spending time with my wife, reading, Logistics/Supply Chain Management, leadership, machines (boats/cars/etc.), and grilling.

I've dabbled in weight lifting my entire career, but wasn't very serious with it until last year. I realized that I would be taking command in the next few years and I had to be the example of fit. Vanilla PT wasn't going to make me the physical embodiment of what a commander is supposed to be, so I started lifting. I made some great progress for the first 6 months lifting heavy, but had to back off when I realized I hadn't planned out cardio correctly into my program and it was hurting my ability to run long distance (ooops!). Over the last 6 months I've been trying to resolve the cardio/strength problem.
Enter TB: I came across the TB program in a round-about way. A friend of mine turned me on to Wendler's 5/3/1, so I read his book, liked the strength program, but started questioning whether the program would be enough to improve strength while training cardio so I kept reading. Finally, I stumbled across a review on amazon that gave kudos to 5/3/1 AND TB. Not knowing what TB was, I did some research and ended up on the reddit site. Long Story short, I liked what I read, so I bought both TB1 and TB2. I finished TB1 knowing that I had found what I had been looking for and I'm 1/2 way through TB2. I've spent the last few weeks lurking and figured I should pop up and introduce myself. I'm looking forward to digging into the program and interacting with you all in the future!

Welcome aboard! Great sig quote.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by godjira1 »

Hi everyone,

Here’s to log the intro.

39 y/o, out here in Asia. I served as an infantry officer, 2.5 years active and 10 in the reserves. Was a competitive judoka in high school/college as well.

Unfortunately fell terribly out of shape post active service, and years of judo left their toll on some of my joints (left shoulder is all weird and I am missing a right acl). That said, I rediscovered grappling thru BJJ and love it - kinda like more fun/less pain version of judo. To that end, I worked hard to get myself back in fighting shape - managed to even win a few regional BJJ tourneys at blue belt/masters 2 level. Fought at abu dhabi world pros this year and got smacked, but it was fun - it is unlikely I will compete again but BJJ is still my main hobby.

I got into TB thru Ageless Athlete first, then read TBI TBII after. I run a fighter prog with a minimalist cluster, bjj 2-3 times/week, and 1 long E session. I was doing something similar even before reading the books but it taught me about base building and more intelligent programming.

So... that’s it really.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by JoshB »

Hello All!

Names Josh, mid-30s father of 2! Wrestled and boxed throughout high school and college. Last 10 years has been a mix of one program or another with some mma or tough mudder style events, until it drops off due to life and time constraints due to 90% of programs bieng inflexible. Then pick up a new program wash and repeat....

Last year have decided to get serious back into the gym as im not getting any younger. Been doing well and even built a garage gym to help with various time constraints. couple months ago started a more linear approach with Starting Strength. Was an eye opener for me, as lifts got heavier, old injuries (shoulder and knee) would start acting up, and came to relieze I could not shove 3k+ calories a day into my mouth. A lot of 1 step forward 1 step back.

Picked up Tb, then tb2. Loved the program, and AA really made everything click together. Will be starting base building soon and cant wait.

Walrus Freud
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Walrus Freud »

Hello all,

A 38 year old civilian with the most sedentary work situation you can imagine (I'm a forensic psychologist, I do a loooot of sitting) :) I've been lifting weights for roughly 20 years, but haven't really put much thought into how and why until the last couple of years. Basically I just enjoy lifting heavy things and preferably slightly heavier things than last week. After having run myself into the ground a few (OK, several) times by piling on volume just for the fun of lifting I started reading up on the subject a few years ago. That led to a good run with an upper/lower split program (great fun, but in the end the it ended up being to complicated to track results) and most recently a couple of months of 531 (fair results but it took the fun out of the lifting).

Tactical Barbell seems like it could manage to both give me a way to easily track results (and thus get the feeling of lifting heavier things than last week!) and bring back the fun to my lifting, since the basic structure is straight-forward and simply makes sense in context of what I've read so far. The community on this forum and reddit also appear to be relaxed, knowledgable and helpful. That's actually quite important to me since I don't have that many friends who are into lifting heavy things and it's great to be able to learn from other peoples experience.

I forgot. I also do martial arts, Filippino Martial Arts to be more precise. Right now I'm trying to fit together Zulu I/A template, Black Protocol conditioning and my FMA training. Quite a challenge for someone who really hates not being able to just pile fun stuff on fun stuff on fun stuff...and so on :D

Stay strong!
"Some days you shine, most days you grind" (from a friend, who probably stole it from someone else :) )

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Aelian »

JoshB wrote:Hello All!

Names Josh, mid-30s father of 2! Wrestled and boxed throughout high school and college. Last 10 years has been a mix of one program or another with some mma or tough mudder style events, until it drops off due to life and time constraints due to 90% of programs bieng inflexible. Then pick up a new program wash and repeat....

Last year have decided to get serious back into the gym as im not getting any younger. Been doing well and even built a garage gym to help with various time constraints. couple months ago started a more linear approach with Starting Strength. Was an eye opener for me, as lifts got heavier, old injuries (shoulder and knee) would start acting up, and came to relieze I could not shove 3k+ calories a day into my mouth. A lot of 1 step forward 1 step back.

Picked up Tb, then tb2. Loved the program, and AA really made everything click together. Will be starting base building soon and cant wait.

Posts: 210
Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:32 am

Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Aelian »

Walrus Freud wrote:Hello all,

A 38 year old civilian with the most sedentary work situation you can imagine (I'm a forensic psychologist, I do a loooot of sitting) :) I've been lifting weights for roughly 20 years, but haven't really put much thought into how and why until the last couple of years. Basically I just enjoy lifting heavy things and preferably slightly heavier things than last week. After having run myself into the ground a few (OK, several) times by piling on volume just for the fun of lifting I started reading up on the subject a few years ago. That led to a good run with an upper/lower split program (great fun, but in the end the it ended up being to complicated to track results) and most recently a couple of months of 531 (fair results but it took the fun out of the lifting).

Tactical Barbell seems like it could manage to both give me a way to easily track results (and thus get the feeling of lifting heavier things than last week!) and bring back the fun to my lifting, since the basic structure is straight-forward and simply makes sense in context of what I've read so far. The community on this forum and reddit also appear to be relaxed, knowledgable and helpful. That's actually quite important to me since I don't have that many friends who are into lifting heavy things and it's great to be able to learn from other peoples experience.

I forgot. I also do martial arts, Filippino Martial Arts to be more precise. Right now I'm trying to fit together Zulu I/A template, Black Protocol conditioning and my FMA training. Quite a challenge for someone who really hates not being able to just pile fun stuff on fun stuff on fun stuff...and so on :D

Stay strong!
Welcome! Forensic Psychology sounds like a fascinating field.

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