Grouchyjarhead Training

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Quick 2 mile ruck after getting home from traveling. Making up the last few miles for Pathfinder here. 32:24, 30# ruck plate.

2 mile ruck in the AM (33:42), 4 mile ruck in the PM (1:11). 30# ruck plate for both.

Little "Halloween" ruck workout made up by my wife in the AM. 10 exercises, 31 reps each. Push ups, goblet squats, four count flutterkicks, eight count bodybuilders, monkey @#$%kers, thrusters, walking lunges, four count hello dollies, swings, and cherry pickers.

Wore the ruck with 30# plate as I took my boys trick or treating, then once we got home I hit the treadmill to finish my last 3 miles for Pathfinder Endure. Class ran 8/1 to 10/31, and I missed some time due to injury so I didn't start until the 20th. So in 73 days I did 24 total workouts (12 ruck PT workouts, 12 other workouts), rucked 125 miles with 30#, and completed five of their challenges (US Army Physical Fitness Test score over 250; 12 mile timed ruck in under 3:30; 26.2 mile (marathon) ruck; complete a GORUCK Tough; and a 10 mile mountain ruck). Made it by the skin of my teeth, but I still did it.

I signed up for the next class again, this time Forward again which is less requirements (20 workouts, 10 of which must be a ruck workout; 75 miles; and 4 challenges). Goal is to build up to 45# with the ruck during this time. Being that these are just requirements and have no guidance, Tactical Barbell works beautifully with it.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength session. Press 3x5 (95#), trap bar deadlift 1x5 (205#), then a 10 minute AMRAP of pull-ups and dips (20 and 40). McGill core circuit later tonight before some overtime.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

PT + Ruck session.

PT. 5 rounds of the following for time with 45# ruck. Total time 28:14.
**Wall sit (ruck on lap) x60 sec
**Ruck swings x10
**Ruck sumo squats (holding straps) x20
**Ruck presses x10
**Ruck push-ups x10
**Ruck sit-ups (on chest) x10
**Four count flutterkicks (ruck overhead) x10

Then rucked 4 miles in 1:09 right after.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength. Press for 3 work sets (100#), trap bar deadlifts for 1 work set (215#). Late start so only had a short time for some pull-ups and dips after, so only about half the volume of last session. McGill core circuit and some ROMWOD tonight.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Well I did something a tad foolish yesterday.

On Tuesday I learned that there was a free custom GORUCK Light outside of Dayton, OH for veterans only. Though I at first attempted to be boringly practical about it, thanks to my wife I convinced myself to pull the trigger on it.

So yesterday, I called off work, woke up at 0200 hours, and made over a 500 mile round trip to participate in the event. It turns out a film crew was also there, and this is going to be a commercial (though I cannot say what for yet). So for about seven hours we got beat down alongside a celebrity for this custom GORUCK event with a film crew following along. I got to meet the founder of GORUCK and some new cadre, got physically hammered, spent the whole day soaking wet and muddy, and had a great time. Despite doing little to no specific preparation for it, I thought I hung pretty well as we did have a handful of people drop out due to the intensity.

Today I had to call off work again as I am sick from being wet in under 40 degree weather all day and feel like hammered dog poop but it was an awesome experience and I am glad I did it. I think the rest of the week might be rest days...

(Once the commercial is available I will share it here.)

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Well I did something a tad foolish yesterday.

On Tuesday I learned that there was a free custom GORUCK Light outside of Dayton, OH for veterans only. Though I at first attempted to be boringly practical about it, thanks to my wife I convinced myself to pull the trigger on it.

So yesterday, I called off work, woke up at 0200 hours, and made over a 500 mile round trip to participate in the event. It turns out a film crew was also there, and this is going to be a commercial (though I cannot say what for yet). So for about seven hours we got beat down alongside a celebrity for this custom GORUCK event with a film crew following along. I got to meet the founder of GORUCK and some new cadre, got physically hammered, spent the whole day soaking wet and muddy, and had a great time. Despite doing little to no specific preparation for it, I thought I hung pretty well as we did have a handful of people drop out due to the intensity.

Today I had to call off work again as I am sick from being wet in under 40 degree weather all day and feel like hammered dog poop but it was an awesome experience and I am glad I did it. I think the rest of the week might be rest days...

(Once the commercial is available I will share it here.)
Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Black on Oxygen. 3 rounds with 24kg, total time 22 minutes. 90 one arm swings and about 1.5 miles ran.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Max strength session this AM. 3 work sets of press (100#), 1 work set of trap bar deadlifts (215#).

Bodyweight pull-ups and the McGill core circuit in the PM.

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

20 mile ruck march in 6:50. Lots of rain and a few bathroom breaks

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Re: Grouchyjarhead Training

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Having some right ankle issues after the last march, possibly pushed it a bit too much so easy week right now.

Got suckered into a 1000 rep in 7 days challenge, specifically "Peter Parkers" as below. Left/right counts as one.

Did 80 this morning, doing more tonight. 80/1000.

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