Right thigh numbness/nerve burning feeling

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Right thigh numbness/nerve burning feeling

Post by Seabassius »

Anyone ever experience anything like this before? I've had it off an on for about 10 years now. If Im on my feet for too long or sometimes after working out I'll feel it. ON the outer mid to upper thigh area. Feel a little tightness around the right SI joint (or fatigue) usually when it is occurring. It's like a numbness and processes to a burning sensation, but not quite what I would character size as very painful. Not looking for medical advice just an azimuth check. Ive started doing some PT. Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced it before and what they had you do.

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Re: Right thigh numbness/nerve burning feeling

Post by Barkadion »

Burning and numbness are usually signs of nerve impingement at some degree.. Not good.. PT, trigger point, and soft tissue massages are the ways to go about it.. The trick is to work around it without making it worse..

Good luck! Stay on the safe side and don’t push trough your body signals. I was stupid enough to ignore that. Well..
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Re: Right thigh numbness/nerve burning feeling

Post by TangoZero »

Yes had a pinch in my shoulder which caused pins and needles/minor numbness in parts of one hand. Tried something a little unorthodox which ended up working: inversion. Stretched everything out, tingling gone.

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