Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

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Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by spemma »

sometimes i contemplate my fitness routine and wonder whether what i'm doing is really good/healthy for me. my shoulders hurt if i don't do an extensive warm-up before benching, i tweaked my back from squatting, i can't touch my toes due to inflexibility.

at the same time, i like the strength i have and the physical changes that come with it. but sometimes i wonder if should even bother lifting anymore.

and i'm like, well maybe i should just fold in a mobility and stretching routine everyday. but my days are already packed full, with not much room for a daily 20-30 minute stretching/mobility routine layered on. or perhaps i'm being too myopic in how i view it.

so i wonder, maybe i should just cut this all and do yoga and bodyweight stuff with some running sprinkled in.

anyway....bit of a whining rant here after a long week last week, but perhaps the main question is - what do you guys do to help keep your body in good working order?

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by Barkadion »

I highly recommend Astanga short forms by Devid Swenson. Saved me few times. ... hort+forms

As for your main question.. For me personally.. It is the way of living that I choose. To train. To be in training. I don't believe in motivation anymore. Dedication, however, is different animal. So, I dedicate myself to it and I live with it.

On a side note.. I believe also in addiction to the training. And I can admit that I am addicted to it at some degree. But you can also work with your mind to change your consciousness and transform your addiction into positive happy state of your mind/being. (=mediation).

Just my 2c..
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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by grouchyjarhead »

I usually end my day with a ROMWOD session for this reason. It's important and I feel it helps me sleep better. I know when I miss a day or two because my body feels it. Make the time for it.

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by Green2Blue »

I like ROMWOD as well. I feel amazing afterwards.

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by spemma »

thanks everyone for the suggestions.

do you guys subscribe to ROMWOD, or is there a free option?

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by godjira1 »

I discovered the Original Strength Resets a while back and it did wonders for me. I use them as warmups, cooldowns or just to keep moving between sets of weights. YMMV of course but no harm giving it a shot - u can get the exercises off youtube.
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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by grouchyjarhead »

godjira1 wrote:I discovered the Original Strength Resets a while back and it did wonders for me. I use them as warmups, cooldowns or just to keep moving between sets of weights. YMMV of course but no harm giving it a shot - u can get the exercises off youtube.
I use a lot of the OS resets as part of my warm-up. Crawls, rolls, rocks, bobs, and cross crawls primarily.

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by alottadav »

grouchyjarhead wrote:
godjira1 wrote:I discovered the Original Strength Resets a while back and it did wonders for me. I use them as warmups, cooldowns or just to keep moving between sets of weights. YMMV of course but no harm giving it a shot - u can get the exercises off youtube.
I use a lot of the OS resets as part of my warm-up. Crawls, rolls, rocks, bobs, and cross crawls primarily.

Read this today, binged his youtube for a bit.

Found myself using the crawls etc to warm up. duck walks, bear crawls, worlds greatest stretch crawls between squats were AMAZING. thanks for this

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Some of the best stuff I started doing for myself. Warming up, mobility, and corrective work all in one.

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Re: Maybe I Should Just Do Yoga

Post by Ibrahimovic105 »

I did SuryaNamaskars or Hindu pushups and it vastly helped me with the flexibility and mobility stuff.In the beginning i had problem fully extending the calfs,hams,lower back,abs.....this exercises fixes the whole body!

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