Base building approach

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Base building approach

Post by Tyr0331 »

Been a year since my last base building, coming off an Op I/A cycle with cooler weather, figured it would be a great time to start another base building cycle. Going with the standard SE approach. For the first five weeks on SE days I plan on using kettlebell/bodyweight movements(Pat Flynn), S&S, and the ETK snatch ladder. On tap for endurance will be LSS/doubles (runs, assault bike, rowing, and the occasional ruck). Just have to plan it out based on weekly schedule. Priority goes to runs and rucks. Week six will start fighter template for MS and sled movements for HIC

Few questions:

For the guys that use the Pat Flynn KB workout arsenal, how do you program it? Just pick one randomly? There’s over 100 on the link I got from Barkadion

Would like to start getting some BJJ training sessions in, took off all summer, should I just add these in as 2x/days wherever possible, or just wait until base building is over? I know my body well enough to know when I’m overtraining, but don’t want to screw up any of the science of building a solid base for cardio by training too much. I also don’t want to count it as a day of E. Weeks 6-8 I can possibly count it as HIC

Any input appreciated

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Re: Base building approach

Post by Tym87 »

If you want to train BJJ, train BJJ. Don't let base building stop you from training! If anything drop your BB sessions to 30 min only or on the days you train. Your Base building should help your BJJ, not delay or interfere with it. Ageless Athlete I think touches on this, but if you are doing 30 minutes of E, 3 times a week you should be fine to still train BJJ.

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Re: Base building approach

Post by Tyr0331 »

Tym87 wrote:If you want to train BJJ, train BJJ. Don't let base building stop you from training! If anything drop your BB sessions to 30 min only or on the days you train. Your Base building should help your BJJ, not delay or interfere with it. Ageless Athlete I think touches on this, but if you are doing 30 minutes of E, 3 times a week you should be fine to still train BJJ.
Thanks for the input. Yeah I guess wouldn’t make sense to just not train for another eight weeks. Need to read AA next

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Re: Base building approach

Post by Maxrip13 »

We What’s the main aim with your base building and where you plan to go after?

If it’s just a top up to do a yearly revisit then just do the bare minimums and train Bjj.

If you want to push the SE volume it will be harder but you can still work around it.

Work out your focus and then prioritise those sessions and just visit the other stuff that ccasionally over the next 6-8 weeks.

Bjj 1-2 times a week isn’t taxing but if bjj is the focus you may have some issues re: running volume eventually.

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Re: Base building approach

Post by godjira1 »

I am doing a 4 week modified basebuilding block in DEC17 that looks something like this:

5k focus.
(++) Day 1: BJJ
(+) Day 2: Slow E. SE.
(=) Day 3: REST
(++) Day 4: NoGI.
(+) Day 5: Slow E. SE.
(=) Day 6: REST
(+++) Day 7: Intensity E
SE = 3-5 sets of: 8 Pullups, 30 pushups, 30 situps, 30 air squats. 1m rest between sets.
Slow E = 5-7k LSS
Intensity E = 5k timetrial or 400m intervals

I ran a similar one back in April17 with a 4 week block concentrating on 1.5mile timetrial. I felt I didn’t really need to dial back on the BJJ but I did anyway.
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Re: Base building approach

Post by CD51 »

Part of the equation is the intensity of the BJJ sessions. When I trained I went to two different gyms. One was relaxed and very technique focused, generally in full gi. I did not need a recovery day after. The other was a hard session and was certainly an SE training day. Your sessions may or may not be similar.
Looking at your plan I would think about doing BW work before or after the day 4 BJJ class. If the intensity is high enough you may be able to drop the second SE session. This would allow an extra rest day.
4 - BJJ+SE
5 - rest
6 - E intensity
7 - rest

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