mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x2 @ 77.7 kg
WCU - 5x2 @ 81.4 kg
DL - 5x2 @ 117 kg
KB swings - 100 @ 18kg (65, 20, 15)

DLs were tough. I think that it was a result of a lot of conditioning lately and little sleep. Regardless, I am going to reset them next cycle.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - HIC #2. Fast 5k

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5x2 @ 51.5 kg
SQ - 5x2 @ 102.7 kg
Barbell row - 5x2 @ 72.7 kg
Farmer's walk - 2 rounds @ 100 yards with 26.5 kg/hand

I haven't been doing farmer's walks too long, but this is a PR for me for 100 yards. My grip is definitely improving.

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Re: mikhou's training log


Farmer walk is legit. Perfect way to finish a workout.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »


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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Deload week
BP - 2 reps every minute on the minute for 10 minutes at 40% of TM
DL- same as above
Finished up with about 15 minutes of easy steady state running.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Deload week
SQ - 2 reps every minute on the minute for 10 minutes at 40% of TM
OHP- same as above
Finished up with about 15 minutes of easy steady state running.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Deload week
1.5 rounds of a tango circuit using push-ups, air squats, pull-ups, kb swings, and planks
15 minutes of easy running to finish it off.

One more rest day and then I get to hop in to the next cycle. Easy weeks are necessary but I go kinda stir crazy when I take them!

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 4x5 @ 66.5 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 88.7 kg
WCU - 4x5 @ 69.9 kg
KB swings - 18kg x 100 (50, 30, 20)

I started a new cycle today. I know that Op I/A, 3rd edition superseded Op I/A, TB2, but I like the way that Op I/A, TB2 allows you to use a larger cluster with ABA workouts. It feels like Fighter with accessories to me, and overall I "feel" better. (I know how subjecting that sounds, but from my personal experience, OHP complements BP well and barbell rows complements WCU well.) I run them in 24-day cycles using the percentages from Op I/A, 3rd edition. It's much less complicated than it sounds. So I'll run 9 sessions using Op I/A, 3rd edition's percentages, but as follows:

Day 1 - Max Strength workout A (BP/SQ/WCU)
Day 2 - HIC
Day 3 - Max Strength workout B (OHP/Barbell rows/DL)
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - HIC
Day 6 - Max Strength workout A (BP/SQ/WCU)
Day 7 - HIC
Day 8 - Rest

So after running this for 3 weeks, I'll bump upper body TM by 5 pounds and lower body TM by 10 pounds and then run the same thing as BAB.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by Barkadion »

mikhou wrote:BP - 4x5 @ 66.5 kg
SQ - 4x5 @ 88.7 kg
WCU - 4x5 @ 69.9 kg
KB swings - 18kg x 100 (50, 30, 20)

I started a new cycle today. I know that Op I/A, 3rd edition superseded Op I/A, TB2, but I like the way that Op I/A, TB2 allows you to use a larger cluster with ABA workouts. It feels like Fighter with accessories to me, and overall I "feel" better. (I know how subjecting that sounds, but from my personal experience, OHP complements BP well and barbell rows complements WCU well.) I run them in 24-day cycles using the percentages from Op I/A, 3rd edition. It's much less complicated than it sounds. So I'll run 9 sessions using Op I/A, 3rd edition's percentages, but as follows:

Day 1 - Max Strength workout A (BP/SQ/WCU)
Day 2 - HIC
Day 3 - Max Strength workout B (OHP/Barbell rows/DL)
Day 4 - Rest
Day 5 - HIC
Day 6 - Max Strength workout A (BP/SQ/WCU)
Day 7 - HIC
Day 8 - Rest

So after running this for 3 weeks, I'll bump upper body TM by 5 pounds and lower body TM by 10 pounds and then run the same thing as BAB.
I might be doing the same after I am done with OWT. I am thinking of substituting BP with weighted push-ups or floor press due to my shoulder.
Do you feel that OP I/A-TB2 gives you more energy for conditioning? Meaning the recovery is better?
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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